Thailand - 79 Reviews

Taste Nirvana Creamy Green Tea

Taste Nirvana Creamy Green Tea
John, we've got a good line of drinks here. We've got coconut stuff and our Thai tea, which is fitting because we're from Thailand. I'm sorry to report that sales are down this quarter and we've got a good idea why. We received numerous complaints about how bold the Thai tea is with our proprietary chai blend and how creamy and nutty our coconut drinks are. I know, they sound like compliments but in reality, it's the general public asking for something more.

I have spent literally dozens of dollars on research and development, or as the fellas in R and D call it, "R and D" developing the perfect drink to meet people right in the middle and I am here to announce to you, John, Taste Nirvana's very own creamy green tea. It's green tea, which people have been drinking for ages mixed with a little bit of milk, a little bit of sugar, and a little bit of soy, you know, for fun. It's tamer than our Thai tea, and in my opinion, not as good, but the people get what the people want. It tastes exactly like how a "creamy green tea" would taste if you dreamed about it, as I did.

John, this is how my dreams taste. Can you taste my dreams? Do you like the way my dreams taste, John? Now I need you to go out and tell the world about my dreams and how they taste.
Iced Tea, Milk and Soy
Taste NirvanaWebsite@tastenirvana
Mike Literman on 8/17/11, 1:42 PM
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Aloe Water Natural Detox Drink Original

Aloe Water Natural Detox Drink Original
My girlfriend bought this bread from a local, organic bakery. They are known for their hand crafted, unique, flavorful breads. She bought a loaf of apple cider bread. All day I wanted that bread but we had a million things to do. Next day? Half of the day was filled with stuff to do and finally, in the late evening, we had our chance. I got a knife out and cut a nice slice of bread for each of us and sat down to watch "Jon Benjamin Has A Van" because it's wonderfully hilarious. Do you want to know what wasn't hilarious? How simply awful this bread was. Aside from it having no flavor, the sheer "whole wheat" of it all left a sandy, unwanted aftertaste.

Thinking that we, perhaps, got a dull slice, I brought it to work where I cut another piece for myself. Just as bad. Thank God I had this drink to wash it down. It's very sweet and today I needed it because I couldn't deal with the feeling of someone chewing flavorless, whole wheat bread and spitting it into my mouth like some sort of baby bird. Good sized chunks and totally natural ingredients are the key to a good aloe. I actually like this better than some of the flavored aloe that I have had from these guys.

So there is still half a loaf of bread and it's on the fast track to staying half a loaf of bread with mold on it really soon. Don't mess with Texas and don't mess with bread.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Aloe WaterWebsite
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/16/11, 3:55 PM
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Fanta Green Soda

Fanta Green Soda
Lime. That is what I 100% expected from this soda. From that statement you can probably gather that I was wrong. This actually ended up being one of the least likely flavors I could imagine; bubble gum.

Let's start this off by saying I normally think bubble gum pop is fairly disgusting. It reminds me too much of the fluoride the dentist used to use on me when I had braces. On first sip I was shocked and put off by the flavor. Seeing as it's a million degrees out and I was dying of thirst I took another swig and I tasted something familiar. This tastes 100% exactly like Bazooka Joe gum. It's like someone took a ray gun to the gum and it became carbonated liquid. It's so strange, but I can't help but like it. I feel like I should buy a bottle for any and all ten year olds in my life.

I just have two questions. 1. Why is it green? 2. Where is my comic strip?
Soda Pop
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 7/19/11, 4:40 PM
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Kato Lychee Juice

Kato Lychee Juice
I really enjoyed the last Kato drink I had, so I've been waiting to try this flavor. I forgot this was a nata de coco drink, and not aloe like I first thought it was. I like nata de coco, but not as much as aloe. The chunks are harder, and chewier. In comparison, aloe is really squishy and needs no chewing at all.

The lychee flavor in this is nice, but not amazing. It's not too sweet which is nice seeing as I wanted a thirst quenching drink on this hot day. It had the consistency of a watery juice.
Chunky and Juice
Derek Neuland on 7/16/11, 4:59 PM
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Aloe Water Natural Detox Drink Aloe Vera Juice + Cherry

Aloe Water Natural Detox Drink Aloe Vera Juice + Cherry
It's a well-known fact that all of us at Thirsty Dudes love aloe drinks. Personally, whenever I get a new aloe drink to review it usually gets bumped to the front of the queue. Is that wrong of me? Honestly, with all the soda and energy drinks I consume, it's nice to get a refreshing drink from time to time. Do you blame me?

