Mix/Concentrate - 135 Reviews

Naked Nutrition Pea

Naked Nutrition Pea
Pea and rice are my favorite protein sources when it comes to powders. To me they taste the best and I don't feel gross drinking something that comes from an animal. For the record milk has grossed me out since I was a kid and I will never get over thinking about what it actually is, and how unbelievably unnatural it seems for one species to drink another species milk.

Anyway, this is made from peas, and just peas. Guess what, it tastes like peas. If you use water as a mixer it can be a little bitter. I tried it with water as well as almond milk, and I enjoyed the later much more. Listen, I know mushy peas are the worst vegetable on the Thanksgiving table, but they are much better in this form. It's the texture that makes them gross. I swear. Just buy something like this instead of whey protein, you'll feel better about your choice.
Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/21/18, 2:45 PM
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Naked Nutrition Energy Fruit Punch

Naked Nutrition Energy Fruit Punch
Oh boy, this one is a doozy! We don't review many non-ready-to-drink beverages, but when a company contacts us about sending samples for review we aren't going to say no. I mean, they are still things you drink, it just takes a little more work on your end. I was really expecting to be sent a one serving sample of this, but Naked were very nice and sent a full sized 1lb container. It is much appreciated.

So it's been a slow Sunday in mid-April and the weather is pure garbage. I had no plans this afternoon, so I decided to go to the gym and take this for a test drive. The directions say to mix one of two scoops into 8oz of water (or your favorite beverage and mix it thoroughly. The nutritional facts say that one serving is two scoops so I did just that. Unfortunately I have to say that it did not taste all that pleasant. The fruit punch flavor was very much overshadowed by the taste of supplements. It's a bit chemically. I would advise someone to mix it into something other than water to avoid that. If I use it again I'm going to try mixing it into some vanilla seltzer, which seems weird to drink before working out. I'm gonna be all burps.

Okay, so the flavor is not all that great. That can be acceptable, as it is a functional product and not meant for the pleasure of one's taste buds. This is some strong stuff though. It's meant to help push you in your workouts and give you “clean” energy. I can attest that it does that very much. I also had some side effects though. Now, it's happened very rarely, but it has happened that I have gotten the “Niacin Flush” from certain strong energy drinks. For those who don't' know what that is, it is when you take too much vitamin B3 and you get warm, look like you have a sunburn, and experience a tingly/burning /itchy sensation. In the past when it has happened It was in my face and top of my head. With this product my whole body felt insane. If I didn't know what it was I would have been highly concerned, searched Wed MD and convinced myself I was dying from some exotic disease. Being in the know, I just went on with my workout and this product definitely pushed me more than I normally would have. I did feel completely crazy the entire time and was just aware of my entire body. Then when I toweled off sweat my body just wanted to be touched more (not like that you creep). I've never taken Ecstasy, but from how I've seen it portrayed in movies and tv, I'm guessing it feels like this to a way crazier extent. Keep in mind I'm not saying this will happen to everyone, but I would suggest starting off with only one scoop and see how that works out for you. I'm going to try again in a few days on my next gym outing and lower my dose and see how that treats me. Hopefully not feeling like a maniac.
Energy Drink, Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Naked NutritionWebsite@nkdnutritioninc
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/15/18, 11:07 AM
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Medifast Dutch Chocolate Shake

Medifast Dutch Chocolate Shake
Just like that we have come to the last submission of the 2017 Shake it Off Challenge. So far the contestants have been decently chocolatey and mostly enjoyable. For this final installment we will visit the shake whose packaging looks the most medicinal. With a name like Medifast and the Caduceus logo how can one not think of a doctor's office while drinking this? I understand that they are trying to show how healthy this beverage is and show that it is recommended by physicians, but the symbolism has me expecting this to taste like garbage medicine. Sometimes you hate when your expectations are met. This is clearly my least favorite of the three shakes we reviewed for the challenge. The chocolate tastes fake and chalky (yes I shook it up for as long as recommended). While the other shakes let you feel like you're cheating and drinking some sort of desert, this never lets you forget that it has a function and that is to help you lose weight, which will not be enjoyable. With 14g of protein and 100 calories, it's pretty close to the others in that regard. Unfortunately the taste does not match up.
Diet and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Jason Draper on 1/29/17, 7:02 AM
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Nutrisystem Nutricrush Chocolate Shake Mix

Nutrisystem Nutricrush Chocolate Shake Mix
Round two of the 2017 Shake It Off Challenge has begun, and I have to say I think we have a contender on our hands. Nutrisystem is a long running company and they have had that time to perfect the “diet' shake powder. This is downright delicious. This is the kind of thing that would make dieting easy. I'm not even on a diet and I want to drink these all of the time because it tastes great and there is no guilt in consuming it. What other chocolate beverage can say that?

