Izze - 14 Reviews

Izze Fusions Orange Mango

Izze Fusions Orange Mango
Orange and mango are good buds. They're arguably both orange. That lumps them into that category. Really, that's it. They're also just a good pair. This tastes more like orange juice than a 50/50 split. I'd happily give it 75/25 if we're going to put numbers on it.

This was given to my mammy as a way to promote the product. Well, they didn't know who her son was. Most people don't. I am but a man. A sexy, attractive, talented, man of a man. A man who decided to spend the last seven years writing crud about drinks. This being one of them. What do I have to say about it? It's good. Simple as that. Personally I like the other Izze drinks because they're lighter and simpler. This is...not thicker...but denser. It's a sparkling juice. They call it like a sparkling soda, water and juice simultaneously and it is all of them and it is one of them. Is it confusing? No. You know why? Who is going to fight over what this is. Whatever it is, it's sparkling and fruity and drinkable. Don't put baby in the corner. Just drink it.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Mike Literman on 5/15/17, 6:49 PM
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Izze Sparkling Water Beverage Raspberry Watermelon

Izze Sparkling Water Beverage Raspberry Watermelon
Do you identify with the majority of Americans who ingest far too much sugar, but find it hard to give up soda pop? Do you just crave the bubbles, but seltzer doesn't taste right to you? At the same time do you think that artificial sweeteners are just the worst? I was once where you are friend. I wanted out of the sugar game, but I had my vices. For me the change came in the form of Polar vanilla seltzer. It bridged a gap for me and led me down a path where I drink an abundance of seltzer, to a point where I had to look it up if it was bad for me. I understand that this might not be the gateway beverage for everyone, but I have good news. Izze is here to hold your hand while you eliminate a lot of sugar from your diet, at least of the soda variety. Their Sparkling Water line is essentially seltzer water with 2g of sugar added. I know what you're thinking; 2g is not a lot when a can of Coke has 39g. The thing is that it's just enough to give a faint hint of sweetness and overpower the weirdness of seltzer and help you acclimate yourself to it.

This actually tastes sweet to me. I don't know if it's because I don't drink much sugar these days, or if it would taste like that to anyone. Would Coke taste sweet enough with only 1/3 of the sugar they use? I would really like to taste Coke with different levels of sugar and see where it really needs to fall. I feel like the current amount it a bit extreme. Whatever the case may be with that, I think there is enough sugar in here for anyone to enjoy. Then once their body gets used to the lower sugar content they can ween off of it. I know that's probably not the Izze plan, as they need to maintain sales, but it's probably for the betterment of our countries health. Hell, people could just stay with these instead of normal sodas and I bet the effects would be astounding.

Did I mention at some point in my tirade that it also tastes great? I don't really get much watermelon, but it has a nice berry flavor. It's light, due to the lack of sugar, but it's just where I want it to be. Nothing is disguising it and that is how I like things. Low sugar, great taste. It's like a 90's beer ad.
Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/6/16, 8:39 AM
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Izze Sparkling Water Beverage Mandarin Lime

Izze Sparkling Water Beverage Mandarin Lime
Things got rough for the members of Guns and Roses after the mid 90's. I mean just take a look at Axl Rose. Most of the members wallowed in their former fame and fell into the gutter, but guitarist Izzy Stradlin worked with his money and invested in beverages. He hung up his Gibson for bubbles and slowly started an empire. Wait…€¦Oh…€¦his name and the company name are spelled differently. He has nothing to do with the beverage company, huh? I'm just having another one of my fever dreams brought on from boredom. Sorry about that. Imagine is a guitarist with that fame, from that era had the restraint to use such simple packaging on his beverages. That would be the real miracle. If what I said had been true I'm sure this bottle would have been covered in Ed Hardy style design. Let's count our blessings that the two are not related and sit back and enjoy this sparkling water.

The Izze sparkling waters are essentially seltzer with the smallest amount of cane sugar added to take away a little of the bitterness. There are only 2g of sugar and that leads to 10 calories. Not bad at all. The lime is definitely a bit stronger than the mandarin orange, but it's still in there and this is quite pleasant. I imagine it would make a great mixer for some sort of alcohol, but what do I know. I'm just going to enjoy it the way it is. It gives me tropical feelings. I need those in this snow.
Sparkling and Water
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/19/16, 3:58 PM
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Izze Sparkling Water Beverage Blackberry Pear

Izze Sparkling Water Beverage Blackberry Pear
Izze has expanded their grasp and now they have a line of “sparkling water beverages,” which is kind of just code for seltzer water. At least it would be if they didn't add just a touch of sugar (2g per bottle). It's a good marketing strategy. A lot of people are turned off when they hear the word seltzer, and when people see a drink is only 10 calories and it doesn't have stevia, erythritol, sucralose or any of those other guys in there I feel like they would be more likely to grab one.

