Dry Rhubarb

Dry Rhubarb
When I was a young man, my family used to go to my grandma and grandpa's house all the time. Sometimes for dinner, but more commonly for no reason other than to just see them. They didn't live that far away, maybe 10 - 15 minutes, so we were there quite frequently. They worked very hard on their back garden and it showed. They had beautiful flowers and an array of vegetables that would make your local supermarket produce-man smile. One thing they grew was rhubarb. I remember being younger eating it all the time. We would get a little dish and put sugar in it and go out to the back garden, grab some stalks of it, and just dip and munch away. The inherit taste of rhubarb is sweet but very bitter. The sugar calmed it down. Think of it as a quasi-healthy Lik-M-Aid.

I really wanted to do this review with my grandma but for the life of me, every time I went to visit I forgot to drink my bottle of it. So last night when I decided that it was finally time to start watching Twin Peaks, I would give it a try. It was very good, too. Very refreshing and very true to just plain ol' rhubarb. I loved this stuff and it was just the right amount of sweet and bitter that it brought me back twenty years with every sip.

I'll see if I can remember to bring the other bottle I think I have downstairs to my grandma and made an edit to this review.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/17/11, 3:28 PM
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