It is ridiculously creamy and it tastes like decent chocolate, not like garbage chocolate that you would swear is actually more plastic than food. There is some stevia and monk fruit extract in here as well as fructose to sweeten it, but none of them interfere with the chocolate taste. That is a feat onto itself. The numbers for this are less than the Wonderslim. It has 13g of sugar with 150 calories, but with this you will recognize the names of more of the ingredients, and you can't argue with that flavor. I personally feel much better drinking this than the competitor.

We have one more contestant in this game. Will Nutrisystem remain on top, or will they be ousted? Only time will tell.
Diet, Milkshake and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Jason Draper on 1/17/17, 11:43 AM
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Wonderslim Pudding/Shake Chocolate Cream

Wonderslim Pudding/Shake Chocolate Cream
We were contacted to participate in the 2017 “Shake it Off” challenge, where the company sent us three different shake mix products and we are to write about them and compare them. While they are a couple years too late for the name of the challenge to be timely, I'm always up for a challenge, especially when chocolate is involved. Do you think Taylor Swift's legal team is going to get involved? They are quite litigious, right? Did I make that up?

For my first tasting I'm going with the WonderSlim Chocolate Cream. This is a meal replacement powder that can be made into a shake, or pudding. The outcome just depends on how much water you add to the powder. Whichever way you choose to consume this it has 15g of protein, 24 vitamins and minerals and comes in at only 100 calories. There are A LOT of ingredients in here. Most of which I have never heard of before. I'm sure they all serve some sort of dietary purpose, but I still get wary when there are so many hard to pronounce things in my food.

Flavorwise this has a nice chocolate taste to it, but unfortunately there is an undertone of diet-ness due to the sucralose used as one of the sweeteners. While you're drinking it, you don't really notice it too much, but a little while after you swallow that unmistakable flavor starts taking over your mouth. If the sucralose were not present this would be downright delicious. It is slightly chalky, but nothing too terrible and it's easy to look past that.

Overall this is better than I would have expected from a company named WonderSlim.
Diet and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Jason Draper on 1/10/17, 2:41 PM
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Pearl Soda Company Soda Syrup Blue Mountain Sunshine (Black Tea + Lemon)

Pearl Soda Company Soda Syrup Blue Mountain Sunshine (Black Tea + Lemon)
Is this the long lost Arnold Palmer pop? Kind of. In its most core sense it is until you realize that some time and love went into crafting this syrup. Taken directly from their website:
Bold, black tea from India the Nilgiri Blue Mountains of India blended with lemongrass and lemon myrtle

That's not messing around, man. That's not some garbage, every day black tea and some lemon squeezed over a cinder block into a cup. This is real. You can taste that it's different, too. This is not me being a snob, you actually can taste that it's different. It's not "just" anything.

You want to impress someone who likes to drink Half and Half, you buy them a bottle of this. Sure, they've got to have seltzer on hand but it's a small price to pay for such a quality drink.
Mix/Concentrate and Soda Pop
Pearl Soda CompanyWebsite@PearlSodaCo
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/22/16, 9:47 AM
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Pearl Soda Company Soda Syrup Dancing Dragon (Sarsaparilla Puerh)

Pearl Soda Company Soda Syrup Dancing Dragon (Sarsaparilla Puerh)
If you're looking for a natural tasting beverage this is certainly for you. I don't know what this has to do with a dragon, dancing or not, but what I do know is that it tastes like someone made a soda out of throat coat tea and it's a little much. I like sips of this drink. I've been nursing the glass I made for the past 45 minutes. If I take tiny sips it's enjoyable, but if I drink too much at once it becomes a bit too overpowering and medicinal. If you're not familiar with throat coat (which is absolutely wonderful hot) imagine chewing on a licorice stick (the plant not the candy) while drinking some black tea. It's pleasant and helps your throat. It's not quite the same in soda form but it is a re-imagining of a classic soda.
In here the tea is a mixture of pu-erh (fermented tea)and yerba mate. The rest of the flavor comes from a combination of sarsaparilla root and honeybush. It kind of tastes the way a natural market smells. Take that as you will. To me it's not bad thing, but it certainly is unique. Out of all of these tea sodas, this is the one that is certainly not for everyone.
Iced Tea, Mix/Concentrate and Soda Pop
Pearl Soda CompanyWebsite@PearlSodaCo
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/15/16, 9:44 AM
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Pearl Soda Company Soda Syrup Lime Twist (Greenbush Citrus Ginger)

