Yogurt - 18 Reviews

B'more Organic Skyr Smoothie Vanilla

B'more Organic Skyr Smoothie Vanilla
While I was growing up my grandmother ate a lot of yogurt. In fact her and her friends were the only people I ever knew to eat yogurt. I would try it occasionally and it was simply not for me. Then something happened and yogurt became in vogue. It more than likely had to do with health benefits and people finally caring about what they put into their bodies, but suddenly the yogurt section in the store grew greatly. I mean I know that in other cultures yogurt is around all the time and everyone eats in, but for a kid who grew up on the edge of the suburbs and the Irish part of the city, it just wasn't around in the eighties.

Since yogurt has gained a greater presence I have come around to it. I actually eat one every other day or so, I am a bit picky with what flavors I'll eat though. Plain yogurt has a bit of a sour taste to it, that can be masked nicely by some flavors and that is what I lean towards. A mixed berry, fruit on the bottom is my yogurt of choice.

This bottle is pretty much a more liquefied plain yogurt that has been sweetened with stevia. The all-natural sweetener doesn't quite do the same job of covering up the natural sourness as actual sugar does. Instead you get the sourness as well as that specific stevia taste. I mean it's way better than if they had used sucralose or something like that, but it there is still a very distinct additional flavor. This is like a diet lassi drink. On top of all of that, the vanilla flavoring isn't very strong.

This drink is high in protein, contains probiotics and it is fat/gluten free. It's got some pluses going for it, but unfortunately the flavor isn't quite where I want it to be. To summarize, this tastes like a whipped up yogurt that has been very lightly flavored with vanilla and it was sweetened with stevia, whose flavors lingers for a bit to long. If you have an aversion to yogurt stay far away from this, as I assume it amplifies everything you dislike about it. It you're a card carrying member of Team Yogurt dig right in my friend.
Diet and Yogurt
B'more OrganicWebsite@BmoreOrganic
United States
Organic Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 3/19/14, 12:44 PM
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That Indian Drink Raspberry Cinnamon Lassi

That Indian Drink Raspberry Cinnamon Lassi
Depending on what word you put the emphasis on this drink could have a unsavory name. I guess it all boils down to saying it as if it were a question. “THAT Indian drink?” makes it seem like the person can't believe that you would choose that drink above others, and is slightly disgusted by it. “That INDIAN drink?” just makes you sound racist, as if you want nothing to do with all things Indian. “That Indian DRINK?” just makes you seem like a moron and that you don't know what drinks are.

I would choose “THAT INDIAN DRINK!” because this is pretty darn good. It also acts as more of a dessert than a beverage, like a Indian milkshake if you will. For those of you who are uncultured buffoons who don't own a monocle, a lassi is a sweetened yogurt drink. So it's essentially raspberry yogurt, but thinned out, with a splash of cinnamon in it. I shook this a great deal, as the bottle recommended, but I didn't get much cinnamon flavor until I got to the bottom 1/3 of the bottle. When I got there it was all worth it though. It's thick and it's exotic. I'm glad it only comes in an 8oz bottle though, because I don't think I could handle much more than that.
That Indian DrinkWebsite
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/13/13, 3:15 PM
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Yogo Vera Melon

Yogo Vera Melon
Put a fruit salad in front of a kid and it's a pretty safe bet that the honeydew will be the last thing left in the bowl. If you put yogurt in front of a child it is very likely that you will take that container away untouched. I don't know why kids don't like these two things. I certainly wasn't a fan when I was younger, but now that I'm a grown-ass man I love and consume more than my fair share of both. I don't know if a meeting was held by my taste buds and they decided that I was wrong for a few decades, but upon entering my thirties I had a newfound respect for the worlds of melon and yogurt. So much in fact that I let out a little yip when I saw this bottle in my friendly neighborhood Asian market. That's right, a 32-year-old man let out a squeal of joy whilst shopping alone. I don't think anyone heard me, but if they did I'd like to think that would give me an understanding nod. Did I mention this also has aloe chunks in it? This is a drink tailor made for the adult version of me.

