Tetley Blend Iced Tea

Tetley Blend Iced Tea
Making an iced tea blend of tea is like making a tailor made tea for me. I drink a bit of hot tea but for my money, iced tea 'til death. I think I just thought of a new tattoo. What a dumb tattoo to get but man am I passionate about iced tea. Guys, seriously, how many times have I said that I would quit Thirsty Dudes just to drink iced tea for the rest of my life. This would be in my repertoire if that ever happened. It's a deep, dark bold tea. Take one of these bags and make a nice, tall, 24 ounce glass of heaven. I might be able to get two decent servings since I made a smaller cup before.

If I had a big jug, I could make some fantastic sweet tea. Also, if it wasn't 58 degrees that might help too. I only make sun tea in the summer. You can call me a snob but dude, it's sun tea. It harkens back to when things were simpler. Not the hectic, grueling city life that I lead now. That is an over-exaggeration.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/2/15, 11:58 AM
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