Twinnings Earl Gray

Twinnings Earl Gray
Growing up, my best friend's parents were from England, right off the boat. Liverpool, if you must know. I would spend many nights and most weekends over there whether it be playing video games, listening to music, making fake radio shows on cassette tapes, or other kid stuff.

Being British, they stereotypically love tea. They drank it all the time. They also loved 70's prog-rock, which I wish now I could tell fourteen year old me to pay attention to. They bought me loose tea, which to this day, I prefer to bagged tea, and would keep it "local" and get me Earl Gray. I went a decade without drinking it after I went to college but now we have a Keurig and it came with this tea. I like this stuff. Yes, I add a smidge of sugar to it, but it's still keeping in the British way. This tea has a pretty nice lemon taste, which I don't really remember in my old cups of tea. It's good though and I have made multiple cups of it since we got the box of it. I might be the only one.

Growing up I never talked about the queen but we talked primarily of the Queen as in Freddie Mercury. Phil Collins, Genesis, Yes, Jimi Hendrix, and the like. They listened to their music loud, too. I miss that house. Maybe I'll pay a visit next time I visit my parent's. My son loves the mom because she always gives him ice cream. How could you not?
Hot Tea and Keurig
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/16/13, 1:40 PM
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