Lipton - 19 Reviews

Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea Peach

Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea Peach
John learned a lot of worthless stuff in high school. He learned how to sew a plush bear, historical event that won't help anyone outside of a bar league quiz night and what happens when you put vinegar and baking soda together. He always enjoyed science but mixing household events just wasn't enough. He needed something else.

He went home, put on his dad's safety goggles, you know, for safety, and started mixing. He went in the pantry grabbed iced tea mix and a whole peach. He went into the liquor cabinet using the key that he has seen his dad blatantly hide beneath the globe in the living room dozens of times and grabbed seltzer water; something that didn't need to be in the liquor cabinet in the first place and put everything on the table.

He made a glass of iced tea, regular stuff, and hand squeezed a peach in to it and then carefully and delicately poured some seltzer into it. Once combined he took one sip, for science and discovered something very sad. All he had done was recreate Lipton Sparkling Peach Iced Tea. Not a total loss. He did had a nice glass of tea to drink but he also had quite a mess to clean up. Also, he had some 'splainin' to do because when his daddy got home he noticed that some of the seltzer was gone.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
United States
Mike Literman on 6/22/15, 10:00 PM
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Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea Raspberry

Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea Raspberry
Well it turns out this has just been a carbonated tea weekend. On top of that they have both been pleasant to the taste. That's a phrase right? “Oh darling, I truly loved the fancy dinner you took me to. It was just pleasant to the taste.” That sounds like something that somebody who is not me would say. I don't think I've been to a fancy dinner since I won the Pepsi Challenge bowling tournament when I was like 11, so I don't know how people talk when they are at nice meals. I'll assume they say things like that.

While this is pleasant to the taste it is, as Mike said about the lemon variety, strange. It's a lightly sweetened raspberry tea that tastes like it is the stuff they use in their PureLeaf line, but the carbonation just does something weird to it. I do like it, but it somehow takes the tea-ness out of it a bit. This is a nice change of pace from regular soda, and the reduced sugar helps. It's just going to take some time to get acclimated before I can truly enjoy it.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
United States
Jason Draper on 5/30/15, 7:03 PM
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Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea Lemonade

Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea Lemonade
This is strange. There, I said it. It's lemonade and tea, but the sparkles and the sugar are super distracting. It almost gives the entire drink a bitter taste. The tea...what tea? It is sweetened with real sugar and has black tea and lemonade. There are a couple preservatives but not many. There is nothing in it to give it this wonky taste. Lemon juice, actual lemon juice, and black tea are the ingredients. Legitimate. Something is going on in here. It's not good.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
United States
Mike Literman on 2/9/15, 4:37 PM
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Lipton Iced Tea Sparkling Classic

Lipton Iced Tea Sparkling Classic
I love when I'm in another country and I find a product from a company that I am very familiar with that we don't have back home. Most notably are all of the crazy flavors of Coca Cola that are hanging around this planet. Some of ridiculously good, and some are just plain ridiculous.

After spending a week and a half in the UK baffled by not being able to find a single bottle of iced tea, I came across this in Germany. Seriously though, we're talking about a region of the planet that probably consumes more hot tea then the rest of the world combined, and the iced variety is not in corner stores? Ludicrous. This was an exciting find though. Not only would I get my iced tea fix, but I would also get to try it in carbonated form.

For some reason I expected this to taste like Brisk with bubbles, and was greatly pleased to find out that was not the case. It tastes like normal Lipton's lemon tea, except you know…€¦carbonated. I'm sure that is what most of the denizens of this planet would expect this to taste like, but I live in America where corn syrup is king and it leads to gross teas.

I have to admit that the bubbles were a bit weird at first, but by the end of the can I was getting the hang of it. This is something I could definitely get used to. Who knows if it will ever make it to my neck of the woods with this formula though? With my luck it will show up and just be a syrupy mess that will deserve one sip and then an introduction to the filth bin.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
Jason Draper on 5/10/14, 1:47 PM
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Lipton Iced Tea Lemon

Lipton Iced Tea Lemon
This isn't Brisk, it's not PureLeaf and it certainly isn't their 100% natural line. What we have here is just plain old Lipton lemon iced tea. I actually don't think I have ever even seen this before until this bottle made its way into my grubby little hands (okay my hands are actually quite large, which is awkward since my ladyfriend's hands are tiny. I don't suggest this combo).

