Pearson Bros. Cream Soda

Pearson Bros. Cream Soda
I always find it strange when companies have zero presence on the internet. It really takes two seconds to set up something online to help promote your product. Perhaps the Pearson boys want to keep it local, after all we can only assume it's a family company. Hopefully this review won't cause one, or all, of them to take a leap off the bridge featured on their labels.

This is a pretty bad cream soda. I actually feel weird even calling it a cream soda because it tastes more like "caramel color" than anything. It tastes like they had started putting the ingredients together to make a cola and changed their mind halfway through. It tastes like it has everything that makes a cola a cola minus whatever it is that gives it a bite. Instead of said ingredient they put in the smallest amount of vanilla. Actually that's it. This tastes like a vanilla coke, minus some key ingredients. The closer to the bottom of the bottle I get the more vanilla I taste, but for the first 3/4 of it I had to think pretty hard to see if I actually tasted it.
Soda Pop
Pearson Bros.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 11/29/11, 2:07 PM
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