Mangajo - 1 Review

Mangajo Healthy Days Goji-berry & Green Tea

Mangajo Healthy Days Goji-berry & Green Tea
I've been doing way more research than any one person needs to in order to follow the trail of Ecto-Cooler. If you don't remember it I feel sorry for you. It was a flavor that Hi-C put out in the 80's in celebration of the masterpiece that is Ghostbusters. It's the least they could do for the movie changed the entire world. Well my world at least. Either way it was a green citrus juice drink and it was wonderful. Sadly it was discontinued (although brought back for a bit under the name "Shoutin' Orange Tangergreen"). It's probably the drink I miss the most in the world. I might just be feeling nostalgic, but this tastes like Ecto Cooler to me. The Sweet Leaf Citrus Green Tea had me thinking the same thing. Maybe it's just something with green tea and citrus (this has mandarin juice in it). Even without my history of loving Ecto Cooler this drink is incredible. It's some of the best tasting juice tea combos I've ever encountered. Goji Berry is something that I'm going to have to look into more.

Now I feel like I need to watch both Ghostbusters movies for the 900th time in my life. I'm not complaining.
Iced Tea and Juice
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 4/21/11, 11:22 AM
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