Shot - 84 Reviews

Lucky Cherry Cherry Cola

Lucky Cherry Cherry Cola
Sometimes man, cherry cola is a perfect drink. When I would go to Mighty Taco, a local chain/franchise after a punk show, I would always get a cherry cola. I don't know why. It's one of the only times I drink the stuff. I like to keep it minimal because it makes me appreciate it more.

I thought this was "just" cola but oh no. Lucky cherry indeed. This is cherry cola and it's very good. It's very sweet and has a decent, candy-like cherry cola taste. It's a lot. I bet a lot of people would think this is too sweet and they most certainly would not be wrong. I probably couldn't and won't today finish this bottle myself. Twenty ounces is masochistic. It is good, though. I don't want my inability to drink so much cola to count against this otherwise delicious treat.
Lucky Cherry
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/30/16, 12:46 PM
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Ginger Shots Lemon Ginger

Ginger Shots Lemon Ginger
I want someone to pull a prank on me. I want to order a nice cold lemonade and have one of my friends slip this shot into the mix. They will smile as they hand me the glass, stifling a giggle, but the joke will actually be on them because this could do nothing but improve any lemonade. Normally I'm not a huge fan of lemon (well except in perfect lemonade), it just seems like a boring flavor, but it always pairs perfectly with ginger, and boy oh boy is this some ginger. This is the most intense of the shots that we were sent. The sourness of the lemon somehow enhances the burn and I can't take a sip without making a ridiculous face, and I love every second of it. It is so, so sour. I'm making that cartoon puckered lip face that you see on lemon products that don't actually do that to you. This does it. This makes you pucker. I want to give this to Mike's soon and see how he responds. He'll probably hate me. Eh You win some you lose some.
Ginger and Shot
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/26/16, 11:59 AM
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Ginger Shots Orange Ginger

Ginger Shots Orange Ginger
Carl, why did you give me this fire in a bottle? What did I. What did I. What did I do to deserve this? It's like drinking citrus flavored lava. I don't know if there was orange but it was citrus. If I had a straight ginger and drank this side by side I might be able to confirm that it's orange flavored but the burn is just so intense that the flavor is lost. It's not bad at all, though. I appreciate your gratuity in burning off my taste buds but I still don't know why people drink this. Is it energizing? Is it good for my insides? Why did I just subject myself to this self-torture? Fun? Carl. Carl. Baby. Don't do that to me. I've had a long day. You know what? I do like it. Would I drink it again? We'll see if I'm given the opportunity but as much as I'd like to give your tongue an Indian burn, which might be racist at this point, I appreciate you giving this bottled up ending scene from Terminator 2.
Ginger and Shot
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/17/16, 6:57 AM
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Ginger Shots Apple Ginger

Ginger Shots Apple Ginger
Around two o'clock today I started sneezing. By 4 o'clock my nose was stuffy. Come 6 o'clock I started to feel really weak. My question is who gets sick in August when it's 90+ degrees out? Apparently this guy right here, and it couldn't come at a worse time. In order to combat this illness I drank one of these Ginger Shots and I will probably drink a handful more over the next 24 hours. The way the ginger in these feels makes me think that it could destroy anything unhealthy in the body. I'm probably wrong, but I'll let the placebo effect run its course.
Out of all of the ones I've tried this one has the most non-ginger flavor to it. The apple in this is very pleasant and its flavor isn't completely decimated once the ginger takes over. They interweave with each other and I absolutely love it. The ginger still has a ridiculous burn that isn't for the faint of heart, but there is more flavor to this one than the others. Dare I say that this is perfection?
Ginger, Juice and Shot
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/10/16, 6:56 PM
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Never Too Hungover Prevention

Never Too Hungover Prevention
Seeing as neither of us at Thirsty Dudes drink at all, let alone enough to give us a hangover, we had our friend Paul Morin (from the band Orations and famed impersonator) drink this and give us his thoughts. Here are the jumbled notes that he sent us:

Smells like grass.
Greenish color.
Tastes like smarties/ lemon-lime Gatorade.
Pasty chalky texture.
Tastes like artificially sweetened "Limeade."
My friend who is a chemist said after looking at the ingredients it was basically like taking a Tylenol before drinking.
Vaguely smells like dirty socks. "Limey sock water."