This doesn't taste all that different from their Brisk line. If anything it tastes like it's homemade from some powdered tea mix. Man, I haven't had that stuff in at least 15 years. I used to get it and make insanely strong/sweet tea that I would always have in my backpack. I bet I couldn't even get a gulp of that stuff down nowadays. This tastes like what that tea would have tasted like had I followed the directions. It's not bad. It's just average. It's like what you would expect to get if they had tea on tap at Applebees or some garbage place like that. Ugh, those restaurants are the worst.
Iced Tea
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 1/9/13, 1:28 PM
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Lipton 100% Natural Honey Peach

Lipton 100% Natural Honey Peach
Do peaches need to shave? No other fruit is hairy. That's where my head goes. I've never been to counseling or to see a therapist and honestly, I think I wouldn't care if I had to go. I'd like to be analyzed. Where do these stories come from that we make up? I'm lumping Jay in this with me because we're on the same page with a lot of things. Peach honey tea that normal people would describe as something like, “it tastes good, peachy, and is lacking a bit of the aforementioned honey taste but still tastes like a decent peach tea.” I go the complete opposite direction and decide to talk about how peaches are the hippies, or me, of the fruit world. Anyone care to diagnose me? Where does that hair go when they make tea? If it's 100% natural you would think that little hairs would get in the drink and make it a little strange. I know they're little but there would be so many in there that it would account for something to eventually get stuck in your teeth. Do they run peach teas through the world's smallest holed filter to eliminate those bad boys? After that do they do something with that hair like make shirts or use them for some strange medicinal purpose? "I only use natural remedies and peach fuzz is great for my arthritis."

Yeah. I'm fine. This tea tastes like you think it would and loses in the non-confrontational battle between the Strawberry Dragonfruit. That's a legitimate/bad review right there.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 9/25/12, 2:25 PM
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Lipton Diet Watermelon Green Tea

Lipton Diet Watermelon Green Tea
I've been sitting on my computer for the past four hours working on a new project. Within that time I have listened to predominately electro-pop like Tesla Boy, Anoraak, Brookes Brothers, and Skinny Puppy "Remission," which could not be further from electro-pop. I'm in a fantastic mood and that's also considering I took ten minutes to walk down the street to see a car chase gone wrong with a criminal crashing into a tree and a cop car crashing into someone's front porch. I'm in the zone (chief) and I could stay up all night and get a good portion of this project done and over with if it wasn't for my better judgment and assumption/guarantee that my son will wake up between 7:30 and 8 in the morning and I will be drained all day.

As I'm working, I'm working on this iced tea. I was stoked to see this in the smaller bottles today instead of those gargantuan, thirty-plus ounce bottles. I had no choice but to fork over a buck and a half and get it. I took one sip and my glee promptly turned into disappointment. Why? Simple. Lipton forgot to add the watermelon. I was so excited to try a watermelon green tea but Lipton, in their haste, forgot to put the watermelon flavor in this. It's got a decent green tea taste and I commend that. It does taste a little diet, which is good considering this is a diet drink sweetened exclusively with sucralose and that stuff is grozz. I have eaten watermelon on numerous occasions and I've got to say that this drink is simply lacking that flavor.

I understand that the two is harsh, but it's partially a punishment for getting my hopes up with the promise of watermelon green tea and also the fact that all the flavors of this line of tea have been great. Bottom rung.
Diet and Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 8/11/12, 1:58 AM
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Lipton 100% Natural Strawberry Dragonfruit

Lipton 100% Natural Strawberry Dragonfruit
Here's what I like: the increase of the use of dragonfruit in drinks. Pitaya kicked it off in my book with their usage of it and now these other guys come along and start integrating it in. I can't help but think that something happened that prompted people to start using it. You know how people say that things "multiply like mice?" Maybe the dragonfruit started spreading out of control like mice trapped in a science classroom over summer vacation. One turns into two, into four, into eight, into sixteen, into thirty-two and so on. I would love a running fruit like this to take over my backyard, honestly. I might and probably am not in the correct zone, but if I was, it could be awesome until it gets out of hand and I've got to call in some big guns to take care of my fruity mess.

