Natural Cane Sugar - 22 Reviews

Stumptown Cold Brew Chocolate w/ Cream & Sugar

Stumptown Cold Brew Chocolate w/ Cream & Sugar
Can I just say, "Wow. 5 bottles." and call it a day? Let me check with management for a minute here...

{ Walks up 45 flights of stairs due to a broken elevator. Waits in a waiting room for four hours. Gets told that the boss has left and to come back tomorrow. Walks down 46 flights of stairs. Goes home. Fights with wife and kids. Goes to sleep on the couch. Wakes up with a bad back and cold because the dog pulled the blanket off in the middle of the night. Notices a ticket on the car. Gets in a traffic jam on the way to work. Gets to work fifteen minutes late and misses breakfast pizza because "fat Joan" decided to eat eleven pieces because "she just can't help herself." Walks up 45 flights of stairs. Waits three hours. Door opens. }

The boss said that I can say "Wow. 5 bottles." if I also add that it's really rich and creamy and has a wonderful chocolate milk quality to it.
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/3/18, 6:01 AM
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Sail Away Nitro Cold Brew Coffee Sea Salt & Caramel

Sail Away Nitro Cold Brew Coffee Sea Salt & Caramel
If you are offering me hot coffee, it better have some sort of fancy flavoring to it, or else I am more than likely not going to drink it. Well, that just sounded rude. I'm not going to slap the mug out of your hand, or throw the hot liquid onto your person. I will simply say no thank you. If pressed I may add that I'm not a big coffee drinker. The thing is that while I'm not a fan of hot coffee, I do enjoy iced coffee, especially if it is cold brew. To me they are beverages that are in the same family, but have chosen different paths in life. Cold brew is simply a smoother coffee that even when unsweetened isn't as bitter and harsh as its hot sibling. It's a more pleasurable experience for me, and it shines a light on the aspects of coffee that I enjoy and hides the others in the shadows. Sail Away takes things one step further and uses nitrogen in their brewing with makes the coffee which makes it frothier/foamy. It gives it a texture similar to a latte, but without the “milk” in it. That certainly helps with my drinking experience. Also, it apparently gives the illusion of sweetness, or so I've read. Anything that tricks me thinking something is sweet without sugar (or more importantly zero calorie sweeteners) is a plus. Overall it magnifies the coffee's actual flavor, or so I see it.

I'm not a huge caramel fan, so lucky for me that flavor isn't very strong in here. Nor is the sea salt. Both are there in hints only, letting the coffee itself carry most of the workload. That's the way I want it. For someone who isn't a huge coffee fan, I still want my coffee drinks to actually taste like coffee. It's the base and I want it to shine in a glorious way and that is what Sail Away has done with this product.
Sail AwayWebsite@sailawaycoffee
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/18/18, 8:31 AM
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Sail Away Nitro Cold Brew Coffee Sweetened

Sail Away Nitro Cold Brew Coffee Sweetened
Darren, get over here. You're fired if you don't get me that Johnson report. Darren, you had two weeks to work on that report and there are jobs on the line. What do you have to say for yourself? What's this? Coffee? You think that this single can of coffee is going to make up for the eight people that might have to lose their jobs because you were too busy, what? What were you doing instead of working on that report? Chat Roulette? Darren. I don't even know what to say. I'm actually quite sure that it is all dongs, Darren. No, I'm pretty sure that it is. I've been there. All dongs. Welp, I might as well try this coffee.

This is decent. Maybe not decent enough to save all eight jobs but enough that I'm in a good mood and might give you a four hour extension if you assure me that you will get it in by eight tonight. You know what? And you have to wash my car. Yeah, I said it. Wash my car, Darren. This weekend. Come over to my estate and wash my car. I'm sticking my neck out for you because you're our most faithful employee clocking in at nine months, a pathetic stat. Let me have another sip of this here coffee. It's good, Darren. I don't typically drink coffee with just sugar but this is sweetened just enough to take the bitter edge off regular cold brew. I'm going to have no problem drinking this as a moderate coffee drinker. I can, and will drink this whole can while you get to your desk and get cracking on that report. If you have any more of this I'll take it. Let's consider it a "backroom deal" that allows you to keep your cushy job here.
Sail AwayWebsite@sailawaycoffee
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/12/18, 6:56 AM
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Onli Natural Grapefruit (Pomelo & Peach)