Pearl Soda Company Soda Syrup Lime Twist (Greenbush Citrus Ginger)
When a representative from the Pearl Soda Company emailed us about sending us samples to review their products I was traveling and it wasn't until after I hit send on a message giving them my address that I realized, “Are we even going to be able to use these syrups in their proper fashion?” I had no idea if these were the type of soda concentrate that bars and restaurants used in their guns or what. I decided that instead of writing them back I would just figure it out when the samples arrived.

As soon as I opened the package I knew everything was going to be just fine. I mean look at those fancy little bottles. They look so classy. I ran out to the store and bought a bottle of plain seltzer water and got to mixing. Now normally the recommended amount of concentrate/flavoring is on the duller side of flavor town, but I mixed it as prescribed and it tasted great right off the bat.

I guess I should have stated that these are tea infused flavored syrups. I've never tried anything like it before and they are fantastic. This lime twist is made with greenbush tea with ginger, lime, lemongrass and lemon myrtle mixed in. The results are a concoction that tastes like a lemon-lime ginger ale that was specially made just for you. Underneath it all is a faint tea flavor that simply adds to the experience. Who needs to go to an overpriced bar, filled with turds who you would never interact with in any other scenario, when you can pretend to be your very own mixologist at home. I drank this with just seltzer water, but I can only imagine that people would love it with booze mixed in. I personally think that would be sacrilege and detract from a wonderful beverage.
Pearl Soda CompanyWebsite@PearlSodaCo
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/6/16, 4:40 PM
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Karma Wellness Water Probiotics Blueberry Lemonade

Karma Wellness Water Probiotics Blueberry Lemonade
Blueberry lemonade. I've got to say, it's good. I like mixing it. I like shakin' it up. I like(d) drinkin' it up. That's all that you need from me? Wait wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut? You want a review? People still come to this site expecting reviews? I tell stories, man. Yesterday was the fourth of July and like ten people made a whirlpool in my cousin's pool. It was awesome. Is that what you want? I've got plenty of these. I've got plenty but I guess you don't want that. You want me to say things like, "This isn't gross. This actually tastes like blueberry lemonade. I've never had blueberry lemonade and I think it would be sourer but taste similar. It kind of tastes like if they made a blueberry lemonade Gatorade. Three thumbs up. Would drink again."

I thought you wanted more from me. I'm more than a great product reviewer. I've got skills and traits you don't even know about. We're growing apart. I think we need to see other people and I'm going to start with that chick with the cool boobs over there.
Lemonade and Mix/Concentrate
Karma Wellness WaterWebsite@drinkkarma
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/5/16, 1:00 PM
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Orgain Organic Meal Creamy Chocolate Fudge

Orgain Organic Meal Creamy Chocolate Fudge
I have decided to make some changes and go on an liquid diet. Not the liquid diets that your fat secretary does when they say that they're going to drink the pain of still living at home at 47 away. The kind where you realize that your metabolism just isn't what it used to be. I'm going to do this for as long as I can and will update this review daily so let's get the review out of the way and leave the daily masochism to the people who love reading.

This is chocolate. I wouldn't really accept "fudge" as anything but an extra word that doesn't mean anything. Fudge is thick. This is watery. You mix it with water and it doesn't thicken up. Sure you can mix it with milk or almond milk if you're trying to be healthy, but when you mix with water, it doesn't thicken up. It's fine and I've now tried it iced with admittedly too much water and ice and with the minimum requested amount of water and it tastes the same; watered down chocolate milk. I'm reluctant to even say "chocolate milk" but "chocolate water" makes me want to barf so I didn't type it...until now. I don't foresee any problem drinking/eating only this for the next several days, though. I assume it will become expectant and boring but it is not bad. It doesn't taste "healthy" but it does have a bit of that "Erythritol" taste to it. I don't dislike that, as I have mentioned in my many previous, Erythritol ridden drinks.

Moving forward will be my experience with my first supplement only life. Wish me luck and enjoy my impending sorrow.


Two-ish weeks or until the container is gone. Monday, June 20th to Friday, June 1.


Ingest only this. If I find myself needing food, I will allow raw almonds. Tons of water and unsweetened tea are the only other acceptable things. I have a show this Saturday which I might have to "break" but that's just so people don't think I'm crazy.


