Snapple All Natural Lightly Sweetened Peach Passionfruit Tea

Snapple All Natural Lightly Sweetened Peach Passionfruit Tea
About five years ago Snapple released their "All Natural" line. I for one was ecstatic. It was around the time that I realized that if I drank beverages that were sweetened with corn syrup it would destroy my stomach (yes I am dumb and I still drink them sometimes). It was just before the big anti-HFCS boom, so having a new beverage I could enjoy without having to deal with some pain was greatly appreciated. Now that some time has passed they are expanding that line to include a few flavors that are "Lightly Sweetened."

This country sure loves its sugar. Even though this has less sugar than their normal version it is right to the limit of how sweet I think drinks should be allowed to be in an ideal world. It is by no means unsweetened, or even "Just a Tad Sweetened," like Honest Tea. It's pretty sweet, but I appreciate the effort in trying to wean the public off so much sweetness.

As far as the actual flavor goes, they certainly got this one right. The peach and passionfruit blend together perfectly, as if to make one new ultimate fruit. It also does not have an overly bitter flavor like white tea tends to have. It all just blends together very nicely.

Snapple, I like what you've done here and I'm excited to try the rest of this line.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 12/4/12, 10:49 AM
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