Onli Natural Grapefruit (Pomelo & Peach)
There beverages were a surprise treat. When I picked them up I saw that the flavors were Grapefruit, Hibiscus and Raspberry. It wasn't until I got home that I realized that under the big flavor, others were listed. In this one the surprise visitors were pomelo and peach. Sure pomelos are similar to grapefruit, but why not mix them together to spice things up a bit? The result is a soda that is very much citrus based. I have an aversion to peach in drinks because it almost always tastes fake and like some sort of peach chemical and not fruit juice. In here it really tastes like neither and just makes the soda taste a bit crazy, but in a good way. The initial taste that greets you is most definitely grapefruit, but then the other two kick in and it is like some mad scientist performed experiments during a lightning storm and created a new fruit (no, not the coveted guavacado that I dream of so often). This is unlike any flavor I have tasted before. It's quite delicious, but for some reason I cannot make it through an entire bottle in one sitting. I suppose that means I just get to enjoy it again a little bit later.
Soda Pop
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/13/18, 7:55 AM
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Onli Hibiscus Pomegranate Aronia

Onli Hibiscus Pomegranate Aronia
Steve, I know you've been bummed because you are way underwater on your bills and you weren't able to get away on your yearly vacation. I bet buying that $30,000 car that sucks immense amounts of gas doesn't seem like the wisest idea in hindsight, does it? Also, I hate to bring it up, but you bought a $200,000 house. Not only did you're payments go up $600/ month from what you were paying for rent, but at the end of your 30 year mortgage you will have paid over $450,000, but you know in three decades you'll own the house free and clear, just in time to die. All of that makes perfect sense for someone who is a cashier at Walgreens though, right? Okay, I'll ease up on you because I know you've been down lately. I mean you may be a dummy with no spending responsibility, but everyone needs to get out of town from time to time and feel some sunshine on their face.

Here I got you this; it's like a vacation in a bottle. It's an all-natural soda that isn't like the junk you normally drink. It's light, fruity and slightly floral. I know you have a dumb hatred on pomegranate because you think they are too difficult to eat, but this captures the flavor wonderfully without being overly bitter. No, it doesn't taste like an old lady's floral perfume. Hibiscus, is a magical flower that when mixed with a slight bit of cinnamon is one of the best flavors a beverage can have. I wasn't sure what aronia was, but it's apparently a super fruit that is similar to acai. I'm guessing it's what that extra flavor in here is. It blends in perfectly in this soda whatever it is.

Seriously though, crank your heat, turn on all the lights, blast some relaxing music, close your eyes and sip this soda and you'll feel like you were able to get away and are on some tropical island somewhere. It may not be the real thing, but it will give you a little escape from the life of debt you've gotten yourself into. Good luck digging yourself out of that hole.
Soda Pop
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/13/14, 1:29 PM
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Hawaiian Sun Green Tea with Ginseng

Hawaiian Sun Green Tea with Ginseng
Hawaii, man. Reason why it's so expensive to live there is because they're doing stuff right. They've only got what they've got on the island and everything that isn't indigenous probably is a super hassle to get there. But, the stuff they've got on the islands is awesome. This tea, for instance, is right. It's bitter from the green tea and ginseng but is sweet because of that sweet, sweet Hawaiian cane sugar. Oh to spend a half hour in one of those cane sugar farms...I would walk out with my own personal stalk and just enjoy life until my teeth fell out.

Come on, Continental United States. Get on it. Little Hawaii is getting stuff right and you're mucking it up with your garbage preservatives and diet nonsense. I'll pay a little more if you just drop all this penny pinching garbage and make something with quality. We deserve it. You've been making swill for too long and I'm about to just hand in my "land lubber" card and move to Hawaii and live off the land. Nothing but Spam, high fiving Duane Chapman at Chili's and this iced tea for me. Aloha Hawaii and peace out, New York.
Iced Tea
Hawaiian SunWebsite
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/28/14, 4:30 PM
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Zum XR Xtended Release Sports Drink Natural Mango Green Tea

Zum XR Xtended Release Sports Drink Natural Mango Green Tea
Shakes the clown did not get his name for good reasons. He was known for shaking very badly while making balloon animals. He never knew why he shook and didn't ask a doctor until a group of kids were picking on him for being at a birthday party and it took him a long time to tie a knot.

