Virgil's - 8 Reviews

Virgil's Dr. Better

Virgil's Dr. Better
I know some people who absolutely love Dr. Pepper. I'm not one of them, but I don't hate it either. I'll drink it if there isn't cola available, but it's no substitute for cola. I went to a vegan restaurant in Phoenix called Green today and they had this bottle in their cooler. Even though they had Virgil's cola, I felt the need to try this at least once.

The thing I love most about Dr. Pepper clones is the names. Dr. Thunder, Dr. Radical, and now there's Dr. Better. If it was any other company with that name, I'd highly doubt them. But Virgil's makes an amazing soda and definitely knows what they're doing. After drinking this, I totally agree with the name. This is so much better than Dr. Pepper. It has that usual bite, but the cane juice makes it really light. I love this.
Soda Pop
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 11/14/11, 4:47 PM
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Virgil's Zero Root Beer

Virgil's Zero Root Beer
There is a lot riding on this review. Up until now, Virgil's has a nearly perfect record (with the exception of a 4 bottle review for their black cherry cream soda.) Virgil's has stepped into dangerous territory: diet soda. For the most part, diet soda and us do not usually go well together (except for a couple exceptions like the Thomas Kemper Diet Cola). I was really scared to buy this because I didn't want my opinion of Virgil's being one of the best soda companies to be tainted. But in the name of Thirsty Dudes everywhere, I have to.

Unlike most diet soda's that are usually sweetened with sucralose or aspartame, this is sweetened with stevia. I was hoping this would make it more tolerable. Sadly, it did not. I was really hoping the delicious and complex flavors of Virgil's root beer would overcome the gross chemical taste, but it failed to do so. The classic Virgil's taste is there for the first second of the sip, but then is washed away with a wave of dish soap water. Literally, if someone else had opened this bottle for me, I would be suspecting them of putting dish soap in it. It's pretty vile.

I'm sorry to have to give you a bad review Virgil's, but this is not good at all. I picked up a couple of the other "zero" flavors and I'm not that excited to try them anymore. Please stick to making your amazing non-diet sodas.
Diet, Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Stevia Rebaudiana Leaf Extract
Derek Neuland on 4/12/11, 2:56 PM
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Virgil's Special Edition Bavarian Nutmeg Rootbeer

Virgil's Special Edition Bavarian Nutmeg Rootbeer
I wish there was am option to give this 6 bottles, or maybe one giant golden bottle. This is more than likely the best root beer I've ever had. Well worth the $5 I paid for it.
This is a sipping beverage for sure. It's so damn smooth. It has a strong nutmeg/anise aftertaste. This is what a root beer should be. It's sweet, but not candy like. There are so many spices contributing to this magnificent glory.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 10/26/10, 4:59 PM
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Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda

Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda

Could you imagine if I left it at that, a one-word review? That's super lame so I will actually sell this drink to you. Let's start at the top. It's got a good black cherry taste like that of your standard black cherry pops, but less sweet and it had a very strong black cherry nose to it as opposed to the sugary, candy standard. Shortly after everything is rounded out quite rapidly by the cream soda. Creme soda? Whatever. By the time it goes down your throat, it's been coated by the creaminess and it just glides down.

Having never had any other black cherry cream soda, I can't compare it, but also, for that I give kudos to Virgil's for making a unique new product.
Soda Pop
United States
Unbleached Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 10/17/10, 10:48 AM
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Virgil's Orange Cream Soda

Virgil's Orange Cream Soda
Upon first sip, the only word that could pass my lips was "Wow." This is by far the best Orange Cream I have ever had the pleasure of partaking in. I quickly let everyone in the room sample it. Everyone was taken aback by how great it was. It hits very crisply, but almost instantly smoothes out. It tastes like someone took the best orange soda this world has ever seen and make an ice cream float out of it. Then that float was left out for a little too long because the maker got a long distance phone call from their aunt in Phoenix, and you know how hard it is to get her off the phone. To be more specific, it tastes exactly like the little bit of meltyness that is left when you finish off an original Orange Julius.
Soda Pop
United States
Unrefined Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/14/10, 8:55 AM
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Virgil's Real Cola

Virgil's Real Cola
After years of searching, I have found the best cola! Seriously, I can't think of a way to make this soda any better. The cane sugar used makes it the perfect sweetness. And I can't even begin to describe how amazing the aftertaste is. The main thing that makes this stand out among all other cola's is a hint of nutmeg. I really think more soda's need to incorporate nutmeg because it's great.
Soda Pop
United States
Unbleached Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 10/2/10, 9:34 PM
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Virgil's Root Beer

Virgil's Root Beer
I was hanging out at my friend's house last night when I drank this and I didn't have any way to write this review. Sorry about the delay, but I did learn some interesting facts such as "Robert Palmer has the best record covers. One has a girl's naked butt on it." As you can see it was a classy affair. I felt this "classy" root beer was fitting for the festivities. The Virgil's/Reed's company makes some of my favorite sodas out. This root beer is no different. It's nice and smooth with a hint of anise and nutmeg. I'm normally not a fan of anise, but the flavor works perfectly with this root beer. I really need to get into some more micro brewed sodas. They are far superior to others on the market.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Unbleached Cane Sugar & Carmelized Unrefined Cane
Jason Draper on 10/1/10, 3:07 PM
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Virgil's Cream Soda

Virgil's Cream Soda
Virgil's has been one of my favorite soda companies for quite some time. I don't know if it's because it's micro brewed, or the quality of the ingredients they use, but it's worthy of the "Outstanding Beverage Award" they have won several times from the National Association of the Specialty Food. This specifically is the smoothest cream soda I've ever tried. It actually tastes like real vanilla and not vanilla flavored candies. Why do so many companies think their sodas should taste like the candy of that flavor, and not the actual flavor? I really need to try other micro brewed sodas.
Soda Pop
United States
Carmelized Unrefined Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/21/10, 7:17 PM
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