Brisk Lemonade

Brisk Lemonade
I really like ice cream. Who doesn't? It's great. It comes in a million flavors and now that I've got a girlfriend who doesn't like peanuts in her ice cream, or in anything, I am very limited to the slew of varieties available. Yesterday we psychically saw into each other's deepest desires and both thought that we needed ice cream. I went to the bodega across the street and, like always and because I'm me, I had to check out the drink selection. I came across this dude and bought it without looking back. I also bought classic cookie dough ice cream, because it's delicious and doesn't have nuts in it. A prerequisite.

I was thirsty so I slammed the can pretty quickly and like most Brisk drinks, it's got a little bit of a sting, but you can easily confuse the sting of the corn syrup and whatever garbage they put in there with the natural, inherent sting of a good lemonade. If you just give the drink the benefit of the doubt, this isn't bad. It's also nice to think that you might have an alright lemonade available to you year round. It's a good "in a bind" lemonade and it's not at all natural but sometimes your body just needs crap in it. Like why I go to McDonald's once every six months, so I can truly appreciate "the good stuff."
Juice and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/20/11, 11:18 AM
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