Honeydrop - 8 Reviews

Honeydrop Raw Manuka Honey Apple Ginger Lemon Daily Immunity

Honeydrop Raw Manuka Honey Apple Ginger Lemon Daily Immunity
Okay everyone out there who is making juice, you can give up now if you were just doing it for the flavor. Honey Drop has reached perfection on that front. I could be given a forty gallon drum of this stuff and it wouldn't be enough. I don't care if it's a physical impossibility for me to drink that much liquid in one day, I would try and I would break the rules of physics by succeeding. My enjoyment would surpass science and alternate universes would be exposed by the amount of this juice I would consume if given the opportunity. This is the absolute perfect blend of apple, ginger and lemon juice. I can honestly say that I never would have expected these to be the flavors that created the greatest juice of all time, but there you have it. Oh wait; there is one more ingredient in here as well that that is Manuka honey. It gives the juice that specific sweetness that only honey can, and as an added bonus it leaves a nice tasting film on your lips that lingers around until you lick them later.

Actually, this juice is not only potentially devastatingly good, but it is also healthy. Manuka honey is a known antibiotic and it helps the body resist infections. On top of that vitamins A and C are also prevalent in this mix up.

For the sake of the known universe I advise that this juice be monitored by the government. People should have to present an ID in order to purchase this like with cold medicine. You don't want one person drinking too much, or else universes will collide and we will all most likely perish as a result. It will be a delicious end for one human though.
Ginger and Juice
United States
Manuka Honey
Jason Draper on 11/19/14, 2:18 PM
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Honeydrop Raw Local Honey Lemon Cayenne Cleanse

Honeydrop Raw Local Honey Lemon Cayenne Cleanse
Where do I sign up for the cleanse that I just drink this? Is it far away? I will take a trip. Seriously. This is fantastic. It tastes like a spicy lemonade and then you lick your lips and it tastes like honey. I would go broke if I did it but I would probably feel a whole lot better if I did. This drink was $7. When Jay did his cleanse, he drank four a day for three days and that math adds up to $84. I might feel better physically but mentally I would feel like I was robbed. I'm not saying it was not worth it but I simply could not justify spending that on juice. If they could somehow cut the price by adding non-local honey or something, bringing this down would let me buy it more and, who knows, feel better.

Seriously, I wish I hadn't had it shared with me from my lady friend and drank the whole thing. It was wonderful. Just slightly less punishing and masochistic than a Prometheus Springs.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/8/14, 11:46 AM
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Honeydrop Lemon Ginger Tea

Honeydrop Lemon Ginger Tea
Editor Dan is a photographer. Mainly he shoots abandoned buildings. He's surprisingly good at it. The point of this is that he told us over the summer that he had access to a building that had a room with a glass wall. On it's own, that is not exciting in the least bit, but then we learned that behind that glass wall the entire room was a giant bee hive. It sounds so creepy and awesome. I had just bought this bottle of Honeydrop and I knew I wanted to do a video review in front of that window.

It's now seven months later, and we never got around to getting Dan to take us to that magical bee place, so I decided to just drink this bottle. As I'm doing so I realize I really should have done it in front of the bees, because it has such a ridiculously strong honey flavor. It is called a tea, but there is really no tea in it at all. It's like someone had a sore throat, so they boiled some water, cut up some ginger in it, added a splash of lemon and then for every two parts of “tea” they added one part of honey. It's definitely a drink that would traditionally be served hot, but it's kind of nice to drink it cold. I could do without the lemon, like I could with most things that flavor. The ginger more than makes up for it though. It has a bit of a burn to it, which I always approve of. If you ever have a sore throat in the summer, you should drink this, because who wants to drink a hot beverage in the blazing sun.

Now that I think about it more, maybe it's a good thing we didn't drink this in proximity to a giant beehive. I know they would be separated from us by glass, but this smells and tastes so much like honey that I bet they would have found a crack to sneak through and the next thing I would know I'd be wearing a beard of bees. That is something I just don't need.
Ginger and Iced Tea
United States
Pure Honey
Jason Draper on 2/18/13, 11:37 PM
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Honeydrop Peach Tea

Honeydrop Peach Tea
My aunt Linda loves honey. This summer she invested with a co-op of amateur beekeepers with the end goal of getting your own honey from your own bees. She went out and bought a whole bunch of equipment and an official bee suit and this past weekend harvest over 100 pounds of honey, a liquid, which for some reason decides to be measured like a solid. Those bee people, \they deal with bees, for cripes sake. Literally flying needles coming at you from all directions. You can measure anything any way you'd like. Why do I bring this up? Simple. Honeydrop uses honey as their primary sweetener and it's a wonderful treat.

