AquaStix FruityDophilus Black Cherry

AquaStix FruityDophilus Black Cherry
Number one: I have read the title of this product well over a dozen times and I still, in my head, read something about dolphins.

Number two and so on: I saw this at a discount store and due to the price ($1.50) a few emotions came across my mind. This being a company I had never heard of, I assumed that it would be a company I would never hear from again because that's what graces the shelves of stores like that. Bad ideas, poor judgment, and excessive inventory. Thing is, black cherry isn't something I hate, nor are probiotic drinks and Reb-A stuff. Cash in hand, and a ton of baby food later, I purchase my items and headed home.

Side topic: Remember ten years ago? 2001. Great year minus that one thing that happened in early Fall. Think about this, though. No one back then knew or cared about things like probiotics, prebiotics, free radicals, and antioxidants except maybe scientists. Everything was made from either cane sugar or corn syrup and there was no scare or wondering what was going to happen if you OD'd on one or the other except for inevitable tooth decay. We didn't know about ADD or ADHD and things like autism were in their infancy of knowledge. Only hippies and gardeners are organic and we all had a lot more money in the stock market than we do now. What a frightening world we live in now though, in retrospect. We didn't have to worry about anything it seemed. We didn't care where our food was coming from or worry about how it wasn't wise to buy a $450,000 house on a secretary's budget. Everything was A-OK. Look at all the stuff we have to worry about now. Drinking probiotic drinks filled to the gills with new, antioxidant-rich fruits to help avoid getting sick. Taking all our money out of the stock market and investing in cold, gold ingots. Frightening. I don't think I've changed much except I've become deader inside and more cynical than ever before.

Back to drink mix. It's really good. It's a powder that you stir in a tall glass of water. It stirs up nicely, tastes nice, and got me to easily put down two, sixteen ounce glasses of water today. It's good for you, contains no calories, and you can carry it with you. Thumbs up. I really do hope that you come through with your website's promise of new flavors. I'll try them when I see them.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Diet and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Mike Literman on 10/30/11, 11:14 PM
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