As you can guess by the name, Aloe Water, this is a “thinner” aloe drink. It basically tastes like cherry flavored vitamin water with little aloe chunks in it. I usually prefer more chunks in an aloe drink, but it makes sense they might want to keep the chunk count down on this line. It's kind of weird to drink because I want to take big gulps due to the water-like consistency. After the first swallow my body gets scared because of the little aloe chunks rushing down my throat. I know it's next to impossible to choke on an aloe chunk, but my body doesn't know that. So I end up sipping it slower than I'd like to.

This would probably be good for someone who wants to try an aloe drink but doesn't want too many chunks. It's a beginner level aloe drink if you will. Just because I'm in the expert levels now, doesn't mean I can't enjoy this though.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Aloe WaterWebsite
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 6/28/11, 1:05 AM
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Coco Water All Natural Coconut Water + Pineapple

Coco Water All Natural Coconut Water + Pineapple
I've never been to anywhere in the world that could be considered tropical. The closest I've ever come is Disney World in Orlando, Florida. While some may call it the happiest place on earth, I don't think anyone has ever called tropical. That label is reserved for places like Hawaii and the Bahamas. I have no desire to go to these places because they are very hot, and I don't like extremely hot weather.

But if I were forced to go to somewhere tropical at gunpoint, I would imagine drinking this there would be very fitting. While I'm not crazy about coconut water, this one is actually pretty good. It tastes really fresh and has a real creamy taste to it. While the summer heat in Buffalo doesn't compare to the tropics, this is definitely helping me …β‚¬Λœbeat the heat' as they say. My only complaint about this is you can't really taste the pineapple. This is disappointing to be because pineapple drinks are delicious and I was really looking forward to tasting the combination of coconut and pineapple.
Coconut and Water
Coco WaterWebsite
No Sugar Added
Derek Neuland on 6/8/11, 2:33 PM
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Aloe Water Natural Detox Drink Aloe Vera Juice + Pineapple

Aloe Water Natural Detox Drink Aloe Vera Juice + Pineapple
It's a rough place to be, out on the hard streets of Aloeville. People were getting hooked on the heavy stuff left and right. Personally I've seen more than a handful of friends fall victim of its sweet siren song. It seemed that everyone was out to get the sweetest stuff they could find, and the bigger the chunks the better. More and more dealers were popping up everywhere. It was getting to a point where you couldn't be on a street corner without someone trying to push it on you.

That's when Aloe Water came onto the scene. They came up with this crazy idea that this city needed to be shaken awake. They thought the aloe world had become too complacent, and it was time for a change. They started producing a light aloe drink that wouldn't kill you so fast, to help clean up the dirty streets of this run down town. They went for the smallest chunks they could find. We're talking orange juice pulp small here. They also wanted more of a hint of flavor, rather than the way companies of old would bash it over your head. Sometimes they put a nice light pineapple. It wasn't harsh at all, just like they soaked chunks of pineapple in their aloe juice and then strained it out.

Before long things started to look brighter. Diabetes counts went down. People seemed happier. A new era began.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Aloe WaterWebsite
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/5/11, 9:13 PM
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Sponsor Electrolyte Beverage Original

Sponsor Electrolyte Beverage Original
Man, after that great game of baseball I'm exhausted. I'm so hungry and thirsty at the same time. I want a roast beef on weck, salted pretzel, and a nice lemon lime Gatorade. Strange that this place doesn't have hot dogs and hamburgers, isn't it? You don't carry Gatorade and all you carry is Sponsor? Well alright, I'll take it if you say it's as good as Gatorade. Well anyhow, thanks for all the food. Here's $15 for all of it, which I feel is a bit exorbitant but what do I know? I'm an eleven years old boy that hasn't taken a single course in economics.

Let me just set everything up here. I'm totally going to slay this cup of Sponsor. I wonder why they didn't just give me the nice, resealable bottle it came in and they wasted a styrofoam cup. I mean, it all fit in this cup, it seems like a waste to me, but what do I know, I'm eleven? Alright, so I've taken the lid off of the cup because I don't want anything standing in between me and this drink. I'm going to eat this pretzel first. Woops! Some of the salt fell into my Gatorade. Eh, a little salt never hurt anyone. Take a sip of my drink's a little salty, but I'm so thirsty it doesn't matter.

