Harmless Harvest - 3 Reviews

Harmless Harvest 100% Raw Coconut Water

Harmless Harvest 100% Raw Coconut Water
This is my second go at Harmless Harvest's raw coconut water. When I tried it for the first time, it apparently had been mistreated, temperature wise, at some point in its travels and it had started to spoil/turn. Note to all of you reading out there, if you get a coconut water that fizzes when you open it, dump that little guy right down the drain. I assure you it will taste completely horrible.

Now that I have a bottle that is fresh, and whose molecular makeup hasn't changed, I'm ready to drink up. If you have ever spent far too long trying to open up a coconut you found on the beach with improper tools, then you will remember this taste from your payoff. There is no other way to describe this other than to say it tastes fresh. Over the years I have tasted dozens of different coconut waters and this is the finest I've drunk. It has a certain sweetness to it that is long in the processing the other companies use. It's a sweetness that is appreciated. You see most companies pasteurize their products by subjecting them to very high temperatures. In that process the flavor is changed and nutrients are destroyed. To keep things pure Harmless Harvest presses the coconuts with thousands of pounds in order to eliminate the bacteria that pasteurization kills off. The results are much tastier with higher health benefits. It's a win-win that you should become a part of.
Harmless HarvestWebsite@HarmlessHarvest
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/23/13, 1:51 PM
Direct Link

Harmless Harvest 100% Raw Tea Unsweetened

Harmless Harvest 100% Raw Tea Unsweetened
Holy greens Batman! The freshness in this tea is absurd. The flavor is as if you picked some tealeaves from the plant and started chomping away on them. That's right this raw tea tastes like plants. Whether that is a good thing or not depends on you, the drinker. I know this would be a huge turnoff to a lot of people out there, but at the same time I understand the allure for others. I'm personally not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, I appreciate the freshness and think it's great that such a thing exists, but on the other I kind of feel like a bully held me down and made me eat grass. I'm going to guess that most of you out there are going to pass on this product after reading this review, but for you adventurous ones out there, I say give it a shot. Who knows, maybe it will be your thing.
Iced Tea
Harmless HarvestWebsite@HarmlessHarvest
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/21/13, 4:16 PM
Direct Link

Harmless Harvest 100% Raw Tea Raw Peppermint

Harmless Harvest 100% Raw Tea Raw Peppermint
With cold brew coffee being all the rage these days I'm shocked that this is the first I have heard of what is essentially a cold brewed tea. I mean sure I've heard of sun tea, but that's not something I have ever found for sale in a store.

The tea in this bottle has never been heated, nor has it been dehydrated. It is essentially the freshest tea you will ever have in your life unless you or someone you know picks the tea leaves themselves. So what does the world's freshest tea taste like? Well, it's the smoothest of it's kind that I have ever tried, and that is with only 7g of sugar in it. It's no bitterness to it at all. This is a whole new world of tea, that I appreciated more and more with every sip.

So there you have the base for the tea. Added on top of that is some peppermint leaves that are out of this world ridiculous. As soon as you open the bottle the smell hits you and it hits you hard. I can be a bit iffy about mint in my drinks, as it has a tendency to taste like I'm drinking something with gum in my mouth, but that is simply not the case here. This peppermint tastes the way that tea tree oil smells. Yes, that is a good thing for me. The way the leaves are ground up in here, when you take a sip your lips are coated with a crazy mintiness. It feels like you licked a Lifesaver and then rubbed it all over your lips. Intense.

When I first started this bottle I was unsure how I felt about it, but by the time I was done I was already craving more. There is some magic here, and if you see this in your local grocery, do not pass it up.
Iced Tea
Harmless HarvestWebsite@HarmlessHarvest
United States
Organic Agave
Jason Draper on 11/19/13, 2:10 PM
Direct Link