I am a thirty four year old male. I love food. I don't eat like an ignoramus but I don't eat smart a lot. I eat a lot of tacos, chicken, and hot dogs. I love a good meal. I like spending good money and getting a good meal in return. I go to nice restaurants and enjoy them and I go to bad restaurants and enjoy them. Food is food and I am aware of the context of the quality and accept all of it. I have gained weight slowly but surely over the years and need a control. I need discipline. I snack a lot. Not unhealthy stuff; almonds and maybe a dozen M&Ms per day, nothing that's going to welcome diabetes with open arms. I go to the gym rarely because I'm too tired from live, work and raising two kids. Anyone who has kids should never blame anyone for not going to the gym and anyone who doesn't have kids doesn't understand and should not have an opinion whatsoever. My fiancè tells me this is not a good idea and that "this isn't how you do it." I half agree but the other half needs a fixed, strict regimen or I will stray. "This and nothing else." is simple and there is no gray area.

Day 0

Today, Father's Day, is the last day I will eat food for a while. In typical Mike fashion, I did not eat terribly well. Breakfast burrito, two hot dogs, slice of pizza. Not all my eating is that bad and American, but today it was. Today I clocked in at 156.7. I am not happy about it but that's why we're doing this.

Day 1

Success. I didn't think it was going to be bad but towards the end of the day I felt a little spacey. I had band practice and that distracted me from being hungry. Breakfast to lunch was alright. Lunch to dinner was rough. I started getting headaches around four. I'm going to try to not eat lunch until later. I find it strange to not just grab something to eat when I'm hungry. It's clearly a habit and I'm realizing that quickly. I am also seeing food everywhere. In my house. In advertisements. I'm starting to think about restaurants I haven't been to in a long time. I didn't see that coming. I mixed a handful of different percentages. I did a full eight ounces and that was fine. I mixed like five ounces of water with a bunch of ice and that's much better. It takes me longer to drink and that helps.

I weighed in at 153.7. I doubt that I lost three pounds and there has to be some sort of other factor. I don't trust that.

Day 2

I'm getting irritable. Between personal issues, issues with my brat kid, issues with my car and the fact that I haven't eaten anything in two days I am getting sick of things quickly. I still find myself thinking out of nowhere things like, "I would love to go to Swiss Chalet." which is a normal occurrence but typically not in the middle of nowhere. I'm not exactly "weak" but I am tired. I fight hunger and fight the urge to "just eat an apple" but I'm holding off. I could eat an apple. These are my rules but I'm not. I'm still not sick of the drink and I'm getting a good blend down. I actually look forward to it because I know that my body needs food. It actually makes me happy to know that I can eat soon and don't mind that it's the same thing I've eaten for the past six meals. It's my sustenance and it's all I've got. I weighed in at 152.6.


Day 3

I was two hours late for dinner due to a busy life and nearly knocked everyone out. I was at my parent's house, filled with food and had to leave. Everything looks good. Everything tastes good. I'm questioning why I am doing this more every day. I love food. I want to eat. I'm hungry and I am coming to the realization that it's alright to be hungry. It't not OK to be starving but it's alright to be hungry. I don't need to instantly quench my hunger. I'm down to 150.8. That's six pounds. That's basically a child's bowling ball in three days. I can't tell where it's going or where it's coming from.
Diet and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Organic Erytritol
Mike Literman on 6/20/16, 10:40 AM
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Karma Wellness Water Probiotics Berry Cherry

Karma Wellness Water Probiotics Berry Cherry
I enjoy the powder much more than the concentrate but this one didn't taste as much like Flintstone vitamins as I would have liked. It was not bad but it was just not what I thought. It was actually like a dark, sweet juice more than a water. I don't know what the line is between water and juice but if you gave this to one hundred people, I would say that everyone would call it a juice.

Karma is good at coming up with new flavors and this is good. It's not anything special. It's not a flavor that you haven't had before but they are always coming out with something new. This, if anything, is a nice, familiar juice that is low in calories and high in probiotics. That's a win, right? What more could you ask for? If you say anything you should not be so greedy. I already told you that Karma comes out with new stuff all the time. Jeez.
Juice, Mix/Concentrate and Water
Karma Wellness WaterWebsite@drinkkarma
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/20/16, 6:41 AM
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H2PRO Immune Health Flavorless

H2PRO Immune Health Flavorless
Do I love my guts? I think so. I eat yogurt. That's the epitome of loving and taking care of your guts? I feel like living in Buffalo I do my fair share of loving my guts by eating rotten cheese in the form of bleu cheese. Is that enough? Yogurt and bleu cheese? It's not? I've got to do more?! What kind of time do you think I have? Oh, a packet of stuff I can mix into a bottle of water? Great.

