Ayala Herbal Water Ginger Lemon Peel

Ayala Herbal Water Ginger Lemon Peel
I've been gone for a long time and what happened when I was gone? Nothing. I mean, a week isn't that long of a time but it's long enough in my head for something like a political re-election, groundbreaking ceremony for a new pizza and taco place, or an entire new line of drinks to come out. Jay and I went to the grocery store yesterday and discovered that wasn't true. Neither of the other two were true either, so we are nil for three. Even though no new lines were out, Jay did a fantastic job of collecting older stuff that we hadn't done. That is your answer to the next couple weeks of drinks that have been on shelves for years. They need to get done and we'll take care of them.

While at the store, I came across this little number, offered it to Jay, forgot Jay doesn't like lemon, and claimed it for myself. I went home after a scorching day of bike riding and zoo-ing and treated myself to the soothing tastes of lemon and ginger. Do you want to know what I got? Just that: lemons and ginger. There was no bite to the ginger, but I think that with herbal water like this, you don't want it. It's just the flavor of ginger but you do get a bit of lemon, more than you might get with lemon water, too. If you like both, you've got a great drink with no calories and just flavor. I'm a big fan of the entire Ayala stuff and this doesn't fall short. It's less dramatic than the clove and cinnamon one, but this one is for a different audience.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/6/12, 10:01 AM
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