I did not wake up with a hangover however I did have to make several to the bathroom. Not sure whether to blame the alcohol, something I ate, or the product for that.

This is from a man who went to college to be a librarian. I guess you can't blame him since he started sober and kept writing as he got progressively drunker.

I can't really argue with most of his thoughts though. This tastes like a diet lime Gatorade if it had the concentration of an unfrozen Freeze-E-Pop.
Other/Weird and Shot
Never Too HungoverWebsite@Never2Hungovr
United States
Jason Draper on 8/4/16, 10:54 AM
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Ginger Shots Pomegranate Ginger

Ginger Shots Pomegranate Ginger
Let's face the facts. There is no one out there who is going to think that these shots are “just okay.” People are either going to love them or hate them and the decisive element is the intense burn from the ginger. Oh, that wonderful burn. It places me clearly on the “love it” side of the coin.

To be fair the additional flavors make up at best 10% of what is going on in these tiny bottles. The vast majority of the flavor is the ginger. With this one you get a little sweet pomegranate taste up front but it is quickly decimated by that ginger that I love and cherish. It makes me feel as if there is any illness lingering in my body that it doesn't stand a chance against this beverage. If live were a videogame this would be the elixir that returned some of your hearts so you could keep adventuring.
Ginger, Juice and Shot
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/30/16, 7:10 AM
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Never Too Hungover Boost

Never Too Hungover Boost
Over the years we have been sent a small handful of hangover cures. It seems like a great idea, but the problem is that neither Mike nor I drink at all. Our solution is to find a friend who is planning on getting drunk and having them drink it and relay their results to us, while we drink one and remark on the taste. Well, I've been somewhat of a hermit lately and I haven't been around people drinking in a while. I've been sitting on this for a couple of weeks and the proper opportunity hasn't arisen. I didn't want to make the company feel like we are neglecting their product and after the events of yesterday I have what I assume a hangover feels like.

Yesterday I had to print shirts for about 12 hours in a room that was easily over 110 degrees. I only stopped when a friend stopped by to get me to go push around the city on skateboards. Like the idiot I am I did not drink nearly enough water and as a result I was dehydrated, which I believe is a large part of hangovers. When I woke up this morning I was achy with a throbbing head and felt a little queasy. These are all complaints I hear from people who have hangovers. I decided this was as close as I was ever going to come so I drank this bottle of Boost, which can be drank before, during or the day after drinking. It seems to be jam packed with every B vitamin ever, Potassium, Electrolytes, Milk Thistle, Green Tea Extract, Aloe Vera, and Gotu Kola.

It's been about 45 minutes since I drank this and I do feel a bit better. I'm not sure if it's just time or the beverage, but I'll assume it was the drink. I also just learned that a big cause of hangovers is a toxin called acetaldehyde. Now I don't know if I had that but I'll just assume that this combats that quite nicely.

It has a berry taste, with a sucralose sweetness. It's a bit intense, but it's a shot, so that was expected. I don't know if this was a very accurate test, but I do feel better so I'll just say that this helps with hangovers because my word is law, right? RIGHT?
Other/Weird and Shot
Never Too HungoverWebsite@Never2Hungovr
United States
Jason Draper on 7/15/16, 7:01 AM
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Ginger Shots Pineapple Ginger

Ginger Shots Pineapple Ginger
They are not kidding with the name. This is one serious shot of ginger to the mouth, and it's absolutely wonderful. This is nothing but pineapple juice and of course ginger juice and it's very intense. In movies when people talk about the warm burn that they get from a shot of whiskey is exactly how this feels. You get one hell of a delicious burn all the way down. On top of that it tastes fantastic. It's hard to forget about the flavor because of the intensity, but it's there and it tastes like someone infused a pineapple with concentrated ginger. The best.

