Frava Cranberry Orange

Frava Cranberry Orange
Initially this drink is pretty bitter. The coffee bean really takes control of the ship first and you don't know if you're going to like it. You promptly change your mind because the ship's captain relinquished his white-knuckle grip on the helm and handed it over to two adorable girls on board. The drink lighted up a bit and starts to taste like what you bought it for, orange and cranberry. Sixty, forty split, but who's counting. You don't get any of the sucralose taste either which is nice and the energy portion of the drink, unlike the tumultuous waves of the sea, isn't overwhelming and won't give you any jitters like an actual "energy drink" would.

Once girls have their fun, the captain gives the girls a smile that says, "Alright girls, move along." The ship makes it to it's destination and no one knows that for a brief second, their lives were in the hands of two little girls with no previous sailing experience outside of "fun in the tub". The captain knew and what the captain knows that no one else knows will go to his grave.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 3/28/14, 7:31 PM
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