Stevia Extract - 6 Reviews

H2PRO Bone and Joint Health Lemonade

H2PRO Bone and Joint Health Lemonade
This could not have shown up in my life at a better time. I've had tennis elbow for going on two months now, and somehow in the past two weeks I have messed up both my knees. I don't know what I'm doing to myself, but I'm falling apart. Now I have H2Pro to help me through it. I don't know if my elbow is finally healing, and my knee brace is working, but after a couple of days of drinking this I see to be doing a bit better. In other good news this actually tastes pretty good. It's a powder mix, but it has a strong lemon flavor and that same lemon helps fight off the stevia flavor, while still letting it sweeten it up a bit. I actually enjoy sipping this and I'm not chugging the whole thing just to get it over with. It's simple and nice tasting, while being functional. I don't know what the next trauma to befall my body will be, but hopefully this will help fix me up before whatever it is happens.
Diet, Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 5/17/16, 10:38 PM
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Juiceology Pomegranate Cranberry + Blueberry

Juiceology Pomegranate Cranberry + Blueberry
I have experienced very few things that were more miserable than being extremely sick while being on tour. Once it hits you're done for. The chances of getting a good night's sleep are few and far between, you're stuck in a germ cave of a van for a good portion of the day, and a good deal of the time finding/having time for healthy food is a dream. When I was out recently I felt a little worn down and that familiar tickle was in my throat, so I did my best (and succeeded) in keeping that sickness at bay. I doubled up on vitamins (including far too many Emergen C packets), I took it easy and slept whenever it was an option, and I drank a whole mess of juice. We had a six hour drive to Phoenix from El Paso so when we stopped for gas I ran into the grocery store across of the street and picked this little guy up.

The three main flavors in here are all antioxidant heavy, so I thought it would be a good choice. These are juices that are normally on the harsher side of things, but in this beverage that were shockingly smooth. Maybe it's because the cranberry and blueberry juice came from reconstituted concentrate, or maybe it was the base of apple juice that did it. Either way, it wasn't rough on my throat, which was a little sore and it tasted just fine. Overall it tastes like a nice amalgamation of all three of the juices mentioned in the flavor, without any of them particularly sticking out.

My only qualm is that it boasts to have no sugar added, but there is stevia extract in it (in my book a sweetener) and to be fair it was pretty sweet from the apple juice. Sure there was no “actual” sugar added, but there were definitely some sweeteners involved in its creation. Oh well I still enjoyed it, and thank the company for their participation in keeping me healthy.
United States
Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 10/8/15, 7:30 PM
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Ahhmigo Immunity Camu Superberry

Ahhmigo Immunity Camu Superberry
Raw foods are all the rage for those interested in a healthier lifestyle. Personally it's not for me, but I support anyone that wants to go that route. I am a creature of dietary routine, as my ladyfriend will complain, and I'm sure after a small adjustment period I would get used to that diet, but the thought hurts my head, and to be honest I just don't care enough to do it.

As far as raw foods go I never considered that some beverages would be off the table. I never think about pasteurization as cooking a beverage, but that's what it is. Knowing that makes eating raw even further from any reality I would want. Ahhmigo makes sure their beverages are raw though. Instead they freeze dry all of the flavor and ingredients and store them in the cap. When you're ready to drink it, you press that sucker down and give the bottle a healthy shaking. It mixes it all up and you end up getting more nutrients out of it all. Not only is it an interesting little thing, but it's also better for you. We have a win-win situation here.