Let's get to the main course, the roast beef on weck, which I just dropped the top of into my Gato...Sponsor. Great. Whatever. It's still delicious. Wow, there is a lot of salt in there now. Welp, bottoms up. Alright, that's gross. That's too much salt. It was fine with just pretzel salt but now with this weck salt, it's gross. Mom? Can we get some actual Gatorade? This place is the pits. Oh, where did I learn that phrase? Grandpa. Why shouldn't I use it? It's not stupid!
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Mike Literman on 5/31/11, 4:27 PM
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Kato Strawberry

Kato Strawberry
I was drawn to this drink because of the color. This pink colored drink really stood out in the Asian markets cooler. After I picked it up and noticed that it was a chunky drink, I was sold.

At first I thought the chunks were aloe, but then I looked a little closer. I saw 'nata de coco' in the ingredients. I had no idea what this was, but a quick Google search found the answer for me. Taken from Wikipedia: "Nata de coco is a chewy, translucent, jelly-like food product produced by the fermentation of coconut water, which gels through the production of microbial cellulose by Acetobacter xylinus. Nata de coco is most commonly sweetened as a candy or dessert, and can accompany many things including pickles, drinks, ice cream, puddings and fruit mixes."

Now I can see these chunks with drinks and fruit mixes. Ice cream and pudding are ones I wouldn't have thought of, but I'm sure it's delicious. The one that throws me off is pickles. So are there jars of pickles with these chunks floating in it? If so, I really want to find one of these because I love pickles.

The drink itself is good. It's really refreshing and taste like something between juice and vitamin water. It's not too sweet which actually works in this case. I feared it was going to be very syrupy. The strawberry flavor is good, but I wish it had more of a tart flavor to it. This is quite possibly the chunkiest drink I have ever had. It is impossible to take a sip and not get any chunks. It's pretty awesome.
Juice and Chunky
Derek Neuland on 5/28/11, 8:14 PM
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Coco Water All Natural Pure Coconut Water

Coco Water All Natural Pure Coconut Water
In recent times I was strolling down the beach and I saw a coconut fall from a tree. I ran over and snatched that little guys up. I am not a fan of coconut by any means, but when you see something like that fall from a tree how can you pass it up. So there I am carrying this coconut around and a new problem arose. How the hell do you open a coconut to get the juice/water out? I could have tried to smash it on the road, but then all the precious juice would be lost. I didn't have any tools on me to aid in my venture. The solution I came up with was to repeatedly bash it on the corner of a picnic table until it cracked a little and I could pry it apart with my fingers. After about 20 minutes of hitting it against the table I was finally able to get it open. I sent all that time and effort and not counting what spilled I got two small mouthfuls of coconut water. I actually enjoyed it a little. It didn't taste anything like dried coconut, which I believe to be a devil fruit. So there I am with a smashed coconut, juice all over my hands and face with a still mostly empty stomach. I was satisfied. I didn't need a lot. I just wanted a taste and I had a fun time doing it.

This tastes pretty much exactly like the water that I got out of that coconut. The only ingredients in it are coconut water and ascorbic acid. I'm still not a huge fan of coconut, but since I have experience with getting the water right from the source and this tasted exactly the same I felt the need to get it a four. I may not have enjoyed it as much as other beverages, but it is exactly what it claims to be and if someone likes coconut, they are going to love this.
Coconut and Water
Coco WaterWebsite
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/26/11, 9:44 PM
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Aloe Water Natural Detox Drink Aloe Vera Juice + Mixed Fruit

Aloe Water Natural Detox Drink Aloe Vera Juice + Mixed Fruit
I often wonder what one would want to "detoxify" themselves of. Obviously if you smoked a pound, or kilogram to our metric brethren, of week, you might want to get that out of your system. It's the same with any sort of drug. Aside from that, you can't really "detoxify" yourself of a giant hamburger that you shouldn't have eaten but the menu said that it had chipotle in it and that is your weakness. Water, I feel, would probably be the best detox drink because it doesn't leave anything behind. No sugar. No carbs. I think I've heard that cranberry juice is a good cleanser, but once again, what are you doing that you need to be cleansed?

I kind of expected this to be lighter than a typical aloe drink, you know, because it's called "Aloe Water". I thought that it might be in the beginning, but after you take a couple sips, you're right there with the rest of them. One thing that I did notice is that the "chunk count" is less in this than in many of the other aloe drinks I've had. That's never good. If I'm buying a drink, knowingly with chunks in it, I never want to chance that I will take a sip and not have anything to chew on. Taste? It tastes good. It's fruity but you still get a pretty good aloe taste to it. Think of a very light fruit punch mixed with an "original" flavored aloe. There is honey in the ingredients but I can't really pinpoint it in the drink itself.