He went to the doctor and the doctor asked him what was on his mind. Shakes, or to the doctor, Gerald, said that he didn't know what happened. The doctor asked him about a normal day and Gerald said that he would wake up, drink a bottle of mango iced tea, and go to work. The doctor asked him what brand of drink it was and he said it was called "Zum XR" and the doctor gave him a look, took off his glasses, and gave him a little chuckle. He said, "Gerald, do you feel fine for about a half hour and then start to shake?" Gerald said that he did. He said that he really likes the flavor of it. He said it tasted great and you could taste both mango and a decent, smooth not bitter green tea. It was well sweetened and he liked the little balls in the bottom. The doctor asked Gerald if he knew what the balls were. Gerald said that he didn't know. The doctor told him that it was time released energy beads that was just giving him too much energy and his body couldn't handle it. Gerald was happy that he knew what it was but sad that he might have to stop drinking his favorite drink.

The next week, Gerald went back to work for kids birthday parties and felt like he was doing the best because he wasn't shaking. He could tie balloons no problem. He had no problem squirting water from his lapel flower. He never missed another pie in the face. At the end of the shows, though, at least one person would ask him why he was called "Shakes" and he said that he used to shake all the time. The kids actually missed the shaking and he missed his favorite drink. He made the tough decision to be worse at his job but to enjoy his drink and live up to his namesake again. Shakes the clown was back!
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Iced Tea and Energy Drink
Zum XRWebsite@ZumXR
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/30/13, 2:51 PM
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That Indian Drink Raspberry Cinnamon Lassi

That Indian Drink Raspberry Cinnamon Lassi
Depending on what word you put the emphasis on this drink could have a unsavory name. I guess it all boils down to saying it as if it were a question. “THAT Indian drink?” makes it seem like the person can't believe that you would choose that drink above others, and is slightly disgusted by it. “That INDIAN drink?” just makes you sound racist, as if you want nothing to do with all things Indian. “That Indian DRINK?” just makes you seem like a moron and that you don't know what drinks are.

I would choose “THAT INDIAN DRINK!” because this is pretty darn good. It also acts as more of a dessert than a beverage, like a Indian milkshake if you will. For those of you who are uncultured buffoons who don't own a monocle, a lassi is a sweetened yogurt drink. So it's essentially raspberry yogurt, but thinned out, with a splash of cinnamon in it. I shook this a great deal, as the bottle recommended, but I didn't get much cinnamon flavor until I got to the bottom 1/3 of the bottle. When I got there it was all worth it though. It's thick and it's exotic. I'm glad it only comes in an 8oz bottle though, because I don't think I could handle much more than that.
That Indian DrinkWebsite
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/13/13, 3:15 PM
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Zum XR Xtended Release Sports Drink Natural Alpine Berry

Zum XR Xtended Release Sports Drink Natural Alpine Berry
If this bottle weren't completely sealed I would have questioned whether or not someone had replaced the beverage with some sort of poison. Actually, do you guys thing someone could have done that with a syringe in the nub at the bottom of the bottle? It really didn't taste right. It had one of those flavors that set off alarms in your taste buds/brain that warn you to make sure you're not drinking antifreeze. On top of that when I first shook it up there were these clouds floating in the drink that were definitely a different consistency than the rest of the drink. It's a little disturbing.

So what we have here is a bottle that tastes like watered down berries mixed with some sort of coolant. Not exactly what I look for in a beverage. It's a totally different chemical taste than other energy drinks. Apparently this is a natural poison.

As it turns out it either wasn't poison at all, or I have a high tolerance. I drank this a while ago, and I have yet to shuffle off this mortal coil, or show any signs of doing so. Looks like “heart stoppage” does not need to be included in the list of possible side effects after all.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Zum XRWebsite@ZumXR
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/11/13, 3:27 PM
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Zum XR Xtended Release Sports Drink Natural Wild Mandarin

Zum XR Xtended Release Sports Drink Natural Wild Mandarin
First there was 8 Minute Abs. Then the great 7 Minute Abs was thought of by a lonely hitchhiker. That self same hitchhiker then assured us that 6 Minute Abs could never exist, due to science. Years later the world is bombarded with 5-Hour Energy shots. They always seemed a bit scary to me. Time shouldn't be able to be so concentrated into a little bottle. Finally everything has come together in one plastic container of Zum XR. The contents of this bottle will slowly release both caffeine and electrolytes over a 5 hour period. Think of how many sets of 7 Minute Abs you could do in that time. The caffeine will keep you going and the electrolytes will keep you hydrated. It's a win-win situation and by my calculations you'll have a month and a half's worth of ab workouts in one afternoon. Who's going to argue that science?