This is so intense that I kind of feel like I'm invincible because I drank it. It's as if it's some sort of magic potion that will protect me from any and all illnesses. I can't wait for Mike to try these. He's going to fall in love.
Juice and Shot
Ginger ShotsWebsite@Ginger_Shots
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/8/16, 9:17 AM
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Take 5 Relax + Focus

Take 5 Relax + Focus
Relaxation is sweeping the nation, and I'm okay with it. We've been living in an energy drink world for the past two decades and I think everyone needs to take a break from being over-caffeinated and jittery. More and more relaxation beverages are hitting the market all the time. While some of them are meant to just make you sleepy, or come down from an energy drink rush, there are others such as Take 5 that are meant to help you relax, but still stay awake. Since I had a complete stranger tell me that I looked like one of the most tense people she's ever seen, I probably need this in my life. I don't know when or how I got so uptight and stressed, but I'm open to options that don't involve me smoking weed.

While a lot of other relaxation drinks contain things such as melatonin, valerian root, and chamomile to calm you down and make you pretty much comatose, Take 5 uses B vitamins, L-theanine, magnesium and GABA. None of that really means anything to me, but I'm sure there's science behind it.

Normally shots are very potent, but this tastes pretty watered down. That sounds negative, but it's actually a nice change from what I'm used to. I mean these aren't meant to be sipped, you're supposed to drink the whole thing in one gulp. I'd prefer that gulp to taste like watery lemon/lime juice instead of weird chemicals any day. I can't really tell if this works because waiting to see if it works is making me anxious. Oh man I surely am a mess.
Relaxation and Shot
Take 5Website
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/18/16, 10:13 PM
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Pickle Juice Shot

Pickle Juice Shot
During my college years I went to way too many shows. As a result I was broke most of the time and unfortunately I had to miss even more shows than I went to because of a lack of cash flow. One day my friends were hanging out at my place and they were all going to see some bands play. I can't for the life of me remember who, but I remember I was bummed that I didn't have money to go. I had so little money that my dinner was pickles, mozzarella cheese and mustard sandwiches. My friend Jill offered to pay my way into the show if I chugged all of the juice that was left in the pickle jar. Being young and dumb I gulped it down without a second thought. It was a big jar and there was a lot of juice involved. As a result I did not feel all that well during the aftermath, but we went to the show and I'll assume I had a good time. Here I am 15+ years later and I remember nothing about the show, but I can very clearly recall the way my stomach felt after chugging so much pickle juice. I am also about to take a show of pickle juice to review on my dumb website about beverages. I love pickles, but I am not looking forward to this because of my memories. Oh well here goes nothing.

Yup, that tastes just like pickle juice. My friend asked what they did with all of the pickles they used to make the juice from. While I would love to say that all of the pickles at some restaurant or another were associated with this juice I think it's pretty safe to say that this is just a culmination of all the ingredients used to make dill pickles, minus the actual cucumber. My stomach feels okay. It's certainly weird to drink just pickle juice, but it's wasn't horrible. I feel like I just ate a whole mess of pickles and I'm okay with that.

The purpose of this drink is that it is supposed to help with muscle cramping, so it is helpful while exercising. I'm about to paint the ceiling of my deck, so I'm sure my neck and shoulder will be feeling not so great afterwards. Here's to hoping this helps.
Juice and Shot
Pickle JuiceWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/24/15, 5:34 PM
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Purps Vita Shot

Purps Vita Shot
This is the shot version of the mix that Mike reviewed a while ago. I had anticipated this being harsh and intense, the way most shot drinks are and because the fruits that it is composed of can taste that way in their natural state. I was happily surprised that it actually went down very smooth. It has a little bit of a children's vitamins taste to it, but in real life fruit way. It's all natural and you can tell by the taste. All of the grit at the bottom of the bottle also lets you know that it's natural. Anything artificial would be in trouble with the FDA for having that kind of residue.
Juice and Shot
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/24/15, 5:11 PM
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Redline Xtreme Triple Berry

Redline Xtreme Triple Berry
I've been burned by Redline before. Well not burned, more like an adrenaline shot to my heart, because I simply do not know how to read directions. It's recommended that you only drink half of the bottle. Being that I'm sensitive to caffeine I probably shouldn't even have drunk that much. I drank an entire bottle last time and I feel like I didn't sleep for a week. I of course forgot all of that and I grabbed a bottle before driving overnight from Kansas City to Chicago, after only sleeping three hours the night before. I got behind the wheel of the van, and downed the entire bottle. As soon as I did, the concentrated “shot” flavor caused the memories of a sleepless night to come flooding back.

