Tazo - 15 Reviews

Tazo Sweet Cinnamon Spice

Tazo Sweet Cinnamon Spice
I might have broken the law. If I drink something that's listed to be a hot tea and I drink it iced, it's kind of up to me. If I buy a hamburger and bring it home and put peanut butter and jelly on top and gummy bears on the bottom, I can do that. If I buy a bag of chips and put M&M's in there, I can do that.

This intrigued me because it had oh so many things to enjoy; sarsaparilla, anise, cinnamon and much more. It was good. It was cool and pretty refreshing. It was a bit "rooty" due to, and I'm going to assume, the chicory root. I mention that more as a feature, not a complaint. If I complained about it, it would be something to the likes of, "Ugh, this drink tasted like someone carved it out of a tree." or something way too much since we clearly suck at writing reviews. It's not an overwhelming drink. I know people are pretty black or white on anise but this contains less than you would think, regardless of the gigantic star anise on the box. More like a cinnamon red tea.

This was good, though. I've got nineteen bags left that I don't anticipate gathering dust like some of the other ones I've got up there. It's just different enough that maybe for every five bags of black tea I make, I'll swap in this or the chai black. You've got to keep things fresh, you know? Like when you wear the same socks for four days in a row. Change them out. They're stretched out and need to get back to where they belong. Yeah. It's just like that.
Hot Tea and Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/18/15, 12:06 PM
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Tazo Herbal Iced Blushberry Black

Tazo Herbal Iced Blushberry Black
Shannon, you've got to calm down. I don't know what the big deal is. You always get like this. You stress out over something that really doesn't matter. I'm your friend and you wanted me to tell you when you were getting ridiculous. Now is that time. I've been thinking and I think I've got what you need. Answer? Herbal tea. Whenever you get all jittery about something as dumb as Alexis in accounting wearing the same dress as you, go to the break room and make some of this tea. I bought it for you. It's light yet complex. It's got fruity flavors from raspberry, strawberry and huckleberry and also has a slight hint of licorice at the end. It's just something to sit and think about. Instead of complaining aloud as to why your DVR didn't record Pretty Little Liars, just sit in the break room and mull over this nice drink. I've got a couple bags of this. It comes in those giant, family sized tea bags so I can make an entire pitcher and have it in my fridge for a couple of days.

Look Shannon. People are talking and they're pretty sick of it. I'm trying to keep your job by giving you something creative to focus your time on. No one cares about how much you wish you could live the lives of any of the Real Housewives. Trust me. No one cares, Shan.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/2/14, 3:23 PM
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Tazo Herbal Tea Cocoa Mint Mate

Tazo Herbal Tea Cocoa Mint Mate
Number one: I don't know the definition of the word "savory." It seems that with food television, everyone is a regular Bobby Flay. Sure, some people are an Alex Guarnaschelli and some are a Yan but everyone is someone now and everyone has to use phrases they shouldn't know unless they serve time in a French kitchen. Calm down. They're just chicken fingers from a bag. Where is your stamp of approval from Guy Fieri that says you have a license to say the word "brunoise" or "papillote." I realize the humor in that statement, so don't give me guff for it.

This tea advertises a "savory-sweet herbal infusion." That seems like a bit much. This is not a heavy tea. I have had heavy tea. This is not it. This is a medium flavored tea with a lot of great ingredients, most that you really have to focus to find, much like a "Where's Waldo" book. To you overseas readers, I am aware that his name is "Wally." I know more than you give me credit for.

Mint? It's in there. Cocoa? Lightly in there. Don't think chocolate and don't think dark. Think about opening cocoa powder and smelling it once the dust settles from you vigorously opening the top. As for the other ingredients, you cats ain't pullin' your weight because I didn't taste any vanilla, licorice, or bitterness from the yerba mate.

It's a fine tea, don't get me wrong, but you just did the tea equivalent of fluffing up your resume. That's going to make your employer mad and make more work for you. People that talk about knowing Microsoft Word on their resume have zero job experience and people who know fifteen programming languages are recent college grads who have spent a day with each and aren't proficient in anything. You're welcome, Monster.com. I've cracked the code.
Hot Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 2/25/14, 5:26 PM
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Tazo Chocolate Chai

Tazo Chocolate Chai
Now, in the comfort of my own home I can enjoy the sweet, spicy taste of chocolate chai. No more lines. No more waiting for people to get their backpacks, feet, and iPods off the table so I can be a patron to the establishment I went to spend money at. No more frustrating ordering of dumbly named drinks. No more, I say, for now all of that has been crammed into a delightful carton of love and spices.