The functionality of this drink is right on the money. I drank one before I went to the gym and I ended up working out longer, and didn't feel as worn out by the end. I also didn't feel jittery at all. The problem is in the science of the flavor. It's not grosssauce, but it does taste like watered down mandarin orange juice, with a bit of functionality weirdness in the aftertaste. It's not something I would drink for the flavor, but it's not bad compared to other poison tasting drinks that promise a somewhat similar functionality.

On another note, it says it shake the bottle to “unleash” the power of the energy beads that are in it (aka the cupcake sprinklesque tiny balls that are on the bottom). No matter how much I shook it I couldn't get them to exist in the bottle, except at the bottom. By the time I got to the end of the drink I got a mouthful of the little guys and I could see how that could be a turn off for some people. So keep that in mind.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Zum XRWebsite@ZumXR
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/26/13, 12:22 PM
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Silk Chocolate Mint

Silk Chocolate Mint
When I saw this alongside Silk Nog my heart jumped because it's my favorite time of year. While many of my friends protested that it's "too soon" for eggnog, I disagree. It's never too soon and I wish it were offered year round.

While this is no nog, it's a seasonal drink so I couldn't pass it up. This is the friend your best friend brings along with them. You'd rather just hang out with the person you know and love, but you'll give this other friend a shot.

While this may be my first chocolate mint soymilk, it will not be my last. This stuff is really delicious! It's a very smooth chocolate with a nice crisp mint that isn't overpowering. While my love for eggnog has not be surpassed, this wonderful soymilk has earned its spot next to it in the fridge.
Milk and Soy
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 10/3/12, 1:28 AM
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Boing! Mango

Boing! Mango
Drinks that come in containers not normally associated with their type are always odd to me. This has been in my cupboard for a while and every few weeks I look at it, and it takes me a second to remember that it's not mango soda. While it may have confused me I appreciate the effort put into this bottle. It's neat, and I love the embossed “Boing!” on the bottle. The label is pretty great looking as well. Do you want to know something else? The juice inside the bottle isn't half bad either. It's more of a nectar than a juice, and that's how I like my mango beverages. It's thick and sweet, okay maybe a bit too sweet. I feel like the drink would have fared just fine without the added sugar. Oh well it's in there, and there's nothing I can do about that. Looks like I'll just have to kick back and enjoy it anyways.
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/14/12, 9:07 PM
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Celestial Seasonings Black Tea Southern Sweet

Celestial Seasonings Black Tea Southern Sweet
Oh boy. The entirety of the South is going to be upset. Celestial Seasonings, the entry-level tea company that we don't have any reason to hate, is going to get themselves into trouble with this little guy. I've said it a lot, but I'll say it again. The key to a good sweet tea is the lack of ingredients. Celestial Seasoning knows what time it is and they know tea but for some reason, they never made the jump from regular, inexpensive hot tea, to cold brew tea. Now they have and people should watch out.

This tea is wonderful. It tastes like a great, homemade sweet tea. It's just the right amount of sweet and still tastes like a real tea. It's all contained in that tiny little container, too.

I only bought one type of Keurig K-Cups prior to this and that's the dark hot chocolate. Spending $2 on a drink is alright. It's right at the cusp of where I can take it or leave it. You can't buy less than sixteen of these and it costs usually around $11, which, to us Thirsty Dudes, it astronomical because we only need one drink and sometimes that is too much. In hindsight, I'm alright with spending that much now. Not because it comes out to less than $1 per glass, but because it's good enough that I will easily drink it again and again.
Iced Tea and Keurig
Celestial SeasoningsWebsite@celestialtea
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/15/12, 9:35 PM
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Noh Foods Hawiian Iced Tea

Noh Foods Hawiian Iced Tea
Hawaii is a tropical wonderland. Everyone knows that. It's lush, gorgeous and relaxing. You can hike through a jungle, spend the day surfing, check out a volcano or just relax on the beach. What more could anyone want. On top of that the fruits that grow on the islands are out of control: guavas, pineapples, mangoes and many others that you have probably never heard of, but that are more than likely delicious.

With all the great produce that grows I has hoping for this to be some sort of exotic iced tea. Can you just imagine an iced tea with guava juice in it? I think my taste buds would retire after tasting such a thing. Unfortunately Noh Foods' Hawiian Iced tea is simply the normal lemon variety. There is nothing wrong with that, and it's actually one of the finest lemon teas I've ever tasted, but I was just hoping for something more unique to the geographic namesake.

