Water - 252 Reviews

Hint Peppermint

Hint Peppermint
Oh well Meeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy Christmas. What better way to share the joy that with minty fresh breath brought to you discreetly by water? Look, this is a fine drink. It reminds me of the date of Metromint, may they rest in peace. Wait, are they still a company? According to their website they are not. Bummer. That chocolate mint water was truly something special. Is this? Eh, I guess it will have to do since the forefathers of mint water are now dead and gone.

This is good. It really is. It's not "really good" but it's good enough that it passed the "doesn't taste like toothpaste" test which, you guessed it, is when you drink mint flavored drinks and they do or do not taste like toothpaste. It's a crucial but hidden, secret test that all our drinks have to go through. Think of it as bootcamp for drinks.

This is (probably) a limited time offer so if you like a nice minty drink, get it while the gettin's good. I got this at Target so you should have no problem finding it.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 12/10/18, 1:33 PM
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Trader Joe's Herbal Flavored Water Lemongrass Spearmint

Trader Joe's Herbal Flavored Water Lemongrass Spearmint
This was nice. I've got a head cold. I wish I could appreciate this more. Instead, it's just a flavored water. It's not super minty like Metromint. I miss Metromint. Man, that chocolate one was great. It doesn't taste like toothpaste which, while doesn't need to be said, should be noted at very least. The lemongrass, yeah, she's there. It's not strong but it's present.

Trader Joe's on a Sunday with your kid who just spit potatoes au gratin in your hands isn't the best way to close a weekend but this was a nice, pleasant way to kind of "round the edges" a little bit.
Trader Joe'sWebsite@TraderJoesList
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/12/18, 10:16 AM
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Polar Seltzer Hibiscus Cloudberry

Polar Seltzer Hibiscus Cloudberry
This is a flavor that delivers what it promises. What does it promise? Well, I can't say for certain, but I can say that this tastes like what I would expect berries that grow on clouds in a cartoon to taste like. I'm not saying that drinking this will turn you into a cartoon and let you walk around on clouds singing songs and talking to birds, but I'm not not saying that either.

Like clouds is the only way I can think to describe this. It's fruity without being fruity and floral without being floral. I'm pretty sure they captured magic and bottled it for mass consumption, but only for a limited time because there is only so much magic in the world and it will certainly run out.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 10/30/18, 1:08 PM
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Polar Seltzer Vanilla Zen

Polar Seltzer Vanilla Zen
While I'm not stoked that the Northeast will soon be a frozen tundra and most of the joy in life will be stolen from me, I am very excited that the new Polar Winter line has been released. I wasn't even expecting it. I went down the water aisle in my favorite local grocer and there they were in all their glory. Right at eye level was this gem, Vanilla Zen. I've been saying for years that seltzer companies need to release more flavors that are not based on fruit (what happened to cinnamon? ) and while this is sort of fruity, it at least is mostly spice based.

From the packaging it appeared to me that Zen tastes like pomegranate drizzled with honey, or maybe some weird honey flowers. As far as I can taste though, it's just a combination of vanilla and pomegranates though., with the pom being very light. The gold kernels were a misdirect, and there is no honey to be found. I don't know how that could be pulled off without it being sweet anyway.

This isn't the second coming of the savior that I had hoped for but it's still really great and I will enjoy a lot of it while it's still on the shelves.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 10/25/18, 1:01 PM
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Limitless Lightly Caffeinated Sparkling Water Blood Orange

Limitless Lightly Caffeinated Sparkling Water Blood Orange
This seemed interesting. At first glance I thought, “This would be something good to get me through a long work day. No sugar. No calories. It's simply seltzer water with some caffeine added to it.” This had the potential to be a “healthy” morning beverage for those of us who do not drink coffee. Yes, the caffeine is derived from green coffee beans, but there is no coffee flavoring in here at all. In fact the downfall of this product is that there isn't much flavoring at all. Before you start to argue that seltzer isn't a very flavorful beverage by design, I very much know that, and I embrace the sparkling beverage for it. This can had minimal blood orange flavoring to it. It tasted more like a seltzer that had been left open for a long time and the flavor dissipated with the bubbles (this was still carbonated though). The natural caffeine also added a little bit of flavor around the edges, which I could have done without. Overall this was fairly bland and that is from someone who drinks seltzer, water, and unsweetened tea all day.
Energy Drink, Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 10/18/18, 6:11 AM
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Poland Spring Black Cherry

Poland Spring Black Cherry
I'm New York City. Can you tell? Have you seen Jay and I taking the city by storm? We're truly crushing this place. We've eaten all day. We've walked basically one hundred miles. We've seen things, man.

We're eating and drinking and eating and drinking. After doing that for a day and a half, we needed to calm down and drink some seltzer.

