Turkey Hill - 10 Reviews

Turkey Hill Diet Iced Tea

Turkey Hill Diet Iced Tea
There is a place called Turkey Hill. This is a magical place where iced tea flows like water. I'm not making that up, it literally does. On the hill are spouts hidden in the woods with different flavors of iced tea. They are natural springs of iced tea, the only place in the world where this exists.

The only known side affect from Turkey Hill's iced tea springs is cavities. In fact, 93% of the population has dentures due to this. This figure was from 1962, and luckily that number has dropped to 91%. Why the 2% drop over 52 years? In 1972 some kids were wandering behind the train tracks that border the hill. Not many people have gone back there over the years due to the train yard workers being jerks. Anyways, these kids were in the woods and stumbled upon an iced tea spout that wasn't on the official city map. They tasted and it wasn't as sweet as the iced tea they grew up with.

The reason was this had aspartame in it instead of sugar. It didn't taste as good to them, but they had heard about how aspartame doesn't cause as many cavities so they told the whole town about it. Of course, as you can see by the statistics, only 2% of the population decided to start drinking the "diet iced tea" as they called it. Studies have shown that people who can't consume sugar like it, but otherwise it leaves a lot to be desired.
Diet and Iced Tea
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
Derek Neuland on 10/21/13, 3:09 PM
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Turkey Hill Light Blueberry Tea

Turkey Hill Light Blueberry Tea
Do you think there is anyone out there that collects iced tea? I mean is there a crazy person out there who purchases one of every type of iced tea they can find, but then never drink them? Perhaps they have an auxiliary house whose only purpose is to display a gigantic collection of unopened teas. Subquestion: would you be able to see the tea rotting if it came in a clear bottle?

If you know of a collector please tell him/her that Turkey Hill has a limited edition flavor out and they better hurry on over to PA to pick some up. Okay, if they are a real collector like you say they are then I'm sure they have their ear to the ground and they already know this exists. I'm just trying to he helpful, you don't need to get up in arms about it.

For you non-collectors out there who would actually drink this tea, it may be called “light,” but it's actually sweetened with a combination of real sugar and aspartame. The diet flavor is at a minimum, which leave drinking this tea and enjoyable experience. It's made with black tea, and the blueberry flavor is fairly bold. Oh it's also cheap as hell for such a large bottle. I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of middle grade iced teas.
Diet and Iced Tea
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
Jason Draper on 10/4/13, 10:20 AM
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Turkey Hill Green Tea Mango

Turkey Hill Green Tea Mango
Further adventures in the world of Pennsylvanian iced tea lead us to the wild world of Turkey Hill. Grab your gizzards and let's go. First though, let's discuss what came first the gas station or the tea? According to Wikipedia the tea came before the stores, but it was also preceded by ice cream and milk that was originally sold from the back of a car, creep style in the 30's. Now that that is covered, let's talk some mango green tea.

This has a good generic green tea taste to it. It does have a nice smooth mango flavor as well. Overall it is not of the same quality as high-end teas, but you know what? Sometimes you just want the taste of a cheaper tea. Speaking of cheap, at the Turkey Hill store I purchased this from they were four for $5. That's a whole mess of tea for very little money. It's a deal that can't be beat. They sweeten it with both corn syrup and real sugar, which is a decision I don't understand. Are they really saving that much money by splitting it up?

As far as tea of the Keystone state go Turkey Hill is on the top of the heap. They make a great mid level tea, that you don't get sick of, even when sipping on a half gallon all day.
Iced Tea
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/1/13, 8:41 PM
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Turkey Hill Sun Brew Iced Tea Half and Half

Turkey Hill Sun Brew Iced Tea Half and Half
Summer time drinks are as follows: water, iced coffee (or cold brew), lemonade, and iced tea. Any other drink is not recommended to drink during this time. Naturally, if you can combine any of these they will make a super drink. I've never tried iced lemonade coffee, but I'm sure it's amazing.

Today we will be talking about half and half, a beverage near and dear to our hearts. Half and half (also known as an Arnold Palmer) is half lemonade, half iced tea. This particular jug is Turkey Hill's new "sun brew" line. Can I taste the difference in the brewing? Not really but I appreciate there is real sugar in this instead of HFCS. Personal taste I would prefer a stronger lemonade, but this is good for your average half and half fan.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
Derek Neuland on 7/13/13, 2:30 PM
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Turkey Hill Orange Tea

Turkey Hill Orange Tea
Every once and then Turkey Hill iced teas used to pop up in Buffalo and I always found them to be a treat. Then Tops Markets started always carrying a few of the flavors and I found that once they were readily available, I hardly ever purchased them. I guess that is always the case with me. It's more about the game than the prize itself. Whoa, things just got a bit deep there...anyways since this stuff is based out of PA there are a bunch of Turkey Hill gas stations where their entire line is available. In the past I would have stocked up on all of them, but I only bought this single, smaller, bottle. The game has officially ended.

