Club Mate - 1 Review

Club Mate Cola

Club Mate Cola
As I stated in my review of it, to me Club Mate is a staple German soda. It's carbonated yerba mate, and it's done right. It doesn't taste weird or off. It's probably because they use sugar and not an abundance of it.

I anticipated this being the original mixed with cola, but all I taste is the cola. I don't notice the mate at all. When I mentioned it to someone local they didn't even realize that it even had mate in it at all. It's quite a nice cola, so I have no complaints on that end, but I did want some mate. I guess it's just in there for the caffeine. Perhaps if I could read German it would all be explained to me by the label, but as I am a dumb American and cannot I will remain in the dark, and just enjoy it as the stand out cola that it is.
Soda Pop
Club MateWebsite
Jason Draper on 5/5/16, 11:22 PM
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