What is held in this bottle is near gold to my mouth. It's a slightly thick liquid. It has more of the consistency of milk than yogurt, but it does have a slight yogurt aftertaste. The main flavor is wonderfully milky honeydew. Let's not forget the chunks. I think that if the aloe chunks would have been bigger this drink would be a slam-dunk, but they are fairly small, and seem more like pulp than hunks. I will tell you that it took some restraint not to drink this all in one sitting, but I'm glad I help strong, because I got to enjoy it again on another day. I wasn't lying when I said kids don't like honeydew or yogurt, but I bet if you put a bottle of this in front of a preteen it would be gone in a matter of minutes. Gold I tell ya.
Chunky, Aloe Vera and Yogurt
Yogo Vera
Jason Draper on 3/5/12, 9:19 PM
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Main St. Cafe Protein Smoothie Strawberry

Main St. Cafe Protein Smoothie Strawberry
Alright, I've got my beret, I've got my laptop, I've got my scarf, I'm ready to hit the cafe! Let me just start up my Vespa and hit the road. I know that it's only three blocks away, but why would I be wearing this scarf in July if I couldn't ride my sweet hog? You feel me? Alright, here I am, at the cafe. I'm ready to buy a small coffee and sit and work for two hours, taking up as much space as possible and not letting paying patrons sit down, regardless if they have kids or not. I simply can't work at home. My stupid roommate will not stop listening to the first Mr. Bungle LP. It was funny the first time, but he's been listening to it for two months straight and I can't take it anymore. Look, I like Mike Patton as much as the next guy, but come on give me a break.

What? I can't sit here and play games on my computer? I bought a small coffee. I know it's been gone for two hours, but I am a paying customer. It's not my fault that there is a line of people that want to sit here and I've got my bag on one chair, my helmet on another chair, and my scarf on another chair. I need my space, sir. Fine, I'll get something else. I've have your titular strawberry smoothie.

Thank you. May I sit here now? Thank you, and because you are so nice, I will move my scarf and allow one person to sit. This smoothie is good. It's just like a strawberry yogurt but thinner and a bit chalkier, but not bad. It's not too sweet and there's no fun seeds or anything. It's almost more like a GoGurt than a yogurt. Sir, did you empty a GoGurt into this cup? You didn't? Alright, thank you. Oh wait, you did? I appreciate your honesty. To reward you, I will move my helmet and let another patron sit down.
Smoothie and Yogurt
Main St. CafeWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 9/12/11, 5:12 PM
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GoodBelly Plus Strawberry

GoodBelly Plus Strawberry
I mentally associate this drink as a kids drink. This is because I dated someone who had a 2-year-old daughter who loved these. Her car would be littered with these empty containers. The smiling face on the opening is kind of hard to forget. Anyways, one time she offered me a sip and who can say no to an adorable 2-year-old girl so I drank from the smiling face opening. I'm not sure what flavor it was, but it was tasty.

There is no mistaking this is strawberry flavored. I don't see how anyone could not identify this flavor, even if they were blindfolded, spun around 8 times, and had their nose plugged. This is quite possibly the most potent strawberry flavored drink I've ever had. It almost taste like a strawberry puree. It has a slight tart aftertaste, which I really like. This probably is due to the ingredients that make it a probiotic drink.

If this is available in a bigger bottle, I'd definitely drink it all the time. I feel silly drinking out of a container that i can hide if I make a fist.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Yogurt and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 5/13/11, 4:49 AM
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Bolthouse Farms Protein Plus Strawberries + Yogurt + Granola

Bolthouse Farms Protein Plus Strawberries + Yogurt + Granola
I actually had this a few weeks ago, but I was so disgusted by it that I left the bottle somewhere. Where to begin? How about by listing three things I love? Strawberries. Yogurt. Granola. One would think that by mixing them all together you would have awesomeness x's 3. One would also be wrong, just like this drink. It's a crime against nature that such great ingredients when mixed together would turn out so terribly. It tasted sour. I checked the expiration date and it had not passed. I also bought it from the grocery store, went home where I immediately put it in the fridge. No more than eight hours later I took it out and drank it. By drank it I mean took three sips before giving up. I shook it properly and everything. It's just not good. It's the only product Bolthouse has put out that I haven't loved. To add insult to injury there wasn't even chunks of granola in it like I had expected. It had all been blended together into a smooth liquid. Lame.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Yogurt
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/12/11, 7:35 PM
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GoodBelly Plus Mango

GoodBelly Plus Mango
Those of you that know me probably know that I have stomach issues. They started in high school and have persisted through my adult life. Blah. Blah. Blah. Woe is me. Well anyways a couple of years ago I realized that HFCS is what triggers a lot of the pain. I simply cut the majority of it out of my diet and for the most part I'm fine now. I still occasionally have issues, but who doesn't?