This is a heavily sweetened black tea (48g of sugar in 16oz) with some real orange juice mixed in. It tastes like a fairly even ratio. While I appreciate the use of real juice, and it does effect the flavor in a positive way, it seems like if they're going to make that effort, they should have used real sugar instead of corn syrup. The sweetener they chose gives the tea a cheap taste that is just unfortunate.

You may find yourself wondering what my new game is, and I can safely say that it is soft pretzels from Philly/Wawa. The amount of them I eat while there is enough to choke a baboon.
Iced Tea
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 12/2/12, 12:01 PM
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Turkey Hill Lemonade

Turkey Hill Lemonade
I have way too many drinks in my cupboard. All three of us do. I could easily drink 2 different things a day for a month and not run out. It's kind of a problem. Luckily my new house has a big cabinet outside of my bedroom that none of my housemates mind if I fill it with drinks.

Where I'm getting with this is that I told myself I wasn't going to buy and new drinks until I put a significant dent in my back-stock. I went to Wegmans with my friend Jess Pizza (yes, her real last name is Pizza) tonight because I was bored and needed to get toilet paper. As we were about to pay for our goods, I saw this bottle of lemonade by the register. My thirst got the better of me and I bought it. In turn, Jess picked up a bottle of Turkey Hill's Orange Tea. I almost changed my mind because I do love their orange tea, but stuck with the lemonade.

Did i make the right choice? Yes and no. This definitely did the job of quenching my thirst. Unfortunately, it tasted a little watered down. It also didn't have much of a sour bite to it. I'd drink it again, but next time I'll be grabbing the bottle of orange tea.
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 6/23/11, 12:56 AM
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Turkey Hill Pomegranate Lemonade

Turkey Hill Pomegranate Lemonade
I always knew Turkey Hill made a damn good iced tea. When I was first getting into iced tea many years ago, Turkey Hill was my go-to brand of choice. I always knew they made lemonade as well, but could never tear myself away from the iced tea. I also was afraid they would make bad lemonade so I just decided to pretend it wasn't there. It's like the father whose kid is a troublemaker and he'd rather just look the other way and pretend it's not happening rather than deal with the heartbreak.

Thankfully, this pomegranate lemonade is not going to be sent to 'juvi'. It's not an amazing flavor, but it's definitely better than most. If we want to keep with the child analogy, this would be a B+ student. It does a great job and is above most of it's class, but it's still has a little bit of work to do if it wants to get into Yale.
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 6/20/11, 2:41 AM
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Turkey Hill Light Raspberry Lemonade

Turkey Hill Light Raspberry Lemonade
I fell victim to marketing yet again. I went to the store today and noticed a big selection of Turkey Hill teas and lemonades in the cooler. Turkey Hill makes some of my favorite drinks and has never disappointed me. I was going to just get a traditional raspberry iced tea, until I saw this jug of raspberry lemonade with the ominous “limited edition” beacon. As much as I wanted that raspberry iced tea, not wanting to potentially miss out on this flavor drove me to buy this instead.

I had reservations with this before opening since it is a light/diet drink and sweetened with fake sugar. Luckily, it's pretty damn good! It doesn't have a diet/chemical taste at all, which is good news. In fact, in a blind taste test I doubt I could identify this as a diet drink, which means they're doing something right. It has a really nice sour taste to it, which is key (in my eyes) for good lemonade. Hopefully others concur with my thoughts and Turkey Hill rethinks this as being only a limited edition drink.
Diet and Lemonade
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
Derek Neuland on 6/9/11, 1:13 AM
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Turkey Hill Raspberry Tea

Turkey Hill Raspberry Tea
When you have an association with a drink, it's hard to get rid of it. Turkey Hill Raspberry iced tea reminds me of summer time in Buffalo, NY. I have drunk countless jugs of the sugary tea over the past 5 years. Naturally, this has given me a good perception of it.

Now I haven't lived in Buffalo for almost 2 years now. I also haven't had this flavor of Turkey Hill iced tea in over 2 years. I think my tolerance for very sugary iced tea is gone. This is just a sugar overload with a slight raspberry taste. As far as non-fancy iced teas go, this is decent. But in the grand scheme of the world of iced tea, this isn't that great and no bit of nostalgia will fix that.
Iced Tea
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 1/22/11, 7:34 PM
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Turkey Hill Black Tea Cherry Pomegranate

Turkey Hill Black Tea Cherry Pomegranate
When I lived in Buffalo, Turkey Hill was by far my favorite iced tea. It was cheap, came in lots of great flavors, and was always sweet and delicious. When I moved to Portland a couple years ago, I stopped seeing it in stores. The company is based out of Pennsylvania so this probably had something to do with it.

Last night I was at a Fred Meyer (a store I rarely go to) in Vancouver, WA and came across several jugs in different flavors. My face lit up like a kid in a candy store. While instinct wanted to purchase the raspberry tea, as I knew it was delicious, I felt the need to try the Black Tea Cherry Pomegranate. I'm so glad I did because this tea is delicious! The cherry compliments the pomegranate so well, without either overpowering the other. The flavors mix really well with the tea to make a great iced tea. My only complaint is that they use HFCS, which leaves a slight syrupy aftertaste.
Iced Tea
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 1/6/11, 12:04 PM
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