This drink rules. There. I said it. There are really no if, ands, or buts about it. All that you love about chai and all that you love about chocolate has been sucked from the bowels of the earth where chai is made to give it that earthen taste and injected into hermetically sealed cartons. That plastic flip-top really seals in all that spicy earth. Seriously though, it's a nice, dark chocolate taste with a strong cinnamon river running throughout.

I really thought I was never going to get what I wanted when it came to chocolate chai but thanks to Jay and his knowledge of the world around him, he let me in on this secret and now I am blowing the lid of the joint and letting you, the public know about it. Oh, this spicy, creamy, chocolate goodness. I shall see you again soon, my friend.
Hot Tea, Iced Tea and Milk
United States
Cane Sugar Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/31/14, 9:37 AM
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Tazo Oolong Tea Golden Amber

Tazo Oolong Tea Golden Amber
When buying a home, how many times in one day can you go to the hardware store? I have gone to Home Depot at least once a day, today twice, for the last week and a half. Caulk, wood, paint, primer, faucets, ceiling fans, wall sconces, and so on and so forth. It's a lot of work and a lot of money and a lot of time. Today I decided to treat myself a little bit.

Sure, I needed paintable caulk. Sure I did. Why wouldn't I? On my way to the first trip to the store, I decided to get something nice to drink for myself to pre-reward myself for an impending job well done. I saw this at the store and it stood out because I knew we hadn't done it. Sometimes I think we have done it all but then I leave my guard down, new stuff fills the shelves and it seems our job will never end. I bought it without thought and headed home for my double entendre "Caulkfest" of an afternoon with a father/son electrical duo.

This tea put me in a good place. Sure my hands were filled with caulk and plaster dust and general grime, but when I took sips of this drink it put all that in the back of my mind. This tea was a great middle ground between a sweetened and unsweetened tea. Sure, I know, once you add sugar, it's no longer an unsweetened tea, but it's lightly sweetened and nothing is masked by the sweetness of a sweetener. You can taste the bitterness of the oolong tea and although there is no actual honey in the drink, there is essence of honey that you can really taste. There is also essence of caramel, which, if you think about it, you can taste.

This is a wonderful addition to the great teas that Tazo makes for us. If you've got a long day of monotonous tasks ahead of you, maybe you should buy yourself a vacation drink like this.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/27/13, 7:37 PM
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Tazo Organic Iced Green

Tazo Organic Iced Green
When you've got it, you've got it. Tazo has it. This tea is a treat, a peach even. People don't really use that any more. Strange how a phrase just doesn't get used anymore, like some committee sat around and said, "Alright ladies and gentlemen. Today we will strike the words 'phat', 'boss', and 'cowabunga' from the American vernacular. Agree? Objections? No. Then it's settled. Let's go get a pizza." This tea is everything. It's perfect for what it is. It's sweet but not too sweet. It's bitter but not too bitter. It's a sweetened green tea that tastes like it should. Not to mention, it's not horrible in the calorie department. If this came in a 40 ounce bottle like malt liquor I would buy it and probably, with no restrictions, drink the whole thing. I don't live in the worst part of town, but if I find myself at the market across the street at, say, 9:30 in the morning, I see people buying 40s. I could now buy a 40 and drink with them. We could hang out. I could make friends with a 40 of this iced tea. Also, if the people who are buying these 40s are just thirsty for that much drink, they could save their livers and get this.

Tazo. Look at the picture I'm painting for you. Do you see all the work I'm doing for you? There is a demographic that you are missing: the early morning thirsty people. These people aren't alcoholics. They're just thirsty. You could sell so much of your drink to a new audience that you could open new factories and employ people. You could take the poor and give them jobs. Tazo! Are you listening to me? I'm having an epiphany. Do this. Make 40 ounces of pure, green tea bliss for everyone. Raining down from the skies like a needed rainstorm during an otherwise dry season, this could satisfy the masses. This tea could unite everyone.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/9/12, 3:14 PM
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Tazo Organic Iced Black

Tazo Organic Iced Black
There is so much sugar in everything. Everyone is getting so fat that Coke just made a "responsible" size so that people aren't just drinking giant, twenty ounce bottles all day. It's nuts. People should have the self control to know that enough is enough. Just because you have twenty ounces available, doesn't mean that you need to drink twenty ounces. I'm not calling you fat but I am saying that you should watch what you eat because you're getting a bit portly. That's nicer, right?

