North American Beverage - 3 Reviews

North American Beverage Chocolate Moose Milk Chocolate

North American Beverage Chocolate Moose Milk Chocolate
Look out! The moose is loose!! I don't know what to do. Climb on the kitchen table like a 50's housewife. That can't hurt. Can moose climb chairs? They can?! Oh man. Here they come? Close your eyes!!! I love you honey. This is it. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are...are they gone? Are we alive? What just happened? Is that a basket on the counter? What's in there? Canned chocolate milk? With a moose on it? Did that moose come in here and leave a basket of chocolate milk with a friggin' moose on it? What nice animals. Moving forward, I dare you to not think of all moose are angels. Let's have a crack at this stuff to celebrate living through that moose attack, shall we?

Hmm. You know, we've agreed that those moose are alright guys but this drink is alright in the most mediocre of terms. It's strangely thick and, yeah sure, it's chocolaty but it's like weird, powdery chocolate milk. It tastes like it might be watered down, too. Not only that, but it unfortunately doesn't have any mousse-like qualities. I wouldn't expect it to other than the fact that the drink is called "Chocolate Moose" like it would be a play on words.

Honey, moose are our friends. Those great felt antlers. Great, nay, majestic animals. Their choice of drink needs work.
North American BeverageWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 4/23/14, 2:27 PM
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North American Beverage Chocolate Moose Cookies & Cream

North American Beverage Chocolate Moose Cookies & Cream
Thirsty Dude comrade Dan has been pulling on my pant leg ever since I told him I bought this drink. I've had it in my fridge for weeks. Months even. It's just been sitting there. Every time I open the door to get another drink, there's that moose, staring me in the face, asking me "Hey Mike. When is it time for you and me to spend some one-on-one time. You love Hall and Oates, right? I know, who doesn't? You know that song mano-a-mano? You and me, dude. Mano-a-mano. Let's do this thing, already." Literally every time I opened the fridge, he would say that to me. Since no one likes a broken record, or a skipping needle, or even a skipping CD, today had to be the day. I shook it up thoroughly. Got out to glasses. Split that drink right in half; half of it for me, half of it for Dan and none for corgis. You know what happened after that? I took one sip and didn't like it, plain as that. I don't know why they called it Cookies & Cream since it didn't taste anything like cookies and cream. It didn't taste anything like cookies or cream, but it did taste like cruddy chocolate milk. I would not recommend this and I would not buy this again. I do not regret my purchase, but I have considered it a learning experience as to what not to do again.

North American Beverage Co? Number one, change your name. You sound like a government subsidy or a company that only makes drinks for elementary school cafeterias. Number two? Drop this item from your line.
North American BeverageWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 2/3/11, 8:18 PM
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North American Beverage Chocolate Moose Chocolate Mousse

North American Beverage Chocolate Moose Chocolate Mousse
Who doesn't love chocolate milk? Not me. Love the stuff. It's downright awful for you, but seriously you're drinking chocolate. What do you expect?

This stuff tastes like pudding skins, which is ultra awesome. I love me some chocolate mousse, and I might be lucky if I get it more than once a year. This drink will not supplement my desire for said treat, but you know what? This isn't just chocolate milk. It's not the delicious, processed, smooth Nesquik or whatever you're used to drinking. This is different. It's probably the Dutch cocoa they use to make it.

I would say if you're not vegan, and you see this, get it and leave a comment, please. I'm interested in what others think of this stuff. I got it at my local Big Lots, which, if it is not nationwide, is a discount everything store, kind of in the same vein as Aldi's if you have that, although I don't think they carry this.
North American BeverageWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 9/16/10, 1:10 PM
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