I'll tell you what though, I drove like a champ. I went through rain storms, intense fog and a whole lot of darkness and I got us to IL by 10am. I pretty much didn't sleep until like 3am then. These drinks are insane. Sure they taste like energy drink shots that are so very, very diet. Sure there was some berry taste in but I just couldn't concentrate on it through the diet. I'll take that flavor though if it means it will work the way this does. Function over mouth fashion my friends.
Diet, Energy Drink and Shot
United States
Jason Draper on 3/24/15, 10:00 PM
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X Mode Energy Shots on Tap Cherry

X Mode Energy Shots on Tap Cherry
Look at what we have here; a bag inside of a box that is full of energy shots. This is either a great or absolutely horrible idea, depending on how you look at it. Actually it just depends on if you have one thing: Self Control.

The real benefit of this is the ridiculously low cost for an energy drink that actually works. If you purchase the larger box the shots end up costing about $.40 each, as opposed to the $3 they would cost if you bought them individually at a store. It also tastes better than most energy shots I've tasted. It's heavy cherry flavor, which falls on the more medicinal side of cherry, is better than the poison taste that most energy shots have. It's also a shot so you slug that thing down and the flavor is gone. It's not something you're meant to swish around your mouth and ponder.

The downfall of this could also be the price/quantity. The sad fact is that most of the people I know who drink energy drinks on any sort of regular basis tend to overdo it with them. I know people who drink 5-6 Red Bulls a day. That is completely obscene and can be in no way healthy. I can imagine those same people filling up a 12oz mug of X Mode and just downing it. That's 12x the recommended serving amount. I know the box says to not drink more than 3oz a day, but you know that is not going to stop the people who want it. That's not a fault in the company; it's a fault in people's chemistry and personality.

If you are the type of person who drinks energy drinks sparingly, or would just like to take a 1oz shot in the morning instead of your normal coffee, this is probably an ideal product for you. If you have an addictive personality, you'll more than likely want to stay away.
Diet, Energy Drink and Shot
X ModeWebsite@xmshot
United States
Jason Draper on 11/29/14, 1:56 PM
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truBrain Think Drink Turbo

truBrain Think Drink Turbo
Once, in high school, a bunch of us went to a grocery store and my friend bought a bottle of Hawaiian Punch. The thing that he did not realize was that he had grabbed a bottle of concentrate and not the ready to drink variety. He took a big gulp and spit the red syrupy concentrate everywhere. I nearly had a similar experience with this pouch of truBrain. This may not taste as much like poison as the other flavor I tried did, but it certainly tastes like it should be mixed into a glass of water.

This is supposed to be strawberry banana flavored, which I guess it is if you took that flavored candy and boiled it down to a potent extract. Oh yeah they also made it taste diet. This is a function “beverage” though. Its purpose is to boost cognitive function by blending blends cognitive enhancers, nootropic nutrients, and neurochemical modulators. When things involve this kind of science chances of them actually tasting good are very low. Everything I have read about this company seems to say that it actually works if you order a subscription and stick with it. That's gonna be a lot of gross tasting pouches, but hey, your brain is worth it, isn't it?
Diet, Shot and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 11/11/14, 3:05 PM
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Eternal Energy 10 Hour Time Release Berry