If I ran this company, which also makes Coco Water, I would drop the tagline of "Natural Detox Drink" because it makes me feel dirty every time I read it. I would say something like "100% All Natural" or "All Natural Aloe" or "Naturally Sweetened". Why make something out of nothing. I have drunk my share of aloe drinks and I've never heard it be considered detoxifying.

Also, don't smoke a pound of weed. Go outside and play.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Aloe WaterWebsite
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/21/11, 1:41 PM
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Coco Loto Passion Fruit Juice

Coco Loto Passion Fruit Juice
If I had to use one word to describe this drink it would be "hammock." It's the kind of drink you should be sipping while gently swaying in a hammock outside of your private bungalow on a tropical island. The salty sea breeze cooling the sweat on your brow as your monkey butler comes out to refill your glass and fan you with giant palm leaves. That monkey sure knows how to make a good juice. Even his tiny primate brain understands that a pure passion fruit juice would be way to harsh to enjoy. He watered it down a little bit, added a dash of sugar, and put it on ice. It's strong and sweet just the way you like it. Now lay back down and let the sound of those waves lull you to sleep.
Coco LotoWebsite
Jason Draper on 3/1/11, 12:34 PM
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Vita Milk Soy Bean Milk

Vita Milk Soy Bean Milk
It's a steaming hot day. It's so hot that you can't even comprehend the idea of moving. You are soaked with sweat just from breathing. This fan isn't doing anything. There's only one thing that can save the day. A Slurpie? No that's kids stuff. You're an adult now and the only thing that will cool you down is a nice ice-cold bottle of soymilk. Crack one open and chug it. As you wipe some dribble off your chin you are the picture of refreshment. You've beaten that heat.

Obviously that is completely fabricated because of two important things.
1. Slurpies are for all ages. They cool down your body like nothing else. On top of that they are delicious. I don't think I could ever trust someone who tells me they don't like them.
2. Soymilk, or cow milk for that matter, is not refreshing at all. I love it on my cereal, but other than the chocolate variety, I can't see myself ever downing a glass of it for pleasure. It's very strange to me to have it in single serve glass bottles.

Also soymilk and tofu are both made out of soybeans, so why don't they taste similar? I think Vita Milk had the same thought and decided to do something about it. This tastes like they took bricks of tofu and put them in a blender with way more sugar than is ever needed. I think I'll stick to my vanilla soymilk on my cereal in the morning.
Milk and Soy
Vita MilkWebsite@MyVitasoy
Jason Draper on 2/25/11, 2:23 PM
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DeDe Longan Drink

DeDe Longan Drink
It takes a lot for a drink to gross me out. I didn't know what longan was before I bought this, but I assumed it was a fruit. When I picked up the bottle, I noticed that there were big chunks of something floating inside. Then, I noticed on the ingredients list the following: Longan Meat (2.0%). My vegan instinct kicked in at the sight of meat on the label and freaked me out a little. The floating stuff did have a meat look to it as well. Luckily I was right, and longan is a fruit grown on a tree of the same name in South and Southeast Asia.

Upon opening it, I couldn't help but to smell it first. After drinking some nasty stuff over the years, it's instinct. The smell was something I have encountered many times, but never in a drink. If you guessed really dirty socks, then you are correct. How they managed to bottle the smell of dirty socks I will never know. A couple of my housemates said it smelled like dates or prunes to them, but I didn't get that at all.

To prepare for potentially getting a mouthful of dirty socks, I took the first sip over a sink. Luckily (or unfortunately depending on how you feel about drinks making you puke) it tasted better than it smelled to me. The taste can be summed up in two words: liquid raisins. I don't hate raisins, but I don't particularly love them either. The idea of a raisin flavored drink is pretty disgusting to me. After this revelation, I tried taking another sip and it was too gross. I don't want liquid raisins.
Juice and Chunky
Derek Neuland on 2/23/11, 4:22 PM
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Foco Dragon Fruit Juice Drink

Foco Dragon Fruit Juice Drink
Justice has been served. I feed people aloe drinks all of the time and never tell them there are chunks in it. It's fun to watch the concern in their faces. To be fair the bottles are always clear, so if they took a second to look at what they were about to drink they would see the chunks of aloe. This can in a can. A solid, opaque, aluminum can. There were also no indications of the can that it had chunks in it. The concern I loved watching on the faces of other quickly sprung onto mine after the first sip. I even went so far to pour it into a glass, so I could make sure they were supposed to be there. They were. The weirdest part of the chunks is that they are mushy. It is just chunks of the fruit, not aloe if I misled you. Sitting in the juice must have started to break them down. It's a strange sensation. It's nothing like aloe or nada de coco. There are also tiny seeds in it.

