Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray

Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray
You know we did this right, right? We're scientists. Jay and I are scientists. We bought a gnarly 6er of Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray, brought it back to Jay's cracked open a bottle and mulled it over. One single bottle was split between 6 people. It was like a drum circle if, instead of everyone playing at the same time and having it sound like cacophony, we each took turns expressing what it was this made us think of. Then it started to get weird. You see, this tastes 90%+ like celery. No lie. Just like sparkling celery. It's spot on. Couldn't taste more like it, if you ask me. The other ~10% is slight sweetness and maybe a hint of Sprite, according to my dad, who took part in version 2 of a 6 person taste test.

Here's where it got fun and experimental. Eating celery is awesome. All those negative calories and the added benefit of knowing you're going to have a clean digestive tract...what?!?!? Dan and I took it up a notch on the ol' belt of life and said, "Ants on a log!" and Jay was out of raisins, but was not out of peanut butter so we would eat peanut butter, take a swig of Cel-Ray and just smile. It was fun. It was a take on a classic kid treat.

I love ants on a log and I love Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray.
Soda Pop
Dr. Brown's
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 3/9/11, 7:33 PM
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