Eternal Energy 10 Hour Time Release Berry
I'm just going to go ahead and say what I can only assume everyone is thinking; 10 hours is one heck of a long time. That's longer than a typical work day. It's so long that you have to plan out when you are going to drink this shot, or else you can say goodbye to you regularly scheduled sleep. Personally, if I drink any sort of energy drink past 5 or 6pm I'm not falling asleep until somewhere in the range of 3-5 in the morning. I'm an extreme case because I apparently have sensitivity to uppers. Seriously though, if you're driving late at night and you just need a push to make it through, this is probably not the product for you. The only uses I can think for this would be if you wanted to stay up all night having adventures, or if you were looking for a push to help you through the work day. Okay, I'm an idiot and didn't reads the blub on the bottle until now, and this was in fact developed to help people get through a full work day. This whole thing makes sense now. People now have the ability to down one shot instead of drinking more than a handful of overly sugared energy drinks to push them through the work they hate.

This certainly has the same concentrated chemical taste that all energy shots seem to have. No one said the basis of energy tasted good. Eternal Energy did do a good job covering it up with a berry flavor and a whole mess of fake sugar, actually the fake sugar may have made it worse, but so long empty calories. As far as I can remember I've never enjoyed the taste of an energy shot, but at lease this one is somewhat palatable. Oh yeah, I also literally climbed a mountain after I drank this, and even though my body was aching an extreme amount I was still focused and the energy this shot gave me kept me moving, so I'll say it works just fine.
Energy Drink and Shot
Eternal EnergyWebsite@DrinkEternal
United States
Jason Draper on 10/1/14, 5:04 PM
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Hair King Pomegranate

Hair King Pomegranate
This just may be the oddest drink we've ever reviewed, at least the oddest “functional” beverage. This is a 3.38oz bottle of a beverage whose sole purpose is to promote hair health care. According to their website this beverage is supposed to help with the reduction of greying and thinning hair. They tell of the science behind this through the use of broken English on their page. I personally do not suffer from thinning hair nor am I going grey, so I can't attest to whether it works or not, but who am I to argue with science.

What I can report is on taste and I am happy to tell you that it is not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. Like with most shot beverages I expected it to taste like runoff from a nuclear plant, luckily it just tastes like some weird cranberry juice. It definitely has a cranberry base, but it's not overly tart and there is something else that that I can't pin down. It reminds me of something I had in my childhood, but I can't remember what, which is vaguely infuriating. It could just be the sucralose making it weird, but not completely diet tasting. I want to say it tastes like something I won at a pizza place/arcade like Major Magics or Chuck E Cheese, because those sorts of places keep popping in my mind. Perhaps Charles Cheese used to down these things. He always did have a nice coat of fur on him.

As a side note there is a weird notation on the bottle that says, “Hair King Drink does not prevent intoxication.” I would really like to know the circumstances that led them to including that little message.
Other/Weird, Shot and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Hair KingWebsite
Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 9/25/14, 1:19 PM
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truBrain Think Drink Morning

truBrain Think Drink Morning
Folks, I think it's finally happened. We were sent samples in the mail and it must have been a company we gave a bad review to in the past getting back to us, because I'm 99.9% sure that what I drank was poison. If I get to the end of this review without blood leaving from every orifice in my head it will be a miracle.

This little pouch that apparently contains my undoing was developed to be a cognitive enhancer, meaning that it's meant to be a study aid. Tons of students down energy drink after energy drink in order to stay up and study. Unfortunately all of the junks in the typical beverages give you the jitters and make it harder to concentrate. TruBrain was created to help with concentration and to get the best bang for your buck when it comes to brain use. I personally plan on doing some research in the stock market, because I want to pretend I'm a real human adult that is if this truly is a “think drink” and not just poison all gussied up for the party.

Seriously people this did not taste like anything you should consume. If I didn't know better I would have sworn there should have been a Mr Yuck sticker on this and I should have found it under the kitchen sink. I don't even know what flavor it's supposed to be. Perhaps they were going for the diet poison route because that's what I'm getting here.