As far as taste goes like all of the drinks in this line, this is pretty light. It's more of flavored water than a juice (obviously). It's taste is mainly camu, even though there are a whole mess of other ingredients in there to help ward off sickness. I could do without the stevia, even though I have a suspicion that without sweetener this would be a whole different drink. I was surprised to find that they put the stevia in the cap and not in the water. Also, even though I've shaken this vigorously on three separate occasions I still feel like undissolved bits of freeze dried cap matter are getting caught in my throat. The sacrifices we make for a healthier diet.
Diet, Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 11/12/13, 4:07 PM
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Blu-Dot Protein Tea Orange Pineapple Green Tea

Blu-Dot Protein Tea Orange Pineapple Green Tea
When I bought this drink I was pretty sure it was going to be great, but the longer I thought about it, the greater my suspicions. On one hand it's a green tea that was orange pineapple flavored and that sounds great to me. In addition to that it comes in a glass bottle, which most of the time is a sign of quality tea. What company is going to spend the extra money on glass with an inferior product? On the other hand this is a protein drink, which could leave it weirdly chalky. It is also sweetened with stevia, which isn't absolutely terrible, but it's still not my sweetener of choice. There was no doubt that there was going to be an element of gambling involved with this one.

My original thoughts were not quite on the money. Actually they were a bit further away from it than I would have liked. This is a very, very light tea to the extent that it almost tastes like tea-flavored water. The flavoring has a vague citrusness around it, but it's more like the weakest Tang that has ever been made than orange and pineapple. That's stevia coldness isn't helping matters either. If that had been the drink it wouldn't have been horrible, but nothing I would spend my money on again. Blu-Dot took things further though and added whey protein in order to make the drink functional.

On some levels adding the protein made this drink seem better, because I always give functional drinks a bit of a break in the flavor category, because you can't expect that stuff to taste great. Then on the opposite levels it just makes an already mediocre flavor go even more down hill.

To summarize this it tastes like a shot of green tea was dumped into the world's most watered down Tang and then a heap of whey protein was dropped in, which made it taste like it should be curdled. I am not a fan.
Diet, Iced Tea and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 11/2/13, 11:00 AM
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Archer Farms Simply Balanced Blackberry Blueberry Drink Mix

Archer Farms Simply Balanced Blackberry Blueberry Drink Mix
Blackberry and blueberry? Is there a line that I can draw a giant, red "x" on because I want it. Oh, I can simply pay a little more than $2 and buy it? I suppose that is just as easy. Mix in water? Childs play. No problem. I can mix stuff and remember not to breath while the deadly fruit dust occupies my nasal cavities.

Oh...hold on a second here. What went wrong? Sixteen ounces of water, check. Mix, check. Mixed, check. Clean glass? Check. What's the deal? It smells great. Inviting. I keep going back for more but why? It has a bit of a bitter taste to it. It tastes like water first, or just wildly weak juice, which is strange, then like a sucralose taste, even those there aren't any unnatural sweeteners. I'm counting Stevia as a natural sweetener here, folks. It's almost bitter and it is not until the end when you get a woosh of fruit and cool Stevia sweetness. Yes, the final battle is worth coming back for more and I have almost finished my entire glass, but at what cost?

If you are down with diet drinks, this will be an easy fight for you. If you, like me, saw a naturally diet drink mix that comes in delicious flavors and think that you are on to something, you are only half right.
Diet, Water and Mix/Concentrate
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
Stevia Extract
Mike Literman on 1/3/12, 12:15 PM
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Activate Vitamin Fruit Punch

Activate Vitamin Fruit Punch
I had very little interest in this beverage when I first picked it up, but since I had never seen it before I felt an obligation to this website. It has zero sugar; only five calories and the light color did not make it look very flavorful. None of that is very enticing to me.

The saving grace/overall coolness of this drink is the fact that there is a compartment of vitamins hidden in the cap. When you're ready to drink it you twist the red part of the lip and they drop into the drink. I've never come across a drink like that before, and it's pretty rad. The reason for it is that vitamins deteriorate and lose their potency in water. This way you get the most bang for your buck if you will.

This flavor really tasted like Flintstones Chewable Vitamins. Do they still make those? If not they should. They are tasty and made me want to take vitamins as a kid. Barney was always the best one. Do kids even know who the Flintstones are? Would Fred selling cigarettes even work nowadays? Who would be peddling those wares these days?

The use of stevia was a wise choice. It keeps the diet flavor to a minimum, and actually makes the drink enjoyable.
Diet, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 4/29/11, 3:09 PM
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