Wait...you said this was flavorless. It tastes the way melting plastic smells. That is quite flavorful, actually. I filled up a sixteen ounce bottle and took three giant chugs to finish it. Now my mouth is cold. It tasted like it was numb when I tasted it. Now it's just strange like I just swished with Stevia. Why would I do that? Swishing with sugar or a sugar-like substitute? Do I hate my teeth? No. I take good care of those puppies like I do, or thought I did, of my guts.

I might be getting stronger or at least more resistant to the outside forces with each sip of this and there are nutritional values like a ton of vitamin C and D but is it worth it? Probably. All that bleu cheese might be clogging my blood vessels and pores.
Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/8/16, 8:42 AM
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H2PRO Bone and Joint Health Flavorless

H2PRO Bone and Joint Health Flavorless
Apparently flavorless is code for this tastes the way a dentist office smells; sterile and chalky. It's all calcium citrate malate, malta dextrin, dimagnesium malate, silica and cholecalsiferal and no fun. At least it serves the purpose of helping with bone and joint health.
Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/28/16, 11:10 AM
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H2PRO Bone and Joint Health Lemonade

H2PRO Bone and Joint Health Lemonade
This could not have shown up in my life at a better time. I've had tennis elbow for going on two months now, and somehow in the past two weeks I have messed up both my knees. I don't know what I'm doing to myself, but I'm falling apart. Now I have H2Pro to help me through it. I don't know if my elbow is finally healing, and my knee brace is working, but after a couple of days of drinking this I see to be doing a bit better. In other good news this actually tastes pretty good. It's a powder mix, but it has a strong lemon flavor and that same lemon helps fight off the stevia flavor, while still letting it sweeten it up a bit. I actually enjoy sipping this and I'm not chugging the whole thing just to get it over with. It's simple and nice tasting, while being functional. I don't know what the next trauma to befall my body will be, but hopefully this will help fix me up before whatever it is happens.
Diet, Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 5/17/16, 10:38 PM
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Mobius Breakfast Drink Mix Dark Chocolate

Mobius Breakfast Drink Mix Dark Chocolate
Whenever meal replacements are advertised, why is it that breakfast is always the meal that is being replaced? Are people really that busy in the morning that they can't whip something up quick, or at a minimum spend the two minutes eating a bowl of cereal? I'm kind of a mess if I don't have my oats and honey cereal in the morning, but I think that has more to do with routine than actual eating. To me breakfast is the easy meal. If I had to choose a meal that I would need a quick replacement for it would be lunch. I'm always busy with work or some project in the middle of the day and I always go for a quick option.

So yeah, Mobius is supposed to be for breakfast, but I broke the rules and had it for lunch. Now I knew there was coconut milk in this, but what I didn't know was that the coconut flavor was just about as strong as the chocolate flavor. I take that back the coconut flavor is the strongest flavor in here and it tastes like toasted coconut, which I kind of hate, so instantly this drink is not for me. It tastes like someone liquefied toasted coconut and then added cocoa powder to it, which I guess is what this is if you take out all of the other vitamins and nutrients, which there is a lot of. This has 20g of protein, it's dense in micronutrients, it had medium chain triglycerides as well as nootropics and 100mg of caffeine. I have no idea what most of that means, but I guess it means it has everything you need for a nutritious breakfast (lunch). It uses a blend of sugar and stevia to cut down on calories, and I will say that it is the way to go if you're looking for a healthier drink that doesn't taste completely diet. I also just saw that this has gelatin in it, so I consumed that when I normally don't. Thanks for that.

If you really like coconut and don't' like preparing breakfast drink this. If you're like me and dislike toasted coconut give the rest of the packets you have to a friend like Mike, who will enjoy it more.
Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/17/16, 10:27 PM
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Aspen Maple Bacon Hot Chocolate

Aspen Maple Bacon Hot Chocolate
You might think this was a good idea if you're one of those dudes who makes pant tents for bacon but if you are a regular person, this is vile. Woah. This is gross. It smells like salt and smoke flavoring and "regular" hot chocolate. When you taste it, you thank your lucky stars that it doesn't taste as bad as it smells. It smells like fake bacon and tastes like fake smoke and has entirely too much salty saltiness.