You already know what it is, mang. It's black cherry seltzer. I can't believe we haven't drank it before. It's somehow smooth and is super refreshing. You care. You should care. These drinks are important. Who cares about your diet. You look great. Keep drinking seltzer.
Sparkling and Water
Poland SpringWebsite@PolandSpringWtr
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/7/18, 7:38 PM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Blume Honey Water Ginger Zest

Blume Honey Water Ginger Zest
I'm sure this is not something that a beverage company would ideally want to be associated with, but this would be perfect if you were feeling under the weather. It doesn't really make me think of cough drops or anything like that, it just seems like it would be a nice relief if you had a sore throat or a cold. It's honey, ginger, and lemon; that just screams soothing to me. If you drank this hot I feel like it could cure anything, well you know any sort of minor ailment, not a life threatening disease. It's not magic.

The honey is very strong in this and the ginger has just the slightest burn to it. It's certainly not a gulping beverage, but I cold sip on this all day long. Whether I am sick, or just looking for something that tastes delicious, this drink is there for me.
Ginger, Other/Weird and Water
United States
Jason Draper on 10/3/18, 8:27 AM
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Polar Seltzer Jr. Pixie Lights

Polar Seltzer Jr. Pixie Lights
Polar's Seltzer Jr line is back (from what I hear, to stay) and this time they brought two new friends with them. One of them is this little fella that goes by the name Pixie Lights. From the picture on the tiny can one would assume that the New England based company is insinuating that fireflies are really just little pixies, riding around on tiny lightbulbs. Don't worry though, they wear itsy bitsy crash helmets so it's all done safely.

Due to the name I really wanted this to somehow taste like Pixie Stix candy or you know like Red Bull without any sweetener added to it. I knew I wasn't going to be getting what I hoped before I even took a sip. Could something really taste like flavored granulated sugar though that has no sugar in it? In reality what I got was a lightly floral citrus taste that I can't really pinpoint. It's not lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit. Maybe it's something exotic like starfruit. Is starfruit a citrus? It could maybe be the seltzer taste/bubbles that keeps making me think of citrus. Whatever it is it's light and refreshing , which is what I want out of seltzer.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/28/18, 11:40 AM
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Blume Honey Water Vanilla Citrus

Blume Honey Water Vanilla Citrus
Well it certainly is nice to try something new again. This was great. I'll come right out of the gate, swinging my fists like a complete idiot; ready to fight no one and everyone at the same time. Honey rules. I put it in my coffee at home. I put it on ice cream. I add it to other stuff that you mind your G.D. business about, that's what! This is sweet. It's a different sweet than "1,000,000 sugar" sweet. It just tastes like honey which tastes sweet. It's a bit of a mental thing. As far as the "citrus vanilla" goes., yeah, that's there lighter in the mix. It's certainly a honey base but it does have notes of citrus and vanilla. I don't know how they do it. It's not thick at all. It's "like water" but tastes like honey. A drinkable honey for those of you cosplayers who go to Winnie The Pooh conventions but don't want to get your $1900 costume all sticky before the inevitably sex party afterwards aptly named "The Piglet Roast."

As sweet as this is, the whole (tiny) bottle is only 70 calories. This was generously sent to us but if I saw it in the wild, I would buy it. It's nice. A+. Quick shipping. Would buy from again.
Juice and Water
United States
Mike Literman on 9/7/18, 1:33 PM
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Blume Honey Water Wild Blueberry

Blume Honey Water Wild Blueberry
This, this is not what I was expecting and it is so much better. I was expecting something akin to a Vitamin Water that had a hint of honey in it. IN reality it tastes like someone put on a kettle to make some tea, poured it into a mug, put in an extremely healthy amount of honey and then forgot to put in the tea bag. By the time they realized their folly, the water had cooled too much so they added some blueberry juice instead and magic happened. This is the most honey tasting thing I have ever ingested that wasn't just straight honey. It really tastes like I am just licking the honey off of a spoon. It is simply wonderful. The blueberry flavor also tastes real, so I can't imagine anyone ever complaining about that. There is also grapefruit, coriander, rosemary and peppercorn in here for reasons that I do not know, but it tastes incredible, so I'm not going to question their inclusion.

