Odwalla - 12 Reviews

Odwalla Almond Milk Shake Snickerdoodle

Odwalla Almond Milk Shake Snickerdoodle
You call it snickerdoodle. I call it horchata. This is tastes more like the traditional beverage than it does a fancy cookie I would spend far too much money on in a coffee shop in the late 90s. The difference s is that Instead of rice it's made from almonds and pea protein. It's a tad sweeter than I wanted, but it is flavorful. It goes beyond the "this tastes like the milk left over after I ate cereal" I into more of its own thing. It's vanilla. It's cinnamon. It's almonds. It's quite tasty.
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/24/17, 6:24 AM
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Odwalla Quencher Hotter-Melon

Odwalla Quencher Hotter-Melon
After drinking over 4,000 beverages to review, things can get boring. There is only so much one can say about the same old drinks day in and day out. Sure, I still really enjoy a lot of them, but my inspiration is running dry and that means Thirsty Dudes has slowed down a lot from when we first started seven years ago. I wasn't even looking for something new to review in the grocery store when I found this. I just really wanted some juice. While I'm in this frame of mind I almost always go for a 100% juice, but when you have a bottle of jalapeno watermelon juice staring you down, you settle for the 20% in order to experience the wild ride it's inevitably going to take you on. So, sit down, strap yourself in, crack open the bottle and let the adventure begin.

First off, when I opened this up, I hated the way it smelled. It doesn't smell unpleasant, but it also does not smell how I want a juice to smell. It smells like a liquefied, fruity salad. Lucky for all of us involved it tastes much better than that. The makeup of this juice includes apple, lemon, watermelon, raspberry and jalapeno. The watermelon actually makes up a very small portion of the ingredients, but I'll give it to them for leaning on it to have a great name for the juice. Instead of tasting just like a spicy watermelon juice, this is more of a spicy fruit punch. It is a great fruit punch though, where you can make out the individual fruits used and not just a general hodgepodge of sweetness. I'd also like to note that the spiciness of it is not overwhelming either. The pepper is there as more of a flavor than a heat factor. The more you drink the hotter it gets, but it never gets to a critical level.

This is now someone's favorite drink. It's not mine, but I certainly appreciate it for being something new and unusual. It's not the type of thing that I would drink the entire 15oz bottle of in one sitting, but I have found myself continuously going back to it throughout the day to take a sip here or there. There are different kinds of beverages in the world and this is the kind you sip and ponder.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/3/17, 8:16 AM
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Odwalla Protein Strawberry Protein Monster

Odwalla Protein Strawberry Protein Monster
Are you an adult that loves the taste of Strawberry Quik? Well let me ease that mind of yours and let you in on a little tip that will not only allow you to bath your tongue in the flavor that you crave, but also do it in a healthier manner. You see Odwalla's Strawberry Protein Monster tastes exactly like that treat from your childhood that you miss so dearly. Sure it's a little denser of a liquid, but that is a small price to pay for not looking like you're stuck in arrested development when you're trying to flirt with your cashier at the grocery store. Who could take someone seriously when they are buying a big tin of strawberry powder to flavor their milk? No one, that is who. On the other hand if you were purchasing this beverage, you will appear to have your act together, and it might even get you that cashier's number. Actually don't be the creep that bothers the cashier. They just want to make it through their shift as painlessly as possible. Just drink your strawberry drink and keep to yourself.

Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 9/30/13, 11:08 PM
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Odwalla Flash Pasteurized Orange Juice

Odwalla Flash Pasteurized Orange Juice
I do believe the trickster has been at it again. He certainly must have come in the dead of night and drank my Odwalla orange juice and then replaced it with a lesser juice. That is the only conclusion I can come to since there is nothing spectacular about the contents of this bottle of juice. It's not bad, in fact it's on the higher side of average, but for the cost of it, and the power behind the brand I expected more. In fact I could buy a half-gallon of comparable orange juice for the same price.