Lipton grabbed dragonfruit by the reins and choked the living daylights out of the jerk. This tea, mixed with the strawberry, which tastes like real strawberries and dragonfruit, which tastes like real dragonfruit is a fruit tea lovers dream come true. There is some sort of competition going on between this flavor and a honey peach, which just came out. I don't have to taste that one to know that this will win in my book. You'll probably see that review soon as I purchased both yesterday and actually look forward to proving myself one way or the other.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 7/15/12, 10:09 PM
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Lipton PureLeaf Lemon

Lipton PureLeaf Lemon
Christmas time is upon us. I'm Jewish so you think that I wouldn't care, but I'm a horrible Jew. I don't hate Christmas or ham. I don't like shellfish so that's one in the "Good Jew" column, but I have tattoos and had piercings so that essentially knocks me out of any running to be "Jew of the year." For Christmas, you would typically have snow but not here. Global warming, if it exists, is in full effect. We are two days shy of the big day and there isn't one flake of snow on the ground and I am actually still wearing only a hoodie. I could be prepared if need be, but I simply don't have to worry about it.

It's hardly summer, but it's always a good time for a simple iced tea. That's where this Lipton PureLeaf line comes in. I have thoroughly enjoyed the entirety of this line and this lemon is, I'm assuming, where it all began. It's good. It tastes natural, is natural, and earns the name and the glass bottle it comes in. My boss bought me a titanium straw and I have been using it all day. In preparation for some sort of apocalypse when all plastic is destroyed I've got both a glass and titanium straw within arms reach. Zombies may be able to kill me if I don't get my hands on a machete and a boat, but when they do, I'll have gone out quenched.

Zombies, the elusive "Jew Card", Christmas, review...solid review, Mike. Solid review.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 12/23/11, 3:47 PM
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Lipton 100% Natural Citrus Green Tea

Lipton 100% Natural Citrus Green Tea
I have a love/hate relationship with good common beverages. I hate it because it makes people complacent with what they can get at everyday grocery stores. They won't look elsewhere for new, high quality beverages. It's a jerk move on my part, hence the love/hate part of this review. I love that this drink is out, and that it's good, and that it isn't horrid for you, and that the flavors are actually good. Back to hate. I don't like that this drink is so good that people will potentially run "the small guy" out of business. This drink has the subtle bitterness of green tea mixed with really good lemon and lime flavors. It's exactly what you want it to taste like. Also, the Reb A in there is indistinguishable so haters cannot complain about that. It's used for what it's supposed to be for, cutting calories while simultaneously sweetening the drink.

Lipton, you've done a spectacular job on this. Everything is just as it should be, like when you go to a fancy dinner and all the silverware is in the right place and you actually can't complain about anything. You love to complain about stuff and when you can't, you feel back trying to find things to complain about because for a limited time, everything is alright.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 11/16/11, 10:56 AM
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Lipton PureLeaf Peach

Lipton PureLeaf Peach
Every review we've done for the Lipton PureLeaf line all say basically the same thing: Brisk is absolutely terrible, but Lipton has redeemed themselves with this line. It's repetitive, but true. The Brisk peach tea is basically undrinkable in my eyes. This on the other hand is very nice. I think there could be a tad less sugar, but other than that it's great. It's a nice black tea flavor with a slightly overpowered by an authentic peach taste. There is no peaches listed in the ingredients, but I expect they fall somewhere under the natural flavors. Above that apple juice is listed. Why aren't there more apple teas? That would be great. Get on that Lipton, but make sure it's included in this line.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 8/17/11, 10:00 PM
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Lipton PureLeaf Unsweetened

Lipton PureLeaf Unsweetened
Tonight was my last night on the Night Birds tour. It's been nothing but incredible. The thing is that my sugar intake via beverage has been astronomical. Soda after soda has been poured down my throat. After the show we stopped by a gas station and all I wanted was a nice clean crisp bottle of water. Then this little gem caught my eye. Thank you Lipton for your Pureleaf line. It's so much better than your garbage Brisk. Tonight an unsweetened tea was exactly what I needed. This is a little weaker than a lot of unsweetened teas, and I'm fine with that. Sometimes the bitterness can be a bit much, but this is great.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 6/18/11, 1:13 AM
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Lipton 100% Natural Pomegranate Blueberry

Lipton 100% Natural Pomegranate Blueberry
You've got a great son, Mr. Ziegler. Roy Jr. is a bit high strung at times and often likes to plot other children's demise, but all in all, he's not a bad kid. He's good at math, but not so good at history. He's good at science, but not so good at English.