This is a bad idea that went too far. Reign it in, Aspen.
United States
Mike Literman on 12/17/15, 3:20 PM
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Nestle Abuelita Mexican Hot Chocolate

Nestle Abuelita Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican hot chocolate; one of those items on a menu that I cannot not buy. I've spent money on Mexican hot chocolate that I would be skeptical about buying an actual meal. You know the phrase, "If you have to know, you can't afford it." That does not apply for Mexican hot chocolate.

I spent around $12 on two boxes of this anticipating the spicy hotness of chili and cinnamon. I was let down. Why? This hot cocoa is chililess. Sans-chili. Unspicy. If you ordered this at an Indian restaurant and they asked you how spicy do you want this, you would say, "No spice."

Sure there is an adorable grandma on the box. I do not believe for a second that she made this for you or me. She would have made it with some zip. She would have made it the way they made it in the "old country." It's fine, though. It's got a little cinnamon and might be less chocolatey than a hot chocolate that you're used to. More milky with a cinnamon taste with a medium to light amount of chocolate. It's good. Not spicy but good.

I just realized that this whole time I made a mistake. I like "Aztec Hot Chocolate" not "Mexican Hot Chocolate." And you consider me a professional. I suck.
Mike Literman on 11/30/15, 10:25 AM
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Ikea Saft Rabarber Rhubarb

Ikea Saft Rabarber Rhubarb
Sure this expired almost two years ago. Sure I am the one to drink it. I don't want to say that my standards are higher than Jay's, but I will say that I throw caution to the wind a little sooner when it comes to expiration dates. Also, what can go bad, right? It's just concentrated fruit juice.

Since this had sugar in it, I knew that I didn't have anything to worry about. Rhubarb is a bitter thing, man. This was well sweetened because it had an adequate amount of sugar and a minimal amount of that bitterness. It's actually pretty darn good. A four to one, water to concentrate makes it and then you're done. I thought it was a regular drink and then I saw there were directions and was honestly a little disappointed. Not in the fact that it was "more work" but just that I wanted to drink it and call it a day. Now I've got an eighty percent full container of mix that will probably go to waste since no one else will touch it because it's so old. Such is the life of a drink mix in the presence of people who care about expiration dates.
Juice and Mix/Concentrate
Mike Literman on 10/21/15, 12:58 PM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Tea of a Kind Peach Ginger Black Tea

Tea of a Kind Peach Ginger Black Tea
There was a brief period a couple of years ago where vitamin drinks with a powder/concentrate stored in the cap were all the rage. The idea behind it was that it kept the vitamins fresh and more potent. Mostly they ended up tasting like Flintstone chewable vitamins, and while I can't vouch for their potency, they were fairly tasty and there's an element of fun in watching it mix.

This is the first time I have experienced an iced tea in this format and as expected there was no vitamin flavor at all. After I twisted the cap (and was surprised by the force of the propulsion of the flavor concentrate shooting down into the base) I was greeted by a nice peach ginger taste. There was zero burn from the ginger, but the peach did not taste candied like a lot of teas of that flavor do. This is sweetened with a mixture of cane sugar and stevia, but it's not obvious from the taste. I more than likely wouldn't have guessed that a zero calorie sweetener was involved at all if I hadn't read it on the label.

This may not be a perfect tea, but it's as close as your going to get with a a mixture and not something that has been freshly brewed.
Iced Tea and Mix/Concentrate
Tea of a KindWebsite@TeaofaKind
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/18/15, 9:22 AM
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VBlast Dragonfruit

VBlast Dragonfruit
"What happened to the powder?" sounds like something a cocaine addict would say but instead, I am saying that about what I thought was in the cap of the VBlast stuff. "What happened to the powder?" I exclaimed at work as I punctured the cap residing receptacle and liquid came out. I wanted to shake endlessly but instead, all I got was an instantly mixed diet drink that tastes roughly like every other "red diet" drink I've ever had. I've eaten a dragonfruit…₮ÂĶa real one. I paid over seven dollars for it and at that price, I shall never forget it. This might not even have it in there. It just tastes like some drink an eighties receptionist would give to you if she offered you juice and really just gave you, generously, a glass of Crystal Light.

Thank you, Sharon, but I need dat powder. It's the eighties and I've got on a houndtooth sport coat, jeans and have a craving for nose candy if you know what I mean.
Juice, Mix/Concentrate and Water
United States
Mike Literman on 9/4/15, 1:48 PM
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