When I go out and get one of these “special” juices from companies like Odwalla, Naked or Bolthouse I expect a little pizzazz. I know there are more, better companies, but these are the big names for people to have a point of reference. I expected this to taste like I was biting into a perfectly ripe orange on a warm summer morning. Instead it tastes like every other 100% juice orange juice. Give me more or give me death! Wait, I take it back, I would rather drink this instead of death, because like I said, it's pretty good, just not over the top good like I had wanted/expected.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/9/13, 12:38 PM
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Odwalla Garden Organics Carrot Beet Ginger

Odwalla Garden Organics Carrot Beet Ginger
Vegetable based juices can be fickle things. If they are made fresh it is wonderful. All of the subtle nuances of the vegetables pop out at you, and it just feels like you are doing something healthy and nothing can change that. On the other side of the coin, if they are prepackaged and mass produced to have a longer shelf life the glitter in their eyes fades away and you end up with something that tastes more like soup than juice.

With this product Odwalla is walking a tightrope between the two. It certainly doesn't taste like it was freshly juiced, but it's not quite in soup territory yet. It tastes mostly of carrots and beets, with the carrots giving it that slightly dirty taste, as they are prone to do. There is a slight hint of ginger flavoring, but there is no burn to speak of. Drinking juice that isn't very sweet will probably be a shock for a decent amount of people, and I can't really see this going over too well with the general populace, but there are people out there like myself who will enjoy it, and they should give it a chance.
Juice and Ginger
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/9/13, 11:15 AM
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Odwalla C Monster Citrus C

Odwalla C Monster Citrus C
There are a bunch of fruits on the label of this drink, and even more are listed in the ingredients. There are in fact eight different fruit juices contained in this bottle. With all of that fruit in here why does it only taste like a lightly flavored orange juice? It tastes like really good orange juice, and I enjoy it, but I expected a bit of variety in the world of flavor it contains. The oranges have gentrified this juice. It moved into the neighborhoods where all of these other fruits were living and took it over as if it were it's own. Shame on you oranges…€¦shame.

On the other hand it does have 1500% of the daily value of vitamin C. That will kill the sickness in you. For some reason Odwalla added evaporated can juice to this as well. I don't know why, and I don't approve. It's unnecessary and unwanted in my world. Get rid of it. It's not helping to keep people healthy. Isn't that the point of juices like this?
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 12/30/12, 12:20 PM
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Odwalla Superfood Mo' Beta

Odwalla Superfood Mo' Beta
Sometimes you wake up in the morning and you realize, "Holy crap I'm at the Grand Canyon." Okay, by sometimes I mean once in my life, and by once I mean this morning. I've been waiting to come to the Grand Canyon basically my whole life. I'm an outdoor kid and my favorite place in the world is Letchworth State Park aka the Grand Canyon of the East. Finally I was at the real thing and it melted my brain. I knew it was big, but it was the most expansive thing I have ever seen. Seriously my brains started to leak out of my ears and nose. I think I need to see a specialist.

The thing about the Grand Canyon that you don't think about is that there is nothing really around it, so food is super expensive. I knew I needed to keep up my energy, and seeing as I'm sure as hell not eating at McDonalds (no matter what Mike says) it was either burritos or buying a loaf of bread and peanut butter (the combination of the two which ran me $10). I also picked up this bottle of Odwalla to give me a little pick me up. It was a wise choice. The majority of the flavor came from the oranges, mango and peach in it, but it was the plum that really rounded things out. On a "vacation" where I have been eating fairly terribly it was welcomed to consume something that tasted and actually was good for you. I ate some peanut butter sandwiches, pounded this bottle of juice and then started hiking into the canyon. We made it to the first rest house (1.5 miles) before a lightning storm made us turn back. While I loved the canyon I had no interest in getting burnt to a crisp by natural electricity on the sides of it's walls.
United States
Jason Draper on 7/17/12, 3:48 PM
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Odwalla C Monster Strawberry C

