Cool Mountain Fountain Classics Root Beer

Cool Mountain Fountain Classics Root Beer
This bottle claims it's a fountain classic, and I can't argue. It has a classic root beer flavor that people know and love. There is nothing special about it at all. It has the flavor that 99% of the world would think of when they hear the words root and beer in that order. It's a nice alternative to the major brand root beers out there, as it's made with cane sugar for a less syrupy texture. It is slightly on the watery side, but it's nothing terrible.

I can't say I'd go out of my way to pick this up again, but if I was at a BBQ and someone offered it to me I would gladly accept it along with six veggie dogs slathered in BBQ sauce, mustard, pickled ginger and Bacos. Now there is a meal.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Cool MountainWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/25/11, 9:20 PM
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