It tastes like seltzer with the dryness rolled back just a little. I get a berry flavor, but no pear. There is a weird grain-esque aftertaste that I do not understand at all. Do pears taste like barley in some world that I am not a part of? It gives it a strange twist, but it's one of those flavors that you quickly become acclimated to and no longer notice.
Sparkling and Water
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/12/16, 7:39 PM
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Izze Sparkling Lime

Izze Sparkling Lime
Alright Michael, you've been working here at Izze for a couple of weeks now. I still think you're kind of a dunce, but lucky for you this job doesn't require much brains. Today you'll be making the sparkling lime soda while I make the more delicate birch beer. Remember we don't add sweeteners to our beverages, so don't bother asking me where the sugar is like you have every other day this week. Wait…€¦STOP! What are you doing? Where did you even get those little squirt bottles of limejuice? Did you have those hidden all over your person? You are just strange. Yes this is a lime soda that you're making, but that doesn't mean it's straight up carbonated limejuice. You just used three of those little plastic lime's worth of juice to make one bottle of soda. Do you seriously think anyone could drink that entire bottle? Oh you do, do ya? Well go for it. That's right, now take that sourpuss face of yours and get back to your station. We mix together mostly apple and grape juice with a bit of lime to make this soda palatable. You still get a mostly lime flavor, but the sweetness from the other fruits fights the tartness of the limes in the bet possible way. It ends up being like an apple-lime juice. You don't really notice the grape. Oh you think people will like your way better? Well we have orders for about 500 cases of my recipe and you couldn't even drink two sips of yours, so somehow I think your wrong. Just go to the washout station and clean up everything that is in your field of vision. I don't want to see you again until the end of the day. I swear a trained pig would do a better job at this than you.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/19/12, 10:50 PM
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Izze Sparkling Pomegranate

Izze Sparkling Pomegranate
It's summer. According to Yo, Gabba Gabba, summer is when it's hot outside and the grass is long. The first part I couldn't agree with more but the latter? I hardly mow my lawn in the summer. Not because I'm lazy, which I tend to be, but it's because the sun is beating down on my poor lawn, turning it to veritable hay. Pomegranates are like summer gold, though. That's a bad analogy. Pomegranates are like winter hot dogs. Wait...that doesn't work either. Sometimes you want sometime but can't get until it's available and then you don't want it...I suppose I can just say that. It's not as much fun, but it's what's going to happen.

So here we have it, a bottled pomegranate. It's fizzy, unlike the original pomegranate, but it's got that bite you like which is cut by juice provided by apples, grapes, pineapples, and cranberries. All those fruits, regardless of quantity don't really detract from the flavor of the pomegranate, which is great.

No messy hands from extracting dozens of arils. No added sugar. No muss. No full. Pomegranates in the summer that aren't small or gross. Out-of-season fruit is nothing if it isn't terribly disappointing. This is your exception to the rule.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/23/12, 4:04 PM
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Izze Sparkling Apple

Izze Sparkling Apple
Okay, this is an all-natural drink, with no sugar added, yet it still kind of tastes like that fake candy green apple flavor. I don't get it, there is nothing in here that should give it that taste. It's a mixture of apple, white grape and acerola juices. Could it be that there is a variety of green apple that actually tastes this way that I'm just not aware of? I'm from an area where there are apple orchards all over and I've never tasted such a thing. The green apples that I've had are actually my favorite type of apple.


The more I drink of this, the less candy-like it actually tastes and the more I feel like I'm eating one of my tasty green apples. Now I'm done with the can and I could certainly enjoy another instantly. It's juice and sparkling water combined in a wonderful way without the need for sugar. Thanks Izze.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/24/12, 5:20 PM
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Izze Sparkling Blueberry

Izze Sparkling Blueberry
If there was one thing that Izze was great at when she was young it was remedial art. Actually it was just the mixing of primary colors that she excelled at. She absolutely loved the concept that mixing two separate colors could result in a completely different color. If she mixed blue in with red, she got purple, blue and yellow got her green, and red and yellow brought her orange. It was simple, it was science and it was wonderful. She would spend her days mixing different proportions to see what shades she would achieve. She never tried mixing more than two colors though. That would just cause unimaginable chaos.

When Izze got older she found herself a part of the soda game. She was sick of the everyday sodas that that no redeeming values other than taste. She watched the world around her grow fat from ingesting far too much of it. She decided to take a stand and offer the world a soda that was mostly fruit juice. She added no sweeteners and let the fruit do its job. Things were going well, but then the bills for the fruit started to add up. She wanted to make some out of the ordinary flavors, but purchasing the fruit to make those juices was expensive. That is when the light bulb of genius lit above Izze's head. She would use her old knowledge of color mixture to simulate the flavors that were too expensive. She would start with the blueberry. After doing a little math in her head, she deduced that the blueberry flavor was simply nothing more than grape and apple juice mixed together. She whipped up a batch and threw in a little bit of actual blueberry juice in the mix, so that she wouldn't feel like so much of a liar to her customers. When she took a sip she instantly realized two things: Apple, grape and blueberry juice mixed together is pretty delicious and also that she was a complete moron for thinking that color theory had anything to do with the flavors of fruit juice. Apple and grape juice mixed together, while tasty, tastes nothing like blueberries. It tasted more like a light grape juice than anything. There was a hint of some sort of berry flavor hidden in it, but you really had to look for it. What Izze should have done at that moment was change the name of the flavor, because it was tasty and she was on to something, but it just wasn't blueberry. Unfortunately she had already ordered all of the bottles for the soda, and there was no way she was going to waste money on new ones. Screw her customers.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/20/12, 10:56 PM
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Izze Sparkling Ginger

