Main St. Cafe - 4 Reviews

Main St. Cafe French Vanilla Iced Latte

Main St. Cafe French Vanilla Iced Latte
At the apparently culturally diverse Main St. Cafe they know that there are different people from different walks of life that like different beverages. Sure there are the people out there that are die hard coffee fans, who only drink it black, but there are also the people out there who aren't really fans of coffee, but they also still want to participate. This beverage is for them. When they call it French Vanilla Iced Latte what they really mean is “This tastes like sweetened vanilla milk with a splash of coffee in it that you can only really notice in the aftertaste.” It's for times when you want to get together with some friends to catch up at the coffee shop, but don't want to be the jerk who doesn't get anything. This way people will think you're participating in coffee culture without dealing with the flavor that you're not a fan of in any great amount.

I personally enjoyed this a great deal, but for a primary category I would list this as milk and not coffee. I wonder what the actual percentages are in here.
Main St. CafeWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 11/26/15, 2:23 PM
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Main St. Cafe Iced Mocha Latte

Main St. Cafe Iced Mocha Latte
If there was a meme about this beverage that featured a certain dog it would say something along the lines of “Such coffee. Much chocolate.” Actually, that is not true. I just thought it up and kept saying those phrases in my head until I felt like I needed to write it here. In truth this tastes like a really nice chocolate milk that has a bit of coffee in it. It's definitely more chocolate than coffee and that is a win in my book, although it probably would be a bummer for the coffee purists out there. Oh well. Much drink. Such flavor.
Main St. CafeWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 11/20/15, 11:50 AM
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Main St. Cafe Protein Smoothie Strawberry

Main St. Cafe Protein Smoothie Strawberry
Alright, I've got my beret, I've got my laptop, I've got my scarf, I'm ready to hit the cafe! Let me just start up my Vespa and hit the road. I know that it's only three blocks away, but why would I be wearing this scarf in July if I couldn't ride my sweet hog? You feel me? Alright, here I am, at the cafe. I'm ready to buy a small coffee and sit and work for two hours, taking up as much space as possible and not letting paying patrons sit down, regardless if they have kids or not. I simply can't work at home. My stupid roommate will not stop listening to the first Mr. Bungle LP. It was funny the first time, but he's been listening to it for two months straight and I can't take it anymore. Look, I like Mike Patton as much as the next guy, but come on give me a break.

What? I can't sit here and play games on my computer? I bought a small coffee. I know it's been gone for two hours, but I am a paying customer. It's not my fault that there is a line of people that want to sit here and I've got my bag on one chair, my helmet on another chair, and my scarf on another chair. I need my space, sir. Fine, I'll get something else. I've have your titular strawberry smoothie.

Thank you. May I sit here now? Thank you, and because you are so nice, I will move my scarf and allow one person to sit. This smoothie is good. It's just like a strawberry yogurt but thinner and a bit chalkier, but not bad. It's not too sweet and there's no fun seeds or anything. It's almost more like a GoGurt than a yogurt. Sir, did you empty a GoGurt into this cup? You didn't? Alright, thank you. Oh wait, you did? I appreciate your honesty. To reward you, I will move my helmet and let another patron sit down.
Smoothie and Yogurt
Main St. CafeWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 9/12/11, 5:12 PM
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Main St. Cafe Protein Smoothie Mixed Berry

Main St. Cafe Protein Smoothie Mixed Berry
I'm proud to say that we are the first people outside of the production team to try the new recipe for Main St. Cafe smoothies. I have never tried the old formula, but I can only assume this is a step up, because it's pretty great.

For the first 29 years of my life I detested yogurt. I thought it was so completely foul. I tried it again and again, but the consistency and the weird nondescript yogurt aftertaste were things I just could not get down with. By repeatedly trying it, I somehow acclimated myself to the issues I had with it. Now I eat it all the time. As it turns out, mixed berry yogurt is my favorite. Look here, this is basically a drink version of that.

I was warned that if I drank this when it was too cold that it would be insanely thick. I took that advice, I'm drinking it chilled, and let me tell you, it's still pretty darn thick. I like it. It's about half the viscosity of a cup of yogurt. The fruit is completely pureed into the drink, so there are no chunks in this. This is not the type of smoothie you would get in the mall, but it's not something to be overlooked. If you don't abhor yogurt, give this a try.
Smoothie and Yogurt
Main St. CafeWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 3/25/11, 7:52 AM
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