Reason I called you down here is because of two things. He brought this Lipton 100% Natural iced tea in and passed it around to the rest of the class. Although his sharing is great, it felt almost as if he coerced the other kids into doing it. Like they were doing his bidding. Have you ever noticed that type of behavior before? Like he had taken control of their minds through some sort of magic and was making them take sips from this one bottle. I took the bottle from him and made him finish his work but I've got to be honest with you. The drink, although good, was not the best. I found it lackluster and a bit...forgettable. It was a bit too sweet because of the Stevia. The flavor was alright, but I took a couple sips and never really craved going back to it. I drank it because it was there. That's not really that great? So, why did Roy Jr. tell everyone it was the greatest? You might just want to work on getting him to wash his hands and inform him about the danger of germs.

Second thing is that he brought in this magazine...I can't stop thinking about that magazine. I mean, where did he get it? I can't get those images out of my head.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 6/8/11, 8:45 PM
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Lipton Half and Half

Lipton Half and Half
To whom it may concern,
What are you doing over there? Do you have three separate divisions? Your drinks have completely different flavors. You've got your Joe Shmo brand garbage like Brisk and this half and half which is quite possibly, top five worst half and half's I've ever had, and your TrueLeaf and your new 100% Natural line which are pretty amazing. So what's the deal? Here's what I think.

You've got the classics, the relics, the veterans, and the original line up. These guys are the people that started Lipton. They make stuff the way it should be made; real sugar, actual, real tea, natural flavors. These guys make the TrueLeaf.

You've got the new jacks, the rookies, the kids making the 100% Natural line. It's good for you and has natural sweeteners, which don't taste like liquid sewage and actually let the natural flavors shine through. They utilize the newest technologies and natural ingredients to allow the flavors to act as they should and stay low in calories.

Then you've got the 80's guys. Those jerks. Giant lapels and even bigger hair, these know-it-alls will do anything to turn a buck. Take this half and half, for instance. It's too sweet. It is clearly made from excess or overstock Brisk. Then there is lemonade in there. You can't really taste it, but you are left with the feeling on your tongue like you just drank lemonade but can't taste it. You know they're churning this out by the gallon and those 80's dudes are just sitting on their cigarette boats, blaring Van Halen's "1984" so loud that it's veering the ship off course.

Old dudes and young guns, why do you let yuppie jerks get away with bringing your entire company down? Yes, I understand that they carry the load of the company on their padded shoulders, but don't you want to be known as a quality tea manufacturer rather than a drink powerhouse? It's money versus integrity.

I love a lot of your stuff and I don't like a lot of your stuff. You've released more than any company and you've got a lot coming out all the time. Try and turn down the poor quality stuff and turn up the classic tastes.

Mike of the Thirsty Dudes
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 6/4/11, 10:08 PM
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Lipton 100% Natural Lemon

Lipton 100% Natural Lemon
It's a funny thing, this world that we know as "the land of sweet tea". It's such an easy thing to make but so many companies just lose mama's recipe and make it up as they go along. Mama wouldn't settle for that and if she knew what you were doing, she'd grab you by the ear and make you clean your room and then maybe wash the car. It's cold outside, too, but you have to learn a lesson, because you went and lost that recipe. Even though mama doesn't use recipes anymore since she's been cooking and baking from heart, but it's the principal of it. Mom never loses a single one of your dirty socks, so you should treat her with some respect and not lose her stuff.

Lipton lost mama's recipe for a long time and then found it and have recently been putting out some actual quality product as of late. Between this and the TrueLeaf they are right back on track. This tea is a decent sweet tea. You get a little of cool/sweetness from the Stevia at the very end, but before that, you've got a mass produced, easily findable, sweet tea with a true lemon flavor.

Let's get one thing straight, though. You will not have better sweet tea than you make yourself or get from an old lady in the South, but we have to deal with whatever we're dealt. A couple companies like True Brew have nailed it, but those dudes are from Texas, and they know what they're doing, too.