If my aunt found about this, she'd be all over it. As long as I have known her, which has been my entire life, I have never heard her mention her affinity for honey but now she's all about it. I bet she would do fairly well in a bee related column in Jeopardy. Now a delicious tea comes along sweetened by her life's nectar? She'd be all over it, as I mentioned previously. What's nice about this tea is that it's got a nice, soft peach flavor and then a honey aftertaste. It would be like eating a peach that is, somehow, injected with honey. If that was how peaches were naturally created, I'd eat them all of the darn day. Since it's not, I'll stick with drinking peach tea and using honey on peanut butter sandwiches and not eating actual, strangely textured, furry fruit.
Iced Tea
United States
Pure Honey
Mike Literman on 7/25/12, 3:53 PM
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Honeydrop Blueberry

Honeydrop Blueberry
So I reviewed this a few weeks ago, and Honeydrop emailed us to let us know that they reworked the recipe and they think we will like it a lot more. They were right. They reduced the amount of honey in the drink, so you really taste the blueberry now. It still tastes like honey as well, but it's not so overpowering. They also took out the erythritol and use stevia instead. They said it helps bring out the flavors. I can't taste it at all, so good job on that one. You guys have taken a really good drink and made it even better. Thanks.

---Old Review-------------------------------------------------------------------
So honey is waste from bees, correct? Bees are just puking up honey for our consumption. I find it odd that I am way more okay with eating bee puke than I am with drinking milk (there's a completely disgusting food). Okay so does all honey taste the same, or is it flavored by what the bee eats/what time of plant they get their pollen from? I'd like to think that if a bee got its pollen from some sort of fruit plant that the honey would have a hint of that fruit to it. Do fruit plants even produce pollen? Am I completely insane? I guess we will never know because the bees aren't talking no matter what sort of interrogation we put them through. All I know is that I want guava honey. That is my dream, and I would like for someone to turn it into a reality. Bees, I'm looking in your direction.

Until the bees find out a way to make me some fruit honey, the best we can do is to sweeten some fruit juice with copious amounts of honey. Honeydrop has been put in charge of that. Their drinks really, really smell like honey. They taste like it too, which can be pretty neat, but sometimes it's a bit too much. I would like a little more blueberry and a little less honey in this drink. It's really more honey than juice. It tastes like there is enough honey in this drink to put me into a diabetic coma, and I don't even have diabetes yet. The consistency of the drink is even thick due to the high concentrate of honey.

The thing that boggles me the most about this is that it is sweetened with honey, yet they also felt the need to add erythritol. Whosever idea that was, you're fired, for adding a completely unnecessary ingredient. All this needs to be is blueberry juice and honey (in proper percentages), and I would be perfectly content.
United States
Pure Honey
Jason Draper on 7/6/12, 6:58 PM
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Honeydrop Deluxe Chamomile Tea

Honeydrop Deluxe Chamomile Tea
Zack is afraid of bees. He wasn't always. When he worked yardscaping, he used to stare bees right in their yellow and black faces as they repetitiously stung him here, there, and everywhere in between. One day he was mowing a lawn and bumped the lawnmower right into a tree. A beehive came down right on his head like in the cartoons and he ran around the yard blind and got stung over and over again. He had really upset the bees that time and he knew it.

From that day on, Zack had become allergic to bees. If he got stung, he would have to take medicine or it would be difficult for him to breathe. His once cocky immunity was now left behind in exchange for a constant fear of the buzzing little buggers.

When he was at a local store, he came across this drink. "Made from pure honey..." he muttered to himself as he placed the bottle in his cart. The added flavors of chamomile tea would most certainly calm him down about his tasty revenge on the bees. When he got home, he threw some ice in a glass, poured half the bottle in, and prepared for a very relaxing summer day. After "the event," Zack hadn't really spent a lot of summers outdoors because he was afraid anytime anything made a sound even close to a "buzz." This was truly going to be "the summer of Zack." One sip in, though, he realized that not all was as good as it used to be. This tea had a very strong chamomile taste and almost tasted waxy. Now anyone who has eaten real honeycomb knows that there is wax in it, so it's at least explainable, but perhaps not desirable in drink form. Between the natural honey and the chamomile, there was a bit of a zesty zip to it. Relaxing, yes, but it had a lot more body than he had anticipated.

Zack vowed never to do yard work without his official bee suit on again after that dreaded day, but this drink will bring him one step closer to getting an apology for the day the bees took away his ability to enjoy the sun.
Iced Tea
United States
Pure Honey
Mike Literman on 12/26/11, 11:23 PM
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Honeydrop Deluxe Blood Orange

Honeydrop Deluxe Blood Orange
Honeydrop huh? How about we rename this drink "Honeyheapingspoonful." I don't mean that in a derogatory way, as I think this is a very pleasant drink. My issue is that from the name/label you would think that this is a juice that is lightly sweetened with honey. Nope! This is a honey drink lightly flavored with blood orange juice. It's like nothing I've ever had before. Also, I don't believe I've ever had a blood orange flavored drink that wasn't carbonated. It was a nice change of pace.
United States
Pure Honey
Jason Draper on 11/10/11, 4:17 PM
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Honeydrop Deluxe Blueberry and Honey

Honeydrop Deluxe Blueberry and Honey
Well color me pleasantly surprised. This was found at my local co-op and it is good. It's got chunks of blueberries and a lot of honey. The jam is sweetened with honey and that makes me smile. It's got a great blueberry taste.

I can't wait to try the rest of Honeydrop's drinks in the near future.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/10/10, 2:23 PM
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