Acesulfame Potassium - 6 Reviews

Claire Baie Sparkling Water Pomegranate Cherry

Claire Baie Sparkling Water Pomegranate Cherry
Is this a treat? Eh, it's not bad. Some of the other versions of this have been less diet tasting. This, so far, has taken the cake as far as "the award for the most diet goes to..." It's not awful. It's really not. It's not remarkable. It just unfortunately falls into that "just another diet drink" pile that only people like your aunt drink. Your poor aunt, she'll never lose that weight if she keeps eating Quarter Pounders like she does. No matter how much diet drinks she drinks.
Diet, Sparkling and Water
Claire BaieWebsite@WITbevCo
United States
Acesulfame Potassium
Mike Literman on 2/23/16, 9:05 AM
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Claire Baie Sparkling Water Blackberry Raspberry

Claire Baie Sparkling Water Blackberry Raspberry
Blackberry raspberry. Recipe for wonder, right? Eh, add fake/faux sugar to it and you'll be amazed at how quickly this drink is dropped pegs or rungs or steps or whatever form of dissension you so desire. It could have been good but then it wouldn't be diet. I think that's a lose/win or a win/lose depending on which you want more. Do you want it to be good for you? Than it doesn't taste wonderful. Do you want it to taste good? Than it's going to do a great job helping you gain that "freshman fifteen" you've so wanted.

Look. It isn't that bad. It's just a diet, sparkling drink but if you've ever had something like a Sparkling Ice, it's like that but less sharp. It's just a regular drink for regular people. Are you extraordinary? This might not be for you. You should be drinking something with some more pizzazz or zip. You're better than this. You're better than me.
Diet, Sparkling and Water
Claire BaieWebsite@WITbevCo
United States
Acesulfame Potassium
Mike Literman on 2/2/16, 4:34 PM
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Dragon Ball Zero Cola

Dragon Ball Zero Cola
So there are balls. Dragon Balls. They've got stars in them, which gives them way more special powers than some lame cats eye. They are marbles with special powers. You collect them and get special powers so you can whoop demons…€¦so many demons. It's not like superheroes where the villains represent some sort of socioeconomic issue. These guys are just bad. They just want to fight and hold lifelong grudges. Mean guys.

Now from what I know about Dragon Ball Z is that there isn't a lot of talking through conflict. It's mostly, "You are going to get it this time!" and then fight. No sitting down and debating. If they could sit down and discuss the issue at hand over a can of this cola, something might actually happen rather than fisticuffs. They could discuss things like who can take over this region of the country while drinking, for all intents and purposes, a better diet Pepsi. Sure, they might yell back and forth and have some empty threats but they will be quenched and might be able to order a nice sandwich platter. Classic dual over lunch.
Diet and Soda Pop
Dragon BallWebsite@FUNimation
Acesulfame Potassium
Mike Literman on 11/5/13, 2:58 PM
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Hansen's Sugar Free Passionfruit Green Tea

Hansen's Sugar Free Passionfruit Green Tea
I'm sorry, but I have nothing positive to say about this drink. It doesn't really taste like tea at all, even though it has natural tea solids. It also tastes overly diet. Splenda is the devil, and it has no place in beverages. Drink companies of the world take note. It's gross. I don't want to drink it. Keep it out of your drinks, so I don't have to taste it when I write reviews. I understand the need for diet drinks. We live in a country where the majority of the inhabitants are overweight in an unhealthy way. Diet drinks are fine; just use natural sweeteners such as Stevia. Finally, the peach flavor tastes insanely fake due to all of the artificial sweetener that's in here. Hansen's I expected more from you.
Diet and Iced Tea
United States
Acesulfame Potassium
Jason Draper on 3/29/12, 11:06 PM
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Fuze Slenderize Tropical Punch

Fuze Slenderize Tropical Punch
Tropical punch might trump fruit punch. Fruit punch is a mystery blend of fruits that I'm convinced no one knows except for the manufacturer. Tropical punch has pineapples and banana and mango and passion fruit and more. This drink even splurged on a stockpile of dragon fruit, which I give them all the credit in the world for.

This drink has a little bit of a diet taste to it but you can actually taste most of not all of the fruits. It is kind of fun to drink and try and pick out each of the flavors as they come along.

This is a good diet beverage and I will recommend it to anyone who wants to give it a shot.
Juice, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Acesulfame Potassium
Mike Literman on 2/13/11, 6:20 PM
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Function Light Weight Acai and Pomegranate

Function Light Weight Acai and Pomegranate
All diet-ness aside this wasn't bad. As far as diet drinks go, this was actually pretty good. A little tinge from the sweeteners and the acai, but even as far as acai drinks go, it was one of the better drinks I've had.

My hat off to Function for actually creating a drink that has five, yeah, that's right, 5, calories and 1 gram of sugar and not having it taste putrid. If you are on a diet, and you are looking for something different, try this out. This company is pretty fantastic and has actual scientists behind their drinks.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Acesulfame Potassium
Mike Literman on 10/13/10, 11:27 AM
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