Dry Apple Soda

Dry Apple Soda
Dry Soda is known for their more “outsider” flavors. When they hit the market it was with flavors such as lavender, juniper berry and vanilla bean. Since then they have expanded their line to include their take on more traditional flavors, which are available only in cans and not glass bottles. At first I was unsure of this company, as like most Americans I was a soda junky. Over the years my palate has refined and I have grown to enjoy a light, dry soda. I don't need so much sugar in my life, and these sodas work perfectly to cover my need for bubbles that are flavorful.

If you are familiar with most apple sodas that are on the market, then you know that they tend to be some of the sweetest pops that you can find. Dry didn't fall into that trap. They kept their mission statement, which I can only assume is “Use sugar sparingly,” and made a lightly sweetened soda that is just great. I could drink this stuff all day. It's mostly sparkling water, but there is enough apple flavor in there to quench your longing, without being overpowering. It almost tastes unnatural for an apple flavor to be so light in a drink, but it's well worth your time and money, so I can only hope you are at the market looking up what we thought of this drink, and then you go and buy them out.
Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/2/14, 5:46 PM
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