Izze Sparkling Ginger
When she was younger Izze was obsessed with fruit. She would go out to her grandparent's farm and just devour any sweet piece of produce she could find; apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, plums and even an odd cherry or two. She would often exclaim that when she grew up she was going to be a horticulturist so that she could grow the world's juiciest, sweetest fruits and keep them all for herself. Did I mention she was also a spoiled little brat? Her grandparent's farm was their only source of income. As much as they loved their granddaughter they always feared when she came to visit because their profits would drop drastically. Man that little girl sure could put away a lot of fruit. Their love won out in the end, and as a solution they went into debt, bought some more land, and expanded their farm. They used the extra fruit to make sparkling fruit juice, which they named after their beloved granddaughter. The juice actually caught on and became a hit. They owed their fortune to that little girl with the bottomless pit of a stomach.

As Izze grew older, she became more interested in things other than fruit. Her horticulture dreams were out the window. Now she wanted to be a magazine writer. No one knows why. She still loved her grandparents though and visited them often. When they realized her interest in fruit had waned they also noticed that she was beginning to drink a lot of garbage pop. Her grandmamma wanted to make sure that he health didn't suffer due to this so she used their gear and created a batch of her own soda for Izze to drink. The first batch was her take on ginger ale. Izze had been downing a lot of Vernors lately, so it seemed like a good place to start. She somehow managed to create a pale dry ginger ale that still tasted like ginger beer, but with no trace of a burn at all. It tasted clean and crisp, and best of all was that it was all natural. It tasted better than the mass-produced store bought stuff that Izze had been bringing around so she loved it. It didn't catch on with other people as much as their sparkling juices had, but it still won the hearts of quite a few soda drinkers. This all happened because of a little girl. That sounds creepy.
Soda Pop and Ginger
United States
Jason Draper on 2/11/12, 11:52 AM
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Izze Sparkling Clementine

Izze Sparkling Clementine
Real fruit juice? Check.
No sugar added? Check.
Fortified with vitamins? Check.

There's really not much to say about this drink other than it's great. It doesn't promise much, but it delivers everything it says it does. If Izze is one thing it is that they are truth tellers. Liars need not apply at their company. I appreciate that and I appreciate this drink. It tastes like clementines mixed in with a handful of white grapes. It's also crazy how sweet this is without any added sugar. Further proof that most companies are dumb, or don't use real fruit juice.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/26/11, 3:16 PM
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Izze Sparkling Birch

Izze Sparkling Birch
This is really weird. First off, it makes my tongue numb for some reason. I feel like someone smeared Orajel on the mouth of the bottle. I really don't understand that at all.
It tastes like a very light birch beer. Like the ratio of carbonated water to flavor is really high. It tastes almost herbal tea like.
Really though, someone explain to me the numbing.
Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Jason Draper on 10/27/10, 4:20 PM
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Izze Sparkling Pomegranate

Izze Sparkling Pomegranate
This is the best Izze flavor that I've ever had. The seltzer water flavor is all but nonexistent. It's also the first beverage I've ever had (excluding Pom) that actually tastes like pomegranate. Bitter yet sweet at the same time. It's nice to actually get the real flavor without having to pay a butt load, or spend hours disassembling the fruit.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/26/10, 8:00 PM
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Izze Sparkling Grapefruit

Izze Sparkling Grapefruit
I was out of regular juice this morning, so I grabbed an Izze to go along with my breakfast. That probably wasn't the wisest decision, but I feel that grapefruit juice should complement a breakfast, sparkling or not. This is one of the less flavorful Izze's I've had. Let me rephrase that, the flavor is there a second, and gone the next. It doesn't leave the aftertaste that you expect with grapefruit. That may be a plus for some people, but I wish the taste would last a little longer.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/18/10, 7:24 AM
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Izze Sparkling Blackberry

Izze Sparkling Blackberry
Why are beverages in tiny cans so appealing? I always expect them to be bursting with intense flavor. Izze does not disappoint. This has a strong blackberry flavor that is lightly carbonated. It does have the faintest hint of seltzer water, but not enough to ruin it for me. This is definitely a drink that I will be revisiting in the near future.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/12/10, 4:53 PM
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