Noh Foods were smart when they made this. They knew that the tea is the main part of the drink, and that the amount of lemon juice they added to it mustn't distract one from the taste of the tea. I was actually surprised to find out that it was instant tea, and not traditionally brewed. Normally drinks made from instant tea are on the lower rungs of quality, but they have over come that and created a very nice product. I just hope they read this and decide to expand their line into some innovative fruit flavors.
Iced Tea
Noh FoodsWebsite@NOHFoods
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/1/12, 7:35 PM
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Boing! Guava

Boing! Guava
Grit. People nowadays aren't conditioned for any sort of "stuff" in their drink. They should be because "stuff" usually mean better. Try it. I'm serious. Go to the store and buy something that's just gnarly looking. If I can make a recommendation, something along the lines of this drink or any of the many Goya nectar drinks. Drink it. It's good, right? It tastes like fruit. Real fruit. Real, gritty, natural, seed filled fruit. If Mother Nature was an actual person and made a drink, it would have grit in it. You know that's true.

Take thing drink for instance, it is just guava and a little bit of sugar. Alright, alright, there are some other things that probably don't need to be there like sorbitol but the preservatives are probably needed to keep this "100% Natural" drink alive. This is a good drink, though. It tastes like tropical fruit just like it should. It's also served in a cool, skinny, tall bottle that's embossed with the company name and has some awesome artwork that's pretty out of this world.
Natural Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/26/12, 2:13 PM
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Hawaiian Sun Natural Passion Orange

Hawaiian Sun Natural Passion Orange
Just like Ben Murphy in the blockbuster film "Riding With Death" this drink is mellow. Passion fruit and orange make a nice combo. They even each other out nicely. A quick blast of passion fruit followed up with some calming citrus. I've drank so many of these type of drinks in the past week that I don't really know what else to say. It's great and I'm going to miss it when I head back home.
Hawaiian SunWebsite
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Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/1/11, 3:37 PM
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Hawaiian Sun Natural Pineapple Orange Nectar

Hawaiian Sun Natural Pineapple Orange Nectar
Jason is on his way to Hawaii right now. I mention this because this drink is made in Hawaii, but I found it in a local Asian super market. I'm sure he'll be coming across all sorts of flavors of this brand.

It's been a while since I've drunk juice. I decided to forgo my usual morning coffee today, and instead drink this. Usually when I see the word nectar, I think "thick". I was pleasantly surprised that this was a light juice. It has a really great taste as well. The pineapple and orange are mixed really well. But at the end of the day, this juice isn't amazing. Can you really call something that is only 20% juice, juice?

While I can't be in Hawaii with Jason, I feel like this juice brings me a little closer.
Hawaiian SunWebsite
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Natural Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 4/24/11, 12:00 PM
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Snow Pure Cola

Snow Pure Cola
I really liked the Cranberry Pomraz Snow, so I had high expectations for this. It's not great, but it's not terrible. What it is is 100% middle of the road cola. It is average in every way. Nothing sticks out about it, good or bad. If you like cola, give it a shot. I enjoyed it. So will you.
Soda Pop
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/30/10, 2:47 PM
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Lane Southern Orchard Peach Cider

Lane Southern Orchard Peach Cider
Another cider I got on my trip down south. When you're at a peach farm in Georgia, and they have peach cider, you buy a bottle. I think that might actually be a law.
I don't really know what I expected this to taste like. Actually I do. I expected a little bit of a fall flavor, but you know what? They don't really have the fall where peaches grow. This is very good nonetheless. It's slightly different than a peach juice, but it's not as far off as apple cider is from apple juice. One of my friends said that it tasted like the juice in the bottom of a can of peaches. I can see that, but it's better.
Lane Southern OrchardWebsite@LANEORCHARDS
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/18/10, 9:58 AM
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Snow Cranberry Pomraz

Snow Cranberry Pomraz
I had never heard of Snow before until a couple of days ago when in the span of a couple hours I got a bunch of text messages from people asking me if I had tried it yet. I guess it must have just hit the shelves, and my friends are looking out for Thirsty Dudes.
It's really a great soda. It's light, but still flavorful. I did not have high hopes for this. The can looks like something you would find in a Dollar Store. I'm really glad I was proved wrong. Raspberry, cranberry and pomegranate make a good team together. I will definitely be trying the other flavors.
I don't know what snow has to do with this drink, except they donate proceeds to help combat global warming. The name and the can design make it look like it's a season drink. I hope that does not deter sales for them once the warmer weather kicks back in.
Soda Pop
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/11/10, 1:48 PM
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