Mate Fusion - 5 Reviews

Mate Fusion Peach Tea

Mate Fusion Peach Tea
If logic means anything anymore than the Mate Fusion company has a stockpile of syringes. It's the only logical way I can think of them getting this beverage to taste the way it does. I'm not talking about using said syringes for drug use; well actually I don't know anything about the employees of the company. Maybe some of them do enjoy spiking a vein every now and then before brewing some tea. How am I to know? I think the employees, sober, high or drunk brew up huge vats of yerba mate tea. Once it's ready they fill the syringes with the tea and then inject it directly into nearly overripe peaches. They shoot so much tea into the fruit that it almost bursts. Then they let the peaches sit for a twelve-hour period before dumping them in a giant juicer that filters out the pits, skins and chunks. All that is left is what you find in this bottle. It's bitter yerba mate tea mixed with some nicely ripened peaches. Just picture biting into one of those tea infused peaches before it goes into the juicer. So much sticky juice/tea would pour down your face and it would be delicious. I just hope they properly dispose of those needles. We don't want an epidemic on our hands.
Iced Tea
Mate FusionWebsite@MateFusion
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/20/12, 5:24 PM
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Mate Fusion Pomegranate Tea

Mate Fusion Pomegranate Tea
The lottery is pretty intense today. Odds are that you have a 1 in 175,711,536 chance of winning. That is, for the first time ever, not a made up arbitrary number. Imagine winning. It is undoubtedly true that you would at least contemplate buying your own plane, but that's not a smart investment. You don't leave the city limits so what business do you have owning a plane you will never use? Me? I'd move to a nicer house in the same city that I live in, but seriously, not extravagant. I would also probably not buy many new clothes. I would probably buy that stainless Rolex Datejust that I want but can't afford the bi/tri-annual maintenance fees. I would probably do everything the same with a nicer car and maybe pants that don't have holes in them.

I would continue to do this site because I enjoy doing it. I would drink gross stuff with chunks and I would also drink great drinks like this Mate Fusion. I do get a bit of pomegranate but the yerba mate is strong, brother. Strong. Bitter and strong. It was nicely sweetened but still a genuine tea at heart. It's a nice guy. It's the guy that would win the lottery that you know and are friends with that might just give you like thirty grand for "fun money." What a generous dude. What a generous tea. Thanks for giving back, tea. You're a good dude.
Iced Tea
Mate FusionWebsite@MateFusion
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/30/12, 11:53 AM
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Mate Fusion Black Currant Tea

Mate Fusion Black Currant Tea
I wish there were a secret meeting in a shady part of town where all of the tea magistrates met up to vote on what is and is not acceptable in the bottled tea world. Everything from the grade of the tea to the quirky names companies would want to use would be set before a committee and a vote would be held with majority rule (well either that or I wish the band Majority Rule would play a show). On top of wishing for this committee I would also expect we three Thirsty Dudes to be on the committee. I want to be a magistrate dammit! If I were the first motion I would pass would be for more companies to use yerba mate as the base of their drinks. You really don't see enough companies using it, and I feel like it is virtually unknown amongst the masses. Actually I think it's only been in the past 6-7 years that green tea made its way into mainstream bottled beverages. Let's face it the world is overflowing with black tea based drinks and it's up to us as members of this completely fabricated committee to spice things up. Mate tastes like an earthier version of green tea with a slight eucalyptus flavor to it. It's unique and amazing.

Also, if I were on said committee I would also propose that the Mate Fusion companies teas be more widely available and have a strong hold in the market. This is not a company that I should find at a discount store (like I recently did). Their drinks are organic and all natural, the way certain tea's should be. They do an excellent job of showing off the greatness of mate. With this flavor the distinct mate flavor is very strong. It's rounded out with black currants, which taste like tart grapes. I would saw it falls somewhere between a grape and a cranberry. The flavor of both the fruit and the tea is strong, but neither takes away from the other. This is a wonderful tea that the world should know about. So tea makers of the world, let's get this committee started. If you already have one, disband it and start a new one, because you're doing a terrible job.
Iced Tea
Mate FusionWebsite@MateFusion
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/1/12, 4:13 PM
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Mate Fusion Raspberry Tea

Mate Fusion Raspberry Tea
Today, a man, or perhaps a man trapped in a boy's body, called "Peter Pan" wrote me essentially asking why we, these Thirsty Dudes, wrote stories that go nowhere instead of writing reviews about how the drink tastes. For you, friend, I will write one of the most boring reviews that will explain to you why we do things the way we do them:

Mate Fusion All Natural Raspberry Tea is a very good tea. It has nice, prominent notes of raspberry mixed with the inherent bitterness of yerba mate. This drink is all natural and you can taste the difference between this and a tea made with manufactured sugars and preservatives. The bitterness of the yerba mate mixed with the sweetness of the tea mixed with the fruitiness of the raspberry creates a pleasurable cornucopia of flavors. Mate Fusion All Natural Raspberry Tea is a high quality beverage that I would recommend to anyone who likes sweetened tea. I feel that it is a safe, entry-level yerba mate for those who might be on the fence about previous experiences with it.

That was splendid. I hope you enjoyed my legitimate review and not a story about how cats don't like yerba mate because the bitterness makes their hair stand up on end so people don't like to pet them because they look mean but are really having a reaction to the taste. That would be dumb and stupid.
Iced Tea
Mate FusionWebsite@MateFusion
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/29/12, 4:06 PM
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Mate Fusion Blueberry Acai Tea

Mate Fusion Blueberry Acai Tea
I'm glad that there are a handful of companies popping up who are using mate in their iced teas. It has a very unique flavor, and it is a source of more caffeine then other teas. This is the first time I've tried Mate Fusion, and they have made themselves a great little beverage. The blueberry slightly overpowers the mate in the flavor department. It's very refreshing, and I can see myself enjoying it again on a hot summer day.
Iced Tea
Mate FusionWebsite@MateFusion
United States
Jason Draper on 9/14/10, 3:06 PM
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