Chia Star - 3 Reviews

Chia Star Love Beverage Pineapple Honey

Chia Star Love Beverage Pineapple Honey
90% Hydrated Chia. 90%. Do you realize how many chia seeds that is. Can you even comprehend how many green coats that could grow for porcelain sheep? Well, the answer is probably one. It takes a buttload of those seeds to grow a healthy coat, but still that is such a high percentage of a “solid” to be in a beverage. I say solid, but they are extremely fluid. It still feels like your drinking something with a thicker consistency than most drinks. You don't even realize the chia seeds are solid until you stop them with your tongue and press on them. You know, like a child playing with their food, which is what I always like to do.

This is mostly honey and secondarily pineapple. I would have preferred it the other way, but I have no real complaints. The honey taste isn't like eating straight honey, but it's more like when you use honey to sweeten tea; you know the flavor involved is honey, but it tastes different than that last spoonful you put directly into your mouth instead of your teacup.

It's fun. It's tasty. It's healthy. What else could you want, well except for a stronger pineapple flavor? Now I'm just being picky.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Chia StarWebsite@ChiaStarDrink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/25/13, 11:26 AM
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Chia Star Refresh Beverage Blackberry Lime

Chia Star Refresh Beverage Blackberry Lime
Honey, why is all my stuff on the front yard? What?!? I would never try and poison you. Where is this coming from? What do you mean we're breaking up? We were looking at houses yesterday. I don't get it. Please! Slow down and tell me what's going on here. I see that my favorite fish vase is broken so you must mean business because you know how much that means to me. No, I promise you, my love, I didn't not try to poison you. Spider eggs? Where? In the drink? No, those weren't spider eggs. They were chia seeds. I saw that drink at the market and though you would like it. It's supposed to be good for you and I know how much you like blackberries. Didn't you read the ingredients? You just assumed that it was spider eggs and I was trying to kill you? No, that's crazy talk, baby. Do you have the bottle? It's in the garbage? Hold on a second. I'll get it.

Alright, right here, read this. It's chia seeds. It's chocked full of good stuff that is good for you. I thought you would appreciate it. It's low in calories and actually tastes good. It's lightly sweetened with a pretty good blackberry flavor and you get a nice lime aftertaste. Yes, you can taste the Stevia in the aftertaste, too, but it's hardly a make or break. It's just kind of reminding you that it's in there helping a sister out. Honey. Please. We've been through so much together. I can't believe you thought I would try to serve you spider eggs. I can't believe you thought that I thought that I would get away with it. Maybe we should break up. The trust level just isn't where I feel comfortable. Thanks for getting all my stuff out of the house. This actually makes it easier. That backfired on your part, didn't it? Nice knowing you sweetheart. I'll take that bottle of Chia Star since you're clearly not going to drink it.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Chia StarWebsite@ChiaStarDrink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/21/13, 9:27 PM
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Chia Star Fusion Beverage Peach Green Tea

Chia Star Fusion Beverage Peach Green Tea
Let it be known that I am not a huge fan of NYC. It's dirty, a good majority of the people are rude, and I hate the idea of being a faceless identity in a sea of people. Two things the city does have going for it are a nice variety of veggie food and great drink selections sat all the corner stores. It's been awhile since I have been overwhelmed by what beverages store carry, but the bodega in which I found this chia tea did just that. I spent way too long making my selections, and this came out one of the victors.

If I had come across this s year ago my mind would have been blown, but since then a couple other companies have emerged that have used chia seeds in their beverages. I'm not talking down on this drink, because it is something I really enjoyed. It has a good semi sweetened peach green tea flavor. That alone would make it a drink that I would keep my eyes open before, but on top of that the chia seeds give it a nice unusual texture. They also make it more beneficial health wise as they boost omega 3 and 6, fiber and calcium.

On a side note you have to love that the seeds are the first item on the ingredients list. There are literally more seeds in here than beverage. Ridiculous.
Chunky, Iced Tea and Other/Weird
Chia StarWebsite@ChiaStarDrink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/2/12, 11:59 AM
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