If you don't like honey I don't know why you would try something called honey water, but if you do you cannot go wrong with this. It's pure bliss.
Other/Weird and Water
United States
Jason Draper on 8/19/18, 7:49 AM
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Polar Seltzer Mango Cherry Bliss

Polar Seltzer Mango Cherry Bliss
I've been putting this off. One simply does not enjoy bad mouthing Polar. They bring so much joy to my life and excitement to my taste buds. Unfortunately here I sit with one of the limited edition summer flavors for 2018, sipping away out of obligation and respect, but little enjoyment. Something about this just tastes artificial. It doesn't even have a medicinal cherry flavoring, it just tastes like some sort of chemical flavoring. It's not just the cherry either, the mango tastes off as well. There is just no bliss to be found in this beverage. Do yourself a favor and just grab a different flavor of Polar and enjoy. Lucky for everyone this is limited.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/20/18, 10:53 AM
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Green-Go Cactus Water Hint of Lemon

Green-Go Cactus Water Hint of Lemon
So after saying the name of this beverage several times aloud to a friend they still thought that I was saying it was called Gringo and not Green-Go. Was that an intentional marketing plan? Perhaps it was an inside joke, you know a play on how the white people who live in the suburbs of America won't shut up about how such and such restaurant is completely authentic Mexican, when in reality it's like an Applebees that serves tacos. Those same people probably will never step into the hole in the wall taquerias that look filthy, but taste amazing, serving things such as nopal. In case you didn't know nopal is cactus and it is what is used to make this beverage. The folks at Green-Go puree the paddles of the nopal cactus into a beverage that is ridiculously refreshing. Think of it as coconut water's long lost cousin. When I describe what cooked nopal tastes like to people I always say it's like a cross between green beans and green peppers. This tastes nothing like that, thankfully…₮ÂĶI think? This tastes kind of like unsweetened aloe vera, but you know without being overbearing and resembling poison. It tastes plantlike, but it is very mild. It's the kind of flavor that grows on you the more you drink, and you will want to drink a lot when you see how hydrated it makes you feel. Take it from this gringo.
Other/Weird and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/12/18, 1:14 PM
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Polar Seltzer Blueberry Tangerine

Polar Seltzer Blueberry Tangerine
I took a little break from reviewing Polar's summer flavors, because let's be honest, as great as they are there really isn't much to say. Sure I could tell a story about a family of polar bears who each have very specifically flavored saliva and how a New England company offered them bundles of cash and fish to have exclusive access to their mouth juice in order to flavor there beverages, but we all know that story like we know about the birth of Christ. Instead I will just say that this is my favorite of the 2018 Summer limited edition. It's got berries and it's got citrus, and both turned out well, without a hint of bear spit. The flavors taste as true as can be in a seltzer and I have downed far too many liters of it over the past month.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/6/18, 3:04 PM
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Susosu Essential Hydrogen Water

Susosu Essential Hydrogen Water
Whenever a company sends us water to review I always find myself at a loss. Sure, water from different parts of the county/world have slightly different tastes, but I really have no idea how to describe the differences. My palate surely is not sophisticated enough to be able to distinguish which states use fluoride and to what extent, or what minerals are more prevalent in one town that another. I will say there is a noticeable difference in waters that are pH balanced, they are somehow smoother and more enjoyable for me. Mineral water can have a distinct taste and what we have here is a mineral water, but it doesn't taste like the carbonated versions I have drunk in the past. Maybe the bubbles embellish the flavor. To me this tastes like a nice clean, smooth water. There is nothing more I could say to give it a better review. That is what I want out of water, and that is what it delivers. Sure, the company claims that it can be used as an antioxidant, energy booster, muscle rejuvenation, and that it slows aging, but I certainly can't tell if any of those things are true. I hope they are. I hope this is the healthiest thing you could ever possibly drink, because I find it refreshing and what more could I ask from water. My one complaint is that the cap does not reseal well, but at 300mL why should I have to reseal it?
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/25/18, 5:04 PM
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Ocean Spray Pact Cranberry Blood Orange

Ocean Spray Pact Cranberry Blood Orange
Question: Is it infused if it takes the color and flavor of the fruit? It seems like it's just a juice at that point.

Story: This is good. I saw it at an Aldi and left the line I was in while the people in front of me argued about bringing bags and the people behind me screamed at someone on the phone about how they're going to beat the hell of them when they see them. I'm painting a picture of what it's like to Aldi by me. Yes, it's a verb. I could not get out of there fast enough. It's not always like that but when it rains it pours.

Review: This is good. I'm at work after a long weekend just drinking some fruity juice water. It's good. Best of all, you can't really tell that it's fake sugar. I believe previously that you could. Perhaps they improved the recipe. From a drink standpoint it's good. I certainly get more cranberry than blood orange or even citrus at all. Did that make it lose points? Nope. It was still good. I would get it again. For the eleventh time, though, this is juice. Give Vitamin Water to a child and have a discussion about whether or not it's water or juice. Hint makes water with fruit essence in it. This is not that.
Juice and Water
Ocean SprayWebsite@oceansprayinc
United States
Mike Literman on 6/12/18, 6:37 AM
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Polar Seltzer Cucumber Melon