Want sweet tea? Try it out. You might be impressed. I was but I drink a lot and with the amount of trash that I ingest, I appreciate large companies thinking before they put out a product.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/13/11, 2:56 AM
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Lipton 100% Natural Passion Fruit Mango Green Tea

Lipton 100% Natural Passion Fruit Mango Green Tea
This is Lipton's new "100% Natural" line and I've got to say, bravo. This is actually 100% natural. It has a great flavor and is good for you. I have seen this on sale as of late at top retailers like Target and I hope that it catches on. I have given credit before to Lipton for doing things right for a "big guy". It seems that when companies get larger, they focus more on profits and making things cheaper rather than making a quality product like they used to. Lipton has brought it back around with this and the TrueLeaf stuff, which I absolutely love. With the added sweetness of Stevia, this is a current product with everyone in mind. Everyone can deal with this large bottle clocking in at only 130 calories. This is a lot of tea. It also has a good green tea taste. It's entry level, but good. It's not as harsh as a traditional tea, but it's easily approachable. My mom got this for me for Easter and I think that it's hard to find stuff that I haven't drank, but she found this and I thank her for this.

Mom and Lipton; thank you both. I see that there are a lot more flavors out there for me to try and that pleases me.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 4/28/11, 10:19 AM
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Lipton PureLeaf Raspberry

Lipton PureLeaf Raspberry
Can we all be honest here for a moment? Let's all just admit that the Lipton Brisk line was one of the biggest blunders in the history of tea. Sure it probably made them millions of dollars, but at what cost? A world of children now think that iced tea is actually just sugar water. Seriously brisk doesn't even taste like iced tea. It's just some ghetto sugar drink. It's something you should find in gallon containers at your local mini mart. I need to sit down and look at the ingredients, but I bet there's not actual tea in it at all. Ugh!

Brisk had me turned off from Lipton for years. Yesterday while hiking we stopped at a small town gas station for refreshments. They had one of the worst selections of drinks I've ever seen, but hey it was a very, very small town, so I can't really expect much. I saw this, and I decided to give it a try. I think it may have been the only drink in the place that didn't have HFCS in it. I didn't even see any bottled water there. So I begrudgingly bought this bottle of Lipton PureLeaf. I now have a renewed interest in their company. It's still pretty sweet, but it doesn't taste like sugar water. It actually has tea in it, and that is evident in the flavor. It also has a classic raspberry tea flavor. It was definitely something I enjoyed after a few hours hiking in the snow and watching a cow run full speed. If you have never seen a cow run, you my friend are missing something spectacular.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 2/28/11, 8:55 AM
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Lipton PureLeaf Green Tea with Honey

Lipton PureLeaf Green Tea with Honey
You know...sometimes Lipton does alright by me. Sure, they make Brisk, but someone has to pay the bills, you know? Kids don't want real flavor. They don't know real tea from a hole in the wall. Lipton went ahead and said "Screw the kids, we're making real tea. My dental insurance simply can't cover another dentalotomy" (quote pending) and made the good stuff, and put it in a glass bottle. That means adult. Kids can't handle glass because they're stupid and have slippery hands due to unformed fingers and french fry grease. Adults have all the dexterity that one would need and the taste buds to appreciate time spent on a good drink.

This is good tea. It's got a solid bitterness and when you don't know how far it's going to go, honey jumps in to save the day with it's nice, natural, sweet taste. Yes, there is citric acid in it and you can taste that it has a titch of "lemony" to it, but beggars can't be choosers. I like this and it's a solid alternative to the Lipton sweetened (blue ring) tea. You've got natural sugar, which allows you to appreciate actual flavor. Something those little punks don't know anything about.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 11/29/10, 11:29 AM
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Lipton PureLeaf Sweetened

Lipton PureLeaf Sweetened
Everyone has had Lipton iced tea, but they've got so many different lines that you shouldn't nail them down to the abomination that is Brisk.

This tea is very strong in its black tea taste and is very sweet but doesn't taste terrible. Is that hard to imagine? I know. Nice thing is that this is all natural with not fructose garbage and you can get it anywhere.

Give Lipton another chance. Forget the stuff you've had before and start from scratch.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 9/13/10, 6:41 PM
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