Old Street Cafe Cappuccino

Old Street Cafe Cappuccino
This is my last coffee drink for a while. Three of them were given to me by my one handed boss and I got my fix and they were all good but I don't drink them often and I have a lot of self-conscience issues with my breath smelling. I don't think that it does but I've had a boss that drank a lot of coffee and their breath smelled like they ate a crap sandwich. I can't have that happen to me. I'm charming and I don't want to be charming and have pooh breath.

When I was a lad, I used to take tae-kwon-do. I may have mentioned it before but I don't care. I'll say it again. I used to take tae-kwon-do. We used to make coffee with the complimentary coffee the main dude put in the waiting room for parents who were waiting for their kids to be done punching, kicking, and to a way lesser extent, breaking boards. We would make an eight-ounce cup and put about eleven sugars in it. It really smoothed it out, and for a kid, it was drinkable because no thirteen-year-old kid should be drinking coffee. This drink tastes like that. There is a real, roasted coffee undertone and it's smoothed out with milk and sugar. I don't know how cappuccino it tastes, but it's a pretty standard coffee taste to me. Nothing special.

I honestly craved some cocoa in here. That might make it awesome. Maybe I'll look for a mocha version of this. For now, I'll give it an "eh" rating. Nothing says "Hey, how's that drink you've got? It looks good." like "Eh." Flattering.
Old Street Cafe
Mike Literman on 9/1/11, 5:21 PM
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