Spain - 3 Reviews

Kristian Regale Lingonberry-Apple

Kristian Regale Lingonberry-Apple
Sometimes when you're a non-drinker, you still want to pretend like your fancy. You dress up, get yourself a fancy bottle of sparkling juice, get out the nice glass wear and play at being adults who are better than your current station in life. Then there are other times when you get that same bottle, dress like you always do and just take swig after swig directly from the bottle at a party. Can you guess which category I fell under? I'm not one for delusion, I'm happy with my place in life, and I most certainly love fancy drinks. This is most certainly fancy.

If Ikea is any indication, lingonberries run rampant in Sweden and they are used to flavor everything. I really wish this were true, but when I visited that country I don't think I saw anything of that flavor. It's a shame because it's a fantastic tasting fruit. Oh, you say you've never tasted lingonberry before? Well let me let you in on a secret; you know the classic red Swedish Fish candy that you love? Yep, that's lingonberry flavored. That's actually the perfect way to describe this. It tastes like someone somehow juiced a huge bag of Swedish Fish and mixed it with apple juice. The whole thing comes off not tasting like candy at all, but coming off as very natural, because you know it is an actual fruit, and not really made from chewy confections.

This is very likely the greatest sparkling juice I have ever tasted. Sure, I'd like to think I could do without the added beet sugar, but who knows maybe that would have offset the flavor balance. I do not want to upset the balance. They have it perfect.
Juice and Sparkling
Kristian RegaleWebsite@Kristian_Regale
Beet Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/8/17, 7:25 AM
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Frisa Sparkling Botanical Beverage Black Current Rosehip

Frisa Sparkling Botanical Beverage Black Current Rosehip
Do you have anything to celebrate? Honestly, who cares? Celebrate this drink by drinking this drink because it's great. Open it up, blow some noisemakers, throw some confetti around, pull one of those things that pop and fill the air with strands of colorful paper and the smell of farts. It's time to celebrate this drink.

It doesn't taste like armpits or feet which, often, to me, black current tastes like. Rosehip I've had before but couldn't pick it out in a lineup. Basically, this tastes like a good, almost grape sparkling, non-alcoholic champagne. It's really good. I shared it with a handful of people and the only complaint is that it was really sweet and they couldn't do more than one glass of it. That's fine.
Juice and Sparkling
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/9/16, 9:58 AM
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Frisa Sparkling Botanical Beverage Elderflower

Frisa Sparkling Botanical Beverage Elderflower
Okay, let's see…€¦Shoes? Check. Bowtie? Check. Spats? Check. Cumberbund? Check. Coat w/ tails? Check. Oh and I almost forgot the top hat to round it out. There, now that I am dressed in the fanciest clothes I could possibly wear I am prepared to drink this bottle of Frisa. Since I won't ever be drinking champagne in my lifetime I think it is safe to say that this is the fanciest beverage I will ever consume, and I might as well dress accordingly. It's imported, it's simple and it's wonderful.

I was surprised when I unwrapped the bottle that there was a twist off cap and not a cork. I mean there really was no need for a cork, but for the way I'm dressed it would have been nice. I can't really hold that against the company. They have everything else perfect, and I'm sure that would just be a hassle and ruin the drink somehow anyway. I want nothing to ruin this drink. I want a lifetime supply of it. If I could make the taps in my home flow with sparkling elderflower beverage I would die a happy man, and probably sooner than I would otherwise.

I really can't get over how much I enjoy this. It may be the best beverage we have ever reviewed. If not, it is certainly in the top 3. It's sweet and floral in all the right ways. Nothing about this is like sucking on a perfume bottle. It's a totally different beast in the best possible way. I really don't know when the last time was that my taste buds were this happy. This is simply perfect. I expected the price tag to be much higher than it is as well. $10/bottle is not bad at all, especially for the magic you are receiving. I am going to insist that any fancy event I attend from here on out serves me this. If they turn me down I will just refuse to go. That is how much this means to me.

Now my bottle is empty. I feel like a glutton for consuming so much, and I feel ridiculous sitting at my computer in full formal wear, but yes, it was worth it.
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/24/16, 2:23 PM
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