Buchulife - 4 Reviews

Buchulife Sparkling Herbal Water Natural

Buchulife Sparkling Herbal Water Natural
Mike's son, Max, refers to carbonated drinks as spicy water. That boy has apparently never had a bottle of Buchulife before. If he had he would know that this is the true spicy water. It's not spicy in a heat sort of way, but in a way that it smells as tastes of spice.

Out of everyone I had try this, I am the only one who actually enjoyed it. Friend of the site Dave said that it taste like carbonated anise water. While I don't agree, I can see where he's coming from. Mike says that it tastes like trees, and I can also see where he is getting that. This is herbal infused seltzer water, and the herbs give it a very specific taste that I simply can't place. It is also unsweetened, which lets all the weird flavors shine even more. It has a little bit of an anise flavor, but then again it also has the coolness of mint without any actual mint flavor. It's an odd taste for sure, but it's something that I enjoy more and more with every sip.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/8/13, 10:33 AM
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Buchulife Sparkling Herbal Water Lime

Buchulife Sparkling Herbal Water Lime
I don't know about lime but I do know that this might taste like the leaves of the tree a lime came off of. Those South African's must have an odd palate because this tastes like it most certainly comes from the earth and not much else. It's not bad but it most certainly has to have a specific set of people that either like it or hate it. I drink it because I "have" to. That's not to insult the company because this drink may not be bad but I know that they are not catering to the masses with this one. It tastes like your drinking juiced leaves. Some people who read that might think that appeals to them when the rest, most of the population I presume, think that is gross.

For what it's worth, this cannot be that bad since I've finished the whole bottle and fans of the site know that I don't care if I have to stop drinking something that is not good. Why torture myself? It's not needed if it's not needed, you know? I didn't need to drink this entire bottle but I kept coming back for more. I don't know if it was the strange nature of the drink but as I progressed through the bottle, I became more immune to it's nature-nature and started enjoying it for what it was; a quasi-lime flavored seltzer water.

If you don't want to try something new, that's fine but if you are a [wo]man of adventure, try this out. Try it when you are hiking because you will certainly be welcomed with open arms by Mother Nature and her tree trunk arms. That's not a fat joke. I feel like Mother Nature's figure is much like those scrawny women who hula hoop in your local park at dusk.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/29/13, 2:29 PM
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Buchulife Sparkling Herbal Water Cranberry

Buchulife Sparkling Herbal Water Cranberry
Part of being a Thirsty Dude is having a beard. It's a light pre-requisite and since we're currently not looking to fill any slots, you can stop filling out that resume. Thirsty Dudes aside, I would still have a beard unless I want to look ten years younger. Since I don't care as much as I probably should about my physical appearance, I have a beard. I grow it out and shave it down and grow it out and shave it down. When it is long, you have to take care of it or you look like a regular old scumbag. I have a medicine cabinet filled with oils, pomades, and waxes to help my hairy buddy look his best.

Now why did I just spend the last couple minutes talking about beards? It's simple, actually. It is because this drink tastes a little bit like a tea tree oil that I use in m' beard. It's very peculiar. It's got a little bit of a mintiness that tastes like when you were a kid and thought that Huck Finn looked cool while he had that wheat in his mouth so you put it in your mouth and it tasted like fresh cut, minty grass. Yes, there is cranberry in there but you are distracted by the other stuff that is going on in there.

I am not well read. I will admit it. I feel like I can grow a wonderful beard. Whether or not I look good with it is a totally different issue that we will undoubtedly handle in another, if not many other reviews. I urge you to try this because it's so strange, so very strange.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/20/13, 10:53 PM
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Buchulife Sparkling Herbal Water Black Currant

Buchulife Sparkling Herbal Water Black Currant
Sparkling waters are generally not my thing. The carbon dioxide in the bubbles does something to the flavor that does not work well with my palate. It just makes the water dry and I want to say bitter, even though I know that is not the right word.

Knowing what my body does and does not like I went into this expecting to drink a few sips and then discarding the rest. The actuality of it is that I ended up drinking the entire bottle and really enjoying it. This is not your normal sparkling water. It has a nice light black currant flavor that is a little more than a hint, but nothing close to overbearing. I've had flavored sparkling water before and it still always has that distinct flavor that I can't get down with. Since that flavor is very underplayed in this beverage I have to attribute it to the Buchu Oil. Of course you've never heard of it before, neither had I. It's an extract from a South African Herb that is packed with antioxidants. It works wonders.

For those of you out there like myself who's body craves carbonation to scratch their throat at times, and don't want all of the sugar from soda, yet have a distaste for seltzer and tonic waters, this is the solution you've been looking for.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/8/13, 11:45 AM
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