Redline - 3 Reviews

Redline Xtreme Triple Berry

Redline Xtreme Triple Berry
I've been burned by Redline before. Well not burned, more like an adrenaline shot to my heart, because I simply do not know how to read directions. It's recommended that you only drink half of the bottle. Being that I'm sensitive to caffeine I probably shouldn't even have drunk that much. I drank an entire bottle last time and I feel like I didn't sleep for a week. I of course forgot all of that and I grabbed a bottle before driving overnight from Kansas City to Chicago, after only sleeping three hours the night before. I got behind the wheel of the van, and downed the entire bottle. As soon as I did, the concentrated “shot” flavor caused the memories of a sleepless night to come flooding back.

I'll tell you what though, I drove like a champ. I went through rain storms, intense fog and a whole lot of darkness and I got us to IL by 10am. I pretty much didn't sleep until like 3am then. These drinks are insane. Sure they taste like energy drink shots that are so very, very diet. Sure there was some berry taste in but I just couldn't concentrate on it through the diet. I'll take that flavor though if it means it will work the way this does. Function over mouth fashion my friends.
Diet, Energy Drink and Shot
United States
Jason Draper on 3/24/15, 10:00 PM
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Redline Peach Mango

Redline Peach Mango
I do not want this. No, really I do not want to drink this. I've somehow gained a crazy sensitivity to caffeine and the like. It's gotten so bad that if I drink an energy drink after 3PM I won't fall asleep until at least 4am. The other day I drank a regular old Coke at midnight and was up until 5am. I don't know what has happened, but I hate every second of it. I like sleep. It's where I'm a Viking. I don't want to limit my Viking time. It's now 10:30am and I'm about to go out for a day of hiking. Here I sit waiting to get picked up, and I decided I should drink an energy drink to help push me through the hike. Ugh all I have left is the dreaded Redline. It's dreaded because Neuland, who drinks energy drinks by the gallon, said it was the most intense energy drink he's ever had. Ugh. I bet If I drink this now I won't sleep until 48 hours from now.

Weird, this doesn't taste like an energy drink. It tastes like some low-grade juice you would get out of a crappy roadside vending machine, but not as thick. It's supposed to be peach mango, and I get that in the aftertaste, but while it's in your mouth it's just nondescript juice. I guess that's better than energy drink garbage. It's also clear and non-carbonated.


It's now 9:15PM and I just got home. I'm still very hyper from this drink. Not crazy hyper, but I definitely notice it. It was probably a terrible idea for me to drink this and then drive a lengthy distance, because I am a terrible driver to begin with, and this just made me crazier. To sum this up, it tasted better than most energy shots, and it certainly works on the energy front.
Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 2/26/12, 9:08 PM
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Redline Xtreme Triple Berry

Redline Xtreme Triple Berry
I was scared to drink this. I was recommended to try this out by my friend Mike Soto, because he said it was the most intense energy drink he has ever had. Challenge accepted! I finally came across it in a gas station in Bloomington, IN. I was feeling pretty tired before I started drinking this so we'll see how it goes.

Observation one: It's clear and non-carbonated. This is unusual among energy drinks. I've had plenty of non- carbonated ones, but I don't recall any clear drinks. It's nice because it means that they didn't add any unnecessary coloring.

Observation two: Terrifying reviews online. I came across this Amazon review that was titled 'You might die!'. This freaked me out a bit. I have definitely had my fair share of energy drinks over the years, but only once has my heart actually hurt from them. It was when I stayed up all night before an 8-hour shift at work and I ended up drinking five energy drinks in the course of 12 hours. It was not a pleasant experience and I have never done anything that stupid again.

Observation three: There is a gauge on the side of the bottle. Yes, to make sure you don't drink too much in one sitting (you're only recommended to drink half of the 8oz bottle at a time), they have a gauge to let you see where the drink level is at. On top of this, there are warnings ALL OVER the bottle. They all say "CAUTION, read label before drinking". I have drank about 1oz so far and I'm already really energized.

Observation four: It tastes good! Really good actually. It doesn't taste like an energy drink at all, especially not a diet one. It's like a slightly thicker berry vitamin water with more flavor. Trying to determine the flavor I ended up drinking another 2oz. Uh oh...

Observation five: This drink is intense!! In the name of science (reviewing drinks is a science, right?), I decided I needed to drink the entire serving of 4 oz to properly review this. Let's just say, this REALLY works. I feel more awake than I ever have been in my entire life. The term "hyper aware" comes to mind. The way I feel right now is what I imagine cats feel like when they see something flying in the air and their heads jerk back and forth really quickly. This is easily the most effective energy drink I have ever consumed. At the same time, I would be terrified to drink this whole bottle in one sitting.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Derek Neuland on 10/8/11, 2:05 AM
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