Dragon Fruit is sweet and tropical, thus so is this drink. It's really good. This may be the only time I've ever thought that chunks in a drink have taken away from the quality of it. Believe me there were tons of chunk to distract me from the sweet flavor of the juice.
Juice and Chunky
Jason Draper on 2/12/11, 1:07 PM
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Foco Aloe Vera Drink Mixed Berry Flavor

Foco Aloe Vera Drink Mixed Berry Flavor
Foco...come on. This is gross. It's so thick and syrupy. Dude, it's gross. It tastes diet but it most certainly isn't. It's somehow clear, regardless of how many colorful berries are on the can. It tastes like someone made aloe in cans that had a ton of soap residue on them. This might be the worst aloe I've ever had. I don't know what else to say. Thumbs down, Foco. There is no reason why a "regular" drink should get a one out of five review. I guess in those regards, you won. Congratulations?
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Mike Literman on 2/9/11, 12:03 PM
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Foco Mangosteen Juice Drink

Foco Mangosteen Juice Drink
This is my first mangosteen juice. I've had drinks that were flavored with it, but never an actual juice. I had expected it to be extremely harsh, like other "superfruit" juices I've drank in the past. It turns out it's pretty darn smooth. To me it tastes like a plum, if plums were a citrus fruit.
I didn't know it until today, but mangosteen is the "Queen of Fruit." Companies also claim it can cure cancer, dysentery, and bacterial infections. If any of that is actually true this certainly is a magical fruit with super powers. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for other mangosteen beverages.

Jason Draper on 1/27/11, 6:16 PM
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Caravelle Basil Seed with Honey

Caravelle Basil Seed with Honey
"That tastes like boring cereal!" That was our friend Dan's first response to trying this. He was totally right, but that's not all it tastes like. It's like someone got out their old pestle and mortar and ground up a handful of banana Runts into a fine powder. Then they used the self same tool and ground up a big ole box of Kix cereal. They made sure to mix it all together for consistencies sake and then dumped it in to some honey sweetened water. That's it. Oh wait no it's not. How could I have forgotten the hundreds of floating little amoeba looking chunks in the bottle? The manufacturer says they are basil seeds, but the weird slimy coating on them leads me to believe that they are in fact TADPOLE EGGS! Okay, I know they aren't really, but they really do look like them. It looks like tadpole eggs floating in the urine of someone who takes a lot of vitamins. It's a nice rich yellow color. It's unfortunate for the Caravelle company and myself that I like neither Kix nor bananas.
Other/Weird and Chunky
Fructose Syrup
Jason Draper on 1/25/11, 6:57 PM
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Carabao Energy Drink

Carabao Energy Drink
A carabao is a domesticated subspecies of the water buffalo found in the Philippines and Southeast Asia. This is the reason for the skull on the front of this can. Why am I rambling about this? I have no idea.

I was surprised that this wasn't carbonated, as most energy drinks are I believe. Maybe that's just how they do it in Thailand. I was also surprised how not awful tasting this was. It's really sweet and doesn't have the awful aftertaste that most energy drinks have. It has a slight pineapple taste to it. But it tastes very similar to red bull minus the bite.
Energy Drink
Derek Neuland on 1/25/11, 5:47 PM
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Foco Mango Juice

Foco Mango Juice
I'm of the opinion that sugar does not need to be added to juices. Fruit is naturally sweet and delicious. When companies add a sweetener I assume it's because of one of two things: A. They work for the Dental Association of America, so they want it candy sweet in order to cause tooth rot. This will ensure that dentists everywhere are never out of work. I bet they even have a secret handshake, and those are the coolest. I think we need to make one up for Thirsty Dudes. - or - B. They pick their fruit before it's totally ripe in order to have a quicker turnover, thus creating greater profits. I think my D.A.A. scenario is more probably. Mainly because of the sweet handshake it involves. I don't want to even contemplate that not existing.
Foco does add sugar to their juices. Fortunately they are smart enough to have more juice than sugar. You would not believe how many drinks have the ingredients in the following order: water, sugar, and fruit juice. It's really obscene. Foco, you may have not given us the best possible juice you could, but you did make it a lot better than it could have been. I'm okay with drinking a lightly sweetened mango juice. Especially when they cost fifty cents per can.
Jason Draper on 1/21/11, 1:04 PM
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