7Up - 4 Reviews

7Up Tropical

7Up Tropical
For four long days I was in Florida last month. I was on tour with Cheap Girls, and I flew down there to meet up with them. When I left Buffalo I was still wearing a jacket. Within two minutes of walking out the door at the airport in Tampa I was drenched in sweat. I don't understand how people live down there. I mean I know people probably say the same thing about the cold in Buffalo, but I feel it's easier to warm up then cool down. Even though most of my 96 hours in the Sunshine State were spent sweating I refer to that as the dry portion of the trip. You see in those couple of days I only found a single beverage that we had not reviewed yet, and that is this can of 7Up. I wasn't even that excited when I found it because I thought it was just a new flavor that I would be seeing everywhere. Nope. I should have known better from the Spanish on the can.

The funny thing is that even though it was all I could find down there I still didn't drink it until a couple weeks after returning home. I am not a fan of 7Up. Like all lemon lime sodas I find it very boring. It's a flavor that I wish didn't exist. Sparkling lemonades are great. Lime soda is wonderful. So why does the combination of the two leave me unfulfilled? Lucky for me this is nothing like the original. I would liken it to one of the whacky Mountain Dew flavors, but with 7Up as the base. It certainly tastes tropical. It tastes like it's mostly mango, but there are other flavors in there as well that leave it not tasting natural. Like I said it has that Mountain Dew feel to it, but that boring base is hiding beneath the fun and excitement. If this was marketed as a Dew flavor I probably wouldn't have batted an eye, but that lemon lime flavor is hiding in the murky soda of the can.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 7/1/14, 7:28 PM
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7Up Cherry

7Up Cherry
You've come a long way baby…€¦is what I would tell myself if I was a complete creep. It wasn't all that long ago that I would drink “mainstream” soda all the time. I didn't know that there was more out there. Now that it's years later and I have drunk more of a variety than 95% of the population it's hard going back to these types of sodas aka basically anything that also comes in a 2lt bottle.

I don't even remember when the last time I had Cherry 7Up was. I do remember that I used to enjoy it a decent amount. Now I would never refer to it as “Crisp. Clean. Refreshing,” as the bottle does. It's so thick and syrupy to me now. I loved drinking Shirley Temples when I would go bowling as a kid, so when I was able to get it on the regular in this form I was stoked. I remember thinking it tasted exactly the same. Oh how our palates grow to be more sophisticated. This tastes nothing like a Shirley Temple, which I will be enjoying tonight as I actually have a bowling date. As an adult the cherry flavor tastes cheap to me. It's too bad because I was actually looking forward to drinking this, hoping that it would be as good as I remember.

Since I do not have the same tastes as the general public, and because I remember how much I did enjoy this pop at one point in my life, I will give it three bottles. If this was something new, it would probably get two, but nostalgia runs high.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 2/21/13, 10:11 AM
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7Up The Uncola

7Up The Uncola
Alright children. It's the last day before summer vacation so we're going to play games all day. Let's start off by playing “Heads Up 7-Up.” You children in the front row are it for the first round. Everyone else put your heads down on your desk with your thumbs up. When the round is over if you're thumb has been pushed down you must try to guess who pushed it down. What's that Marcie? Why is it named after such a mediocre pop? Well it's because the game starts with seven people being it. Oh there are only five people in the front row, so that doesn't make sense. Okay well how about this, if they called it “Head's Up Vernor's Ginger Ale” people would get too excited thinking about that great soda and be distracted from the game. No one loves 7Up, but no one hates it either. It is the pop that is just there. It's not interesting in anyway. It's safe. Regular 7Up might as well be orange juice for all I care. I did once have some made with real sugar though. It was a little bit better. It tasted about the same as regular 7Up, but more old fashioned. It was still just lemon lime pop that I would normally pass over on any given day, but I was at a family picnic and it was all that was left in the cooler, so I drank it. I guess I enjoyed it. I certainly didn't not enjoy it. So yes, I liked it. Marcie now you've gone and got me distracted. Let's just go out into the fields and play Manhunt instead. I've been looking for a way to get fired anyways.
Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 3/16/12, 8:21 PM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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7Up Nimbooz

7Up Nimbooz
I always knew "classic" soda companies such as Coke and Pepsi sold their drinks in other parts of the world. Until recently I never even considered that they had separate product lines for different countries.
Nimbooz is a beverage that 7Up manufactures for India. It says on the packaging that it is carbonated, but this bottle is not. I don't know what could have caused that to happen. Perhaps the nutritional facts sticker that was put on it (so that it could be sold in the U.S.) is wrong. Maybe something happened in the importation process that caused it to go flat. I'd like to go along with the theory that an irate crewman on board the ocean liner (that this was undoubtedly brought over on) had a vendetta against the soft drink industry. It's my guess that he carefully removed the caps from all of the bottles and let them sit for the duration of the trip. Just before they reached U.S. soil, he snuck below deck and returned the caps to the bottles, thus ruining, what could have been a wonderful treat for U.S. customers.
If it were carbonated this would taste like a fizzy lemonade. Since it was not, it was pretty much just lemonade in a neat little bottle.
Lemonade and Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 1/17/11, 6:27 PM
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