If I still had issues I would be all over probiotic drinks. They balance out the bacteria in your stomach and helps with digestion. That will lead to you have a smiling face, not unlike the one on the top of these little containers.

The mango is pretty fruity. There are also some bananas in here that poke their little heads into the flavor a bit. When I drank the first one of these I thought it tasted a bit medicinal. Perhaps I didn't shake it up enough, because this one did not taste that way. It has a pure fruit flavor. Try it out and give your stomach a little treat.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Yogurt and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 5/3/11, 11:49 AM
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GoodBelly Plus Blueberry Acai

GoodBelly Plus Blueberry Acai
2.7 ounces. That's it. One serving. Gone. It's like what I think a double shot is if I drank alcohol. Before I get to the drink review, I've got to talk about the packaging. You get 4 of these lil' guys in a carton. Pull one out and it's got a peel off top and the hole at the top is a smiley face. Every sip you get a smile from the cup. Adorable. You can then peel off the aluminum foil bottom and the whole thing is recyclable. Cool. Smart. Good work.

I had my choice and I picked this one. This was a very bold flavor and has an intense Acai flavor. Blueberry is there, but is quickly masked by the superfruit that it lives with in this small, studio apartment with a sweet skylight. You get the blueberry first and then your tongue kind of gets...strange because of the lasting taste/flavor/whatever. It's not bad, though. I'm not on Acai's fan club. No, not because I didn't have any extra stamps to send a self addressed stamp envelope to him, just because the flavor isn't something that my mouth agrees with. Sometimes it's alright, here it's alright at best.

I would say that they did an excellent job, though. Packaging, flavor, ingredients. Everyone is served justice, 2.7 ounces at a time. This could easily earn a higher rating with a different flavor. Acai ruined it for me. I just want to point blame where it belongs.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Yogurt and Juice
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 4/14/11, 11:43 AM
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Main St. Cafe Protein Smoothie Mixed Berry

Main St. Cafe Protein Smoothie Mixed Berry
I'm proud to say that we are the first people outside of the production team to try the new recipe for Main St. Cafe smoothies. I have never tried the old formula, but I can only assume this is a step up, because it's pretty great.

For the first 29 years of my life I detested yogurt. I thought it was so completely foul. I tried it again and again, but the consistency and the weird nondescript yogurt aftertaste were things I just could not get down with. By repeatedly trying it, I somehow acclimated myself to the issues I had with it. Now I eat it all the time. As it turns out, mixed berry yogurt is my favorite. Look here, this is basically a drink version of that.

I was warned that if I drank this when it was too cold that it would be insanely thick. I took that advice, I'm drinking it chilled, and let me tell you, it's still pretty darn thick. I like it. It's about half the viscosity of a cup of yogurt. The fruit is completely pureed into the drink, so there are no chunks in this. This is not the type of smoothie you would get in the mall, but it's not something to be overlooked. If you don't abhor yogurt, give this a try.
Smoothie and Yogurt
Main St. CafeWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 3/25/11, 7:52 AM
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Yogu Time Orange

Yogu Time Orange
I'm going to need seven and a half boxes of creamsicles. Could you be so kind as to open them all up and put them in that pot over there. I've got the burner on low, so we shouldn't have any problems. *Cut to five minutes later* Okay let me fish those popsicle sticks out of that sludge. Now time to add some more sugar and mix it up properly. Can you hold that funnel while I pour this into those bottles. Okay now let's put those all in the fridge and let them chill. First you cook. Then you chill.