It's been about 15 minutes since I drank this and I appear to still be alive with no negative effects, so I'm going to wager that truBrain is not just a shell corporation for Young Energy Source getting back at us for the having the audacity to think that their beverage is the worst thing we've ever tasted on this planet. I still think this is a horrible tasting “beverage” but I do feel a sense of clarity, so it works for its function, and since when do those drinks ever taste good?
Diet, Energy Drink, Shot and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 9/22/14, 4:33 PM
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Hair King Lemon Lime

Hair King Lemon Lime
Why am I drinking this? I have fine hair? How do I have such wonderful hair? Well for one, I hardly ever wash it. Call it gross but look at my hair. It's just fine. It's never thirsty and doesn't have any product in it ever. I am drinking this to review and if it gives me even better hair I shall pass the benefits off to you so that we all may have glorious locks day in and day out.

What do I think of how it tastes, though? Well let's see. With every sip I feel like I'm drinking something I shouldn't be. Sure, it's lemon lime but you can get lemon lime Pledge and that's not edible at all. This is right on the cusp of being called "syrupy" so to have it have a strange viscosity and taste a bit like a mix between a kids lemon lime Huggy and a floor cleaner, that's a dangerous place. A dangerous place much like lying in bed with me with the fear of getting your hands caught in my impending more glorious “do”.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Shot and Other/Weird
Hair KingWebsite
Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 9/3/14, 3:53 PM
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God Mode Energy

God Mode Energy
You've finally gone and done it; you beat life. It was the hardest game you've ever played, but you did it. You went to school. You had a family. You bought a house. You became a grandparent. You retired. You took up hobbies. All of your kids had relatively good lies, as did their children. Then you found yourself slipping off this mortal coil in relative peace, happy with the way everything went. Sure there were a few things you would have liked to have tried differently to see how they would turn out, but you know like everyone says “you only live once.”

Friend do I have news for you. All of those people were lying to you. You can live forever in unlimited timelines. You can make every decision however you like, and if you're unhappy with it, go back and try again…€¦that is if you were smart enough to down at least one shot of God Mode while you still walked the mortal realm. Science has come a long way my friends. It's had its setbacks, but then everything fell into place once those who bear the white coats realized that god is a jerk and this is all just a game. After that it was a simple mixing of some ingredients and voila, infinite health and infinite life. You're in charge.

To make matters even better, the shot tastes delicious. They decided to mask all of the important stuff in a blueberry green tea. Sure it has some stevia in it that gives it a bit of a cool diet taste, but overall it tastes like tea. It's the kind of thing you would happily drink a full glass of, and that is not common in shot beverages.

So there you have it. You can essentially become a god amongst men and do whatever you want: your life, your rules. I would be a little careful though. There are some batches that got mixed up with another mixture they were working on, so you either can do whatever you want, consequences be damned, or it will just help with cognitive function, focus, visual perception, stamina, problem solving ability, reaction time and just give you some energy that helps while playing video games.
Energy Drink and Shot
God ModeWebsite@godmodeenergy
United States
Organic Sugar Cane
Jason Draper on 7/18/14, 2:41 PM
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Function Please Sleep Bedtime Berry

Function Please Sleep Bedtime Berry
If I know anything it's that this is a leftover promotional relic from the HBO show Dream On. To be fair, I don't know anything about said show. Up until now I thought that Larry Sanders was on it, which is apparently not true. There it is though, right at the top of the bottle, “Dream On.” Actually, maybe someone in Aerosmith owns this company. They did have that one song that sounded like nothing else in their catalog that had the same nomenclature.

Whoever is responsible, rock star or film star, they have come up with a decent shot beverage that doesn't taste too terribly disgusting. I mean with all shots there is a level of concentrate that causes the flavor to be a little off, but this has a nice berry flavor to it that tastes a bit like candy, even though it's sweetened with stevia. Since you would generally just slug this thing back I doubt anyone would even realize the stevia was there. It's more berry than poison-shot in the taste department, and there's not much else one could ask for. Oh it also definitely knocked me right out 10-15 minutes after downing it. I guess that functionality is something I could have asked for, and received.
Diet, Relaxation and Shot
Function PleaseWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 5/22/14, 4:14 PM
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