7 Eleven - 8 Reviews

7 Eleven Green Tea With Ginger

7 Eleven Green Tea With Ginger
More maple syrup. It's the season, right? I thought this stuff was super expensive to extract and refine but at the price that it's being sold at your neighborhood 7-Eleven you wouldn't think so. Maybe it's made with maple water so they don't need to refine it as much.

Honestly, this isn't nearly as good as I wanted it to be. The maple syrup flavor, while good, overpowers the green tea and ginger and just kind of tastes like a vague, generic tea sweetened with maple syrup.

7-Eleven. You're cool with me. My son loves your subs. I love that your drinks are different than the rest. Bring this one back to the drawing board. She's not ready yet. Less maple and more ginger. Plenty-o-ginger.
Iced Tea
7 ElevenWebsite
United States
Organic Maple Syrup
Mike Literman on 11/5/18, 8:00 AM
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7 Eleven Black Tea

7 Eleven Black Tea

I love this. It's got a great maple syrup taste but doesn't taste like you're drinking tea to wash down some delicious pancakes. It's nice. It's not too sweet and the tea tastes pretty great, too. This is a repeat purchase. They also have a green tea that would be pretty interesting with maple syrup. I feel like I've had black tea with maple syrup but not green. I feel like that will come across the ol' Thirsty Dudes desk sooner than later.

Go grab one. I feel like 7-Eleven cycles through their own drinks rather quickly so if this sounds good to you, you might want to get on the unicycle you stupidly use for public transportation and head towards the nearest 7-Eleven. If your 7-Elevens are anything like ours, some of them might have closed recently so, like the nearest exits on an airplane, they might be behind you.
Iced Tea
7 ElevenWebsite
United States
Maple Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/10/18, 8:43 AM
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7 Eleven Go! Yum Chocolate Mocha

7 Eleven Go! Yum Chocolate Mocha
Well this was a pleasant surprise. I dropped my son off at school and his teacher said, "Are you ready for the planetarium?" which reminded me that I didn't make him a lunch like a pile of crap dad. That being said, of the top three things that I dislike doing in life, making school lunch, a task that takes no longer than five minutes is one of them. Putting dishes away, another job that takes five minutes is also there if you're counting.

What does any good dad do when he didn't make his son a lunch? Go to the closest store and buy a turkey and cheese sub and some fruit and a juice. What does he do if he's a Thirsty Dude? Look around for drinks he hasn't reviewed wasting precious time that he doesn't have. That's what. I found this and thought that it might be alright and I've really been sleeping on making cold brew this week. I thought wrong. It's actually great. It's got a great cocoa taste and a great coffee taste. It's not too sweet and everything has their chance to shine. There is milk in it but it's neither milky nor chalky. This is the cold brew I wish I could make at home. This is fantastic.
7 ElevenWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 2/1/18, 6:38 AM
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7 Eleven Go! Smart Honeybush Tea

7 Eleven Go! Smart Honeybush Tea
On a hot day, you should be drinking water. We in Western New York have been suffering drought-like conditions. It rains for a half hour and doesn't rain for two weeks. It's bad. Combined with 85+ degree days day after day, it's getting pretty tiring to go outside. On this hot day and on my way to band practice, I needed something. I drink water at my desk all day but I needed something and this hit the spot. I wish it was twice as large but you can't get everything you want.

It was very lightly sweetened and flavored. It was just a nice, cool lemon honey tea that was instantly refreshing. I wish I had one here. Two. One went down too quickly. It was low in calories, too. I think seventy for the bottle which was quite a bit healthier than the tallboy of Arizona that I wanted to feel nostalgic. I can feel nostalgic another time because now I've got a nice "go to" when I go to 7 Eleven which is rare regardless of their omnipresence.
Iced Tea
7 ElevenWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 8/4/16, 8:07 AM
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7 Eleven Mexican Hot Chocolate

7 Eleven Mexican Hot Chocolate
I am aware of the fact that this is a tremendously generic photo and there is nothing I can do about that short of take a picture of the dispenser I received the drink from. Taking that with a grain of salt, this drink is better than you would presume. It is slightly spicy like you would expect a Mexican Hot Chocolate. If you haven't had it, please find some. It is hot chocolate, which is delicious, mixed with some spices like cinnamon and some peppers so it's equal parts spicy and herby. Herby? Eh, I'll accept it.

Another little tidbit of information that you might like to know is that society and generosity is not dead. Why would drinking a Mexican hot cocoa mean that? It doesn't. What does is that I forgot my wallet and was about to dump this down the drain along with my limited amount of happiness but a woman at the counter saw me do "the pat" against my pants and knew what was up. She bought it for me and I was eternally grateful. Seriously, I do nice things for you people all the time and it rarely comes back. I don't ask for it, but I'm silently counting to myself and the chart points at me being a real super guy and you at being the equivalent of human garbage.
7 ElevenWebsite
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 8/4/14, 1:28 PM
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7 Eleven Classic Lemonade

7 Eleven Classic Lemonade
It's a good thing 7-11 isn't known for their lemonade, because this is a sad excuse for one of my favorite drinks. I don't know why I thought this would help my craving, high hopes perhaps? Nevertheless, I think I figured out 7-11's lemonade recipe:

10 parts water
1 part lemon juice
.005 sugar

The only thing I hate more than watered down lemonade, is flat soda. That doesn't make me dislike this lemonade less, but it makes me thankful that I'm not drinking flat soda.
7 ElevenWebsite
United States
Derek Neuland on 11/28/12, 12:55 PM
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7 Eleven 7 Select Orange Soda

7 Eleven 7 Select Orange Soda
Buffalo used to have a chain of convenient stores called Wilson Farms. They weren't all that incredible, but they were a staple of Western New York. A year ago, 7-11 swooped in and bought the franchise and has converted them all into their homogenized storefronts (as best they could given the various building sizes). A legacy is gone, but now Buffalo has a lot more 24-hour stores, which is great.

I will admit, I did not buy this bottle here in Buffalo. It was actually purchased in a 7-11 in Salt Lake City. But I recently (as in yesterday) moved back to Buffalo and have more to say about 7-11 here than a random one I went into in SLC. I remember I bought this because I hadn't had orange soda in a while and had a craving for it. While this wasn't the best orange soda ever, it definitely satisfied my craving. I would put this in the middle range, where most generic orange sodas lie. They're good, but not amazing.
Soda Pop
7 ElevenWebsite
United States
High Fructose Syrup
Derek Neuland on 11/15/12, 12:08 PM
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7 Eleven 7 Select Essence of Chicken

7 Eleven 7 Select Essence of Chicken

For your viewing pleasure and enjoyment. I have drank and video'd my review for 7 Eleven's very own "Essence of Chicken." Watch the video and let me drink this for you.
7 ElevenWebsite
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Mike Literman on 10/19/11, 11:19 AM
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