Odwalla C Monster Strawberry C
I always think that Odwalla is on the bottom of the trio of Odwalla, Naked and Bolthouse juices. I call them the big three, because they are the three companies that are readily available pretty much anywhere in the USA. I think I must have always drunk their Super Protein line. I remember the smoothies always being a bit on the chalky side. With the C Monster drinks that is not a problem at all? Do you love orange juice? Do you also have an affinity for strawberries? Then this is the drink for you. There are some grapes and a little apple in here as well, but you don't notice it. All this tastes like it a premium orange juice that has a handful of strawberries blended into it. I bought this because it was on sale for half off, but I think this may have changed my opinion of Odwalla and I'll be checking out their other flavors shortly.
Juice and Smoothie
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 12/24/11, 3:08 PM
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Odwalla Super Protein Mango Protein

Odwalla Super Protein Mango Protein
My ladyfriend and I just went on a decent bike ride. The destination was a waterfall out in a park. When I was little my grandfather took me to the park to play, search for crayfish and to go fishing all the time. The waterfall and people jumping off of it always intrigued me, but then some people died. Since then it has been embedded in my mind that if I jumped I would die. It was so ingrained in my brain that even when I returned as an adult I was filled with a feeling of dread. I'm not one to shy away from cliff or waterfall jumping, but this was my exception.

We went there today just as a destination and some kids were jumping. I decided it was time that I actually faced my fear and I went for it. It was fun. It wasn't all that high, but getting to the jumping spot was a bit tricky. I jumped swam to shore victorious and then hopped on my bike and rode back. That's right waterfall, I beat you and then went home like it was no big deal.

Now I'm back at my place and I need some energy and replenishment. Odwalla sent us a couple bottles of their new flavor, and now seemed like as good a time as any to give it a try. The first thing I have to say is that bananas are one of the most potent flavors ever, and I don't like them. They cut through all most of the flavors in this drink. It was like a mango banana cocktail. It wasn't as horrible as it could be, but it was still noticeable. Also, because this is a protein drink it was pretty chalky. I have now finished the bottle and I really feel like I need to brush my teeth. There is a slight chalky film all over the inside of my mouth.

My story really had nothing to do with this drink, but I just wanted to rub it in that stupid waterfall's nose a little bit more. I'm alive. I win. You're just running water. You lose.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 9/11/11, 7:39 PM
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Odwalla Superfood Berries GoMega

Odwalla Superfood Berries GoMega
You know when you drink something and it feels like it's good for you? That is the feeling I get when I drink this. I'm not usually a big fan of smoothies, but this is really good. Even though it's supposed to be a berry drink, there is a strong pear taste to it after the initial strawberry/blackberry taste.

If I saw this at the store, I probably wouldn't have bought it because I'm don't have a strong taste for berry drinks. My friend Mary Liz came over to work on zines and surprised me with this delicious drink. I'm glad she did because it was really good and energized me though hours of cutting (but sadly no pasting yet).
Juice and Smoothie
United States
No Sugar Added
Derek Neuland on 1/14/11, 5:51 PM
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Odwalla Superfood Original Superfood

Odwalla Superfood Original Superfood
After drinking those Genesis drinks, I was a bit frightened at the potential of this drink. I am not familiar with Odwalla and this was my first go with them. It was very thick and took me a good minute to get it thoroughly mixed up. After my arm was tired and I worked up a good, solid thirst, I took a good drink and it was surprisingly good. It was a good real apple taste, almost like a puree. There are a lot of other flavors there but apple it's the star player.

This would make me want to try other Odwalla drinks.
Juice and Smoothie
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/29/10, 10:14 AM
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Odwalla Summertime Lime

Odwalla Summertime Lime
I must tip my hat to the person/people who named this drink because it's very fitting. I wish I had tried this drink sooner because it would be perfect on a hot day. It's a very refreshing drink. I'm a big fan of limeade and have drunk some really awful ones in the past. This was not the case at all. Drinking this bottle was so pleasurable that I almost forgot to take notes as I was drinking it. This is one of the best limeades I have ever tasted.
Lemonade and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 10/7/10, 2:20 PM
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