This is a step in the right direction. There are two servings but at thirty-five calories a service, I'll slam this whole bottle and not look back. All the walking around the office I do, I probably burned them up. Up and down the stairs and back and forth from one desk to another probably nixed those bad boys. Can you tell I know nothing about nutrition or fitness?

The tea itself is a simple, black tea. Lightly sweetened with no bite, but a clean, black tea. This is like a tea you could make at home. That simple. It's done well, though and you get the feeling that you're doing all right for yourself. This drink is the raise you earned for hard work. This drink is the A+ on that tough Economics 101 test you just did. This drink is the clean car you get after a car wash. It's a good feeling. This is good and I got it for a steal at a local discount store. Could I ask for more? I submit that I could not.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/13/12, 5:20 PM
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Tazo Giant Peach

Tazo Giant Peach
You know James, the one who traveled the ocean in a giant peach? We all know that upon his arrival to NYC children devoured his magically fruit, much like the rhino devoured his parents. What isn't very well known is that founder of the Tazo company, Bill Tazo, brought in a bunch of tankers and filled them with peach residue. Bill then used that goop to create one of the world's most perfect peach teas. He mixed the peach with green tea, apple juice and the smallest amount of ginger juice. Bill was a visionary. He knew the peach itself would be too strong and everyone's taste buds would be blown. You don't want your customer's taste buds to be blown. If they were why would they buy his products. He balanced out the strength of the peach with the apple juice, and added the ginger to attract the taste buds attention in a slightly different direction. His basic training as a magician finally proved to be useful. It's classic misdirection and it works perfectly. Pouring gallons of this tea down your throat still wouldn't be enough.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/1/12, 11:51 AM
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Tazo Zero Calories Iced Chai

Tazo Zero Calories Iced Chai
I always forget I love chai tea until I'm at a coffee shop and a friend offers me a sip of theirs. I never order it because I love coffee too much. I probably haven't had more than a sip of chai tea in over 10 years. This is the first iced chai tea I've ever had, and I really enjoy it. It's not as sweet as a coffee shop chai tea, but it has a lot of flavor while still being a light drink. I would drink this all the time if I could.
Diet and Iced Tea
United States
Derek Neuland on 1/16/12, 5:35 PM
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Tazo Iced Black with Lemon

Tazo Iced Black with Lemon
Thanksgiving is a time to meet up with family, forget about diets, and have a great time. Football is on, a pastime that I couldn't care less about, but people look forward to it, even if their home team isn't playing, something I never understood. My brothers are in fantasy football leagues and have to watch like every game on TV to know how their players did. That seems exhausting. Watching every team play every team? Ugh, no thank you. How did the Bills do today? Oh, it's a Thursday and they didn't play? Welp, whatever.

Today, my brothers debated if the Chevy Volt was a good car. We argued that 45 miles of an electric charge isn't something that should have been released from the factory. One brother made the good point that you can at least get the reserve tank of the gas in case you go over the paltry 45 miles. It's really a matter of infrastructure. There is nothing that we can do about that.

So that is something to remember. Four brothers in a room for the first time in a year, discussing worldly issues. My parents tried to capture the moment by taking pictures, but I don't take pictures well and often/always make funny faces so everyone will be disappointed with the results of that photo shoot. Something I won't remember is this drink. It's average through and through. It's not bad by any means, but it couldn't be more "safe". It's got a good sweet tea, black tea taste with lemon. It's the definition of a sweet, black tea. If you are in the mood for that, look no further. If you want something great, there are other companies.

Tazo makes some awesome stuff and really raises the bar with different flavor combinations, made up fruits, and different sweeteners. This is classic, safe, regular, and so on and so forth.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 11/24/11, 7:31 PM
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Tazo Zero Calories Passion

Tazo Zero Calories Passion
Science made this tea. No questions asked. There is no way that a group of people that just make drinks made this. They had to hire out a special force of mixologists and chemists and florists to get the blend of magic that is contained within this bottle. Every sip is the most bold, complex taste your tongue has ever had.