Polar Seltzer Cucumber Melon
For years one of the things I have wanted most out of the beverage world was a Polar cucumber seltzer. Sure some other companies made them to varying degrees of wonderfulness, but I really wanted it from Polar, so it would be readily available in large quantities and be inexpensive. This summer my dreams were finally answered, and I thought I was getting an added bonus with the melon tacked on. A nice cucumber honeydew (or cantaloupe) combination is hard to beat in my world. The thing is that Polar went with a different melon, one that never tastes right in any form other than eating the melon itself. This is an approximation of cucumber and watermelon. While the cucumber taste in here is spot on and wonderful, the watermelon has that inevitable Jolly Rancher flavor to it. I don't know why it is impossible to capture the true flavor of watermelon but it plagues humanity. This is still good, due to the lack of sugar the fake watermelon flavor is passable. Next year, let's step up the game Polar, how about going with one of the other melons I mentioned, or even just straight cucumber. I bet it would be a best seller (if not from sales to me alone). While you're at it, how about putting the vanilla in cans as well? Or maybe a vanilla-pineapple mix-up. What this isn't a pitch meeting? My bad,
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/4/18, 6:25 AM
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Bubbly Sparkling Water Grapefruit

Bubbly Sparkling Water Grapefruit
After trying the strawberry I had high hopes for the other Bubbly flavors. That one strength to its flavor that you don't find in every seltzer. This grapefruit one is a dime a dozen (or 99 cents a bottle). It tastes like every other grapefruit seltzer I have had in my time walking this planet. That's not a bad thing, but I was hoping for a bit more pizazz. I wanted to feel like I was eating breakfast at a cabin in the woods and for some reason I thought citrus was the proper food. I don't know why my brain associates those things. It is a weird place to live. This tastes like grapefruit, but not so much that it makes your face scrunch up that so badly want it to do.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/30/18, 4:28 PM
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Polar Seltzer Raspberry Rose

Polar Seltzer Raspberry Rose
Summertime in Seltzerville in 2018 is very similar to that of last year. Most of the limited edition Polar flavors are slight twists on last year's flavors, while others such as this Raspberry Rose have just been brought back in the same form for summer consumption. I have no idea how we did not review this one last year. I guess it was when Mike and I were in a slump and were just burned out with doing Thirsty Dudes. Whatever the reason we missed it, and we apologize.

I am a bit surprised that this is the only returning flavor, as it was probably my least favorite of the 2017 line (I drank far too much of the mango berry). This is essentially a unsweetened , non-alcoholic wine spritzer. It's not something I would normally drink. It's lighter in flavor than normal Polar flavors. It also has an undertone that I will attribute to the fake wine aspect. I don't really know if that is true, because wine seems like the grossest thing to me. It just smells like rot to me. This isn't really a beverage for me, but friends who tried this, who enjoy wine said that it's pretty fantastic, so don't take my word on anything.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/27/18, 6:48 AM
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Treo Organic Birch Water Infusion Blueberry

Treo Organic Birch Water Infusion Blueberry
I learned today that birch water is nature's Gatorade. According to the Treo website it is “full of naturally occurring electrolytes and antioxidants” and it “hydrates your body faster than water.” Interesting. Did you also know that it's what plants crave? Did you also know that we are in a real life version of the movie Idiocracy…₮ÂĶ.says far too many people who think they are clever. Less complaining about annoying people and more talk about the drink at hand. Xylitol is naturally occurring in birch sap as well, so this is naturally sweet yet low in calories. Everything seems to be coming up roses for this style of beverage. The only thing is I'm not 100% sold on the taste. I could see it going down smooth after exercising or performing at a sporting event, but just casually sipping it is not really for me. It doesn't taste like maple, but there is something about it that I can't put my finger on that makes it definitely in the same family. For the record I am not a maple fan, so that could be the reason to my slight aversion to this. At least the blueberry in here is tasty and is like fruit and not just flavoring. Now I just want to listen to Trio, you know the band that sings Da Da Da that is not the Elastica version.
Other/Weird and Water
United States
Organic Erytritol
Jason Draper on 5/26/18, 7:36 AM
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Polar Seltzer'ade Starfruit Lemonade

Polar Seltzer'ade Starfruit Lemonade
The weather has finally broke and it's been plain warm out. The sun is shining down the trees are sprouting leaves and I'm sitting on my back porch hanging with my new puppy and sipping on this can of seltzer'ade. Oh yeah, The artist formerly known as Editor Dan is also with me, encouraging my pup to be the jerk he kind of already is. He's a bad friend I tell ya. The only reason I mention this poor influence is that he tried this beverage and instantly proclaimed that it tasted like lemon Pez. He's not too far off base. It's not exact, but I see where he's coming from. I have no idea if this tastes like actual starfruit, because I haven't tasted one in over a decade. I can say that it is fruity and refreshing, and that I would be enjoying it a lot more if I didn't have to worry about this dog doing something stupid, like dig a giant hole in my lawn…₮ÂĶ..too late.
Lemonade, Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/22/18, 6:01 PM
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