That my friends is how Yogu Time makes this drink. It's creamy. It's orangey. It's unfortunately not as thick and yogurty as I want it to be. None of these drinks ever are. It would probably have the shelf life of a week or two if it was how I want it to be, but can't a man dream?
Yogu Time
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 2/9/11, 9:19 AM
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Yogo Vera Pineapple

Yogo Vera Pineapple
Unfortunately this does not contain yogurt at all. It's basically tastes like the Aloevine Pineapple drink with milk added to it. I've had a bunch of drinks with milk in them lately, and I haven't been a huge fan. The chunks of aloe in this are no larger than pulp in orange juice. That's disappointment city. The chunks are what makes aloe drinks fun. In conclusion with is like a pulpy pineapple juice with milk. Who wants that?
Chunky, Yogurt and Aloe Vera
Yogo Vera
Jason Draper on 2/5/11, 2:45 PM
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Yogu Time Melon

Yogu Time Melon
Did I think this was going to be gross? You bet'cha. Was it? Not entirely. I thought it was going to taste like the White Cow Dairy drinks I had a few months back. Lucky for me it didn't. It did taste like melon, but it didn't taste like a natural melon by any means. It tastes like if Bubblicious made a melon gum. The yogurt makes it smooth, but the immense amount of sugar sharpens it back up.

It starts out pretty good, punches you in the mouth, and then leaves you out to dry, which is actually a nice, calm, melon-y taste. These little bottles are only 10oz but it's way too much for me. I shared a good third of it with some one, let everyone have some and I've got about a third left and I don't know if I can/will/want to do it.

Even still, it's not terrible and I might be apt to buy another one. I know they have different flavors out there. I bet the strawberry would be awesome.
Yogu Time
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/10/11, 11:23 AM
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Rajbhog Mango Lassi

Rajbhog Mango Lassi
Right off the bat, I can tell you that this is not Sweet Rose part deux. This is actually drinkable. No, I didn't/couldn't finish the whole thing, but it was actually drinkable. The texture/viscosity/consistency is something to get used to. Think of this:

Go to your local grocery store. While your mom is buying girl stuff and boring vegetables, you take a quarter you found in between the seats of your family's Pontiac 6000 where you spent countless road trips sitting by yourself in "the way-back" watching other families watch you watch them watch you watch them. You check out the vending machines...plastic guns? No. Homies? Funny, and clearly racist, but no. Slime in an egg? Yep-ahh. You put your quarter with all it's french fry grease and dog hair into the slot, turn the crank, and down comes your clear egg with a creamy, pastel, yellow slime. All of a sudden, two punk kids come up to you and say, "Hey, kid. Nice slime. Eat it!" and you, who are no match for two kids wearing leather jackets with the sleeves cut off, open your mouth hole and slurp it down. Just as your finished with the last glob, you mom comes out with some stupid carrots and yells at those kids to go home.

That's what the texture was like, but the taste wasn't too bad. It tastes lightly of mango. Not bad. I won't have it again since each small bottle is 280 calories and it wasn't that much to come back to, but it wasn't bad.
Yogurt and Smoothie
United States
Mike Literman on 1/1/11, 2:07 PM
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Rajbhog Sweet Rose Lassi

Rajbhog Sweet Rose Lassi
Travel back in time, back to the romantic era. The year is 1785 and you, a lonely soap maker meet a woman you love. You spend day in and day out producing sweet smelling soaps so that others may clean their bodies. Everyone loves your soaps and you do fairly well. People know you for who you are and respect what you do.

So along comes this woman who you begin courting in hopes that one day she will become your wife. She, of course, gets complimentary soap whenever she desires. She never grows tired of the scent and the way that it makes her skin feel. The soothing scents of lavender, roses, and other native flowers fill the air as she bathes herself once a month (not a scumbag thing. They took fewer showers since it was a chore to get hot water and they typically used "dry" shampoo to wash their hair. Leave them alone. They're all dead. I don't know why I mentioned it. Ignore that part. It's in type. I cannot be erased. It is too late.) She, if anything desires more scent. "More!" she beckons from the small one bedroom house as you trot off to work.