Licorice, hibiscus, cinnamon and more. There is a serious spicy, floral explosion with every gulp. At zero calories, this could come in a fifty-five gallon drum and it wouldn't be enough. I have nothing bad to say about it other than I tried to span it out as long as I could and could not let it stay in my fridge undrank any more. Even the Reb A left you with a cool, sweet taste when the main show was over with. It was a dessert to a perfect meal, if you will.

Get it. End of story.
Diet and Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 7/30/11, 12:14 AM
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Tazo Tazoberry

Tazo Tazoberry
For the longest time I stayed away from Tazo teas because when I first saw them I tried two different flavors and they both tasted heavily of mint. I don't remember what flavors they were exactly, but I remember thinking that there was absolutely no need for mint to be in the mix. When Mike and I were in the grocery store the other day staring at the same drinks that have been there for what now seems like forever I decided we needed to up the number of Tazo reviews. Good or bad it was our duty to write something up.

When I opened this bottle at work today I was expecting the minty worst. I took a cautionary sniff, and it was all tea and berry. Things were looking up. A tiny sip and I was relieved to find this was mint free. I did check the ingredients for mint beforehand (it wasn't there), but I swear I did that in the past and was fooled. This bottle just contains black tea, and fruit juice. It's just the way I like things. This is actually one of the better raspberry teas I've ever had. It still has a dry bitterness from the tea, but it's still sweet and tastes like actual fruit.

I have cast you aside for years Tazo and for that I apologize. This is the fourth tea of yours we have reviewed and all have gotten four bottles. I will be visiting you again shortly.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/1/11, 6:23 PM
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Tazo Plum Pomegranate

Tazo Plum Pomegranate
I don't like strip clubs. I've been to two in my lifetime and I'm fine with that. I like to look at girls as much as the next dude, but something about looking at one with other people seems creepy. You can't touch them so all you can do is look. Seems pointless. You can see the same thing in a Sears ad every weekend. Seriously, you can. It's really not a big deal. Dudes go and drop thousands of dollars and for what? To think that some girl likes you because you had money before you rudely threw it at her? There in an infinite amount of things I would rather do than go to a lunch buffet at a strip club. Burger King, for one. Honestly, do you know what would make a Whopper more awesome? Not much, I know, but this tea can't hurt. It's not like it has complimentary flavors or ingredients, it's just really good. You taste the plums right off the bat. Second comes pomegranate, all while being mixed in a nicely brewed green tea.

I really like Tazo because they not only use natural ingredients, but they clearly have fun. Seriously?
Brambleberry? Made up, but it's interesting. Thank you, Tazo, for the taste voyage you put me on and we've got a long ways to go before we're to the end of your street.

Dudes, if you're at a strip club and you're reading this; go home to your wife and kids. If you would spend more time with your possibly attractive wife and kids, you might all get along more than you know. Plus, your wife will let you touch her hogans so that's already a plus one for the "family man".
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/9/11, 9:00 PM
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Tazo Lemon Ginger

Tazo Lemon Ginger
Ginger drinks can be an iffy game. Sometimes they are super strong with a crazy burn (okay I really like drinks like that), and sometimes they can be really weak. Having just a hint of ginger is something is pretty gross. It always tastes like you didn't properly rinse a cup before reusing it. Tazo found a pretty amazing middle ground. It has a strong ginger taste, but with only the slightest of burns. It's an "every man" ginger drink. The lemon also isn't overpowering. It's the kind of drink that makes you feel like it's great for you, but it still breaks some rules of physics by tasting good. I didn't realize Tazo made drinks other than tea, but I'm glad they do, because they are onto something here.
Ginger and Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/15/11, 6:21 PM
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Tazo Brambleberry

Tazo Brambleberry
This drink is like a Rorschach test. Everyone had a sip or two and everyone came out with different results. My mom said it tasted like prune juice, my brother said it was like a not-as-dry cranberry juice. Me? I thought it tasted like blackberry tea mixed with apple cider. It was a complex flavor. It's defiantly a juice first and then an array of spices and stuff.

It's good to have an accessible company make things that are a bit out of the ordinary. It allows the general public to get access to something different rather than just everyday fruit flavoring.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 10/16/10, 9:07 AM
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