One day you go into work, and amongst all the animal fat and flowers and powders, and such, you think that you might try something new. You take the soap and melt it down and pour it into a glass. You frighteningly take a sip and it's pretty terrible, but you don't give up. No. You are not a quitter. You put some sugar in it and use less powder and more milk from the local dairy. After a couple secretive weeks of experimentation you've got it the perfect mix of creamy, sweet, floral drink that you desired.

The next day at the market, you fill some small bottles with this creamy mixture and have people try it. They do not like it. They say to you, "Good sir, we love your soaps for our bodies, but, alas, we do not love your soap for our gullets. I'm sorry." As you bow your head down in shame, your wife walks up to you with a smile on her face. She is so happy to see you. After all, you've spent so much time at the shop experimenting that your wife has nearly gone unnoticed. In hopes that she can cheer you up, as she always does, you give her a taste of your newest creation. She takes a dainty sip and a look comes across her face like no other you've seen before. She gives you a solid, definitive look of disappointment and then walks away. You don't talk to her for weeks until you finally agree that you will no longer produce the drink. You continue to bow your head in shame as yet another venture has gone up in smoke.

Basically, this drink tastes like old people soap.
Smoothie and Yogurt
United States
Mike Literman on 12/1/10, 7:52 AM
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Rajbhog Pineapple & Mango Lassi

Rajbhog Pineapple & Mango Lassi
Okay, I've had lassi before. It's an Indian smoothie with some yogurt in it. They went a little overboard with the yogurt in this product. It has the consistency of a slightly watered down yogurt with the tiniest bits of fruit in it. It certainly does not taste watered down though. It has a very strong fruit flavor with a yogurty aftertaste.
This is so thick that I can't imagine drinking it with a meal. It would be nice for a light snack though.
Smoothie and Yogurt
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 11/28/10, 2:14 PM
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HKK Aloe & Yogo Peach

HKK Aloe & Yogo Peach
Just look at the color of this stuff. It looks like the milk left over in your bowl after eating some Franken Berry cereal. It's crazy.
It's a mixture of aloe and yogurt, so I expected it to be really thick, but it's not much thicker than your average aloe drink. It also doesn't taste nearly as sweet as the coloring would denote.
I know this sounds stupid but it's like a milk bubble tea. Except the tapioca balls are switched out for aloe chucks and the tea is switched out for aloe juice.
I wouldn't drink this on the regular, but I would like to try other flavors of it.
Aloe Vera, Yogurt and Chunky
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/23/10, 10:04 AM
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White Cow Dairy Tumeric

White Cow Dairy Tumeric
I will review this drink simply by copying the conversation with the most adorable ~3 year old girl I know:

Me: Do you want to try this? You might not like it.
Her: What is it?
Me: It's like a yogurt drink with Indian spices in it.
Her: Is it orange juice?
Me: No. Do you still want to try it?
Her: Yes, I'll try it. {sips}.
Me: Do you like it?
Her: No. What is it? It's not orange juice.
Me: It's a strange drink with turmeric in it, which is a spice they put in Indian food.
Her: Why is there Indian food in that drink?
White Cow DairyWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/2/10, 8:49 AM
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White Cow Dairy Anise

White Cow Dairy Anise
What to say...where to start...alright.

I've been looking for an anise flavored drink for a while. Pop, juice, water, it didn't matter. I never see it and I want it. I put the feelers out and almost instantly I get the feedback that right in my backyard (if my backyard was 5 city blocks) there is a guy who sells anise flavored yogurt drink. Awesome, right? Well here's where it gets fishy.

I go, “Dude's awesome!” He's got cherry and anise and turmeric, all weird stuff. I buy two, one being the anise. It's settled. After all, it's primarily yogurt whey and yogurt solids so it's bound to be good. I see the red on the bottom so it's as if he's powderized anise and put it in this drink.

I uncap it and take a sip and it's alarming. Yes, I get anise, but there is a follow up taste of just soured milk. I know that it's the unpasteurized yogurt but it's got a certain sting that makes me feel like I've done something wrong, like drink soured milk.

I really wanted to like this and I give this guy all the credit in the world for putting this product out as well as very good yogurt. All locally done. This drink is simply not for me but many of my friends like it. I feel like it's either you do or your don't. I don't.
White Cow DairyWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/2/10, 8:40 AM
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