Found Infused Sparkling Water Cucumber & Mint

Found Infused Sparkling Water Cucumber & Mint
While I'm 99.9% it's not sure I really wish this company was associated with Found Magazine. If you are not familiar they collect notes, drawings, list, etc that people randomly find and post them online/in their magazine. It's weird and sometimes boring, but often strangely interesting to catch a glimpse of someone's world.

In the ideal world in my head these sparkling waters were created from recipes that were found on a sidewalk somewhere. You know the owner was just walking along one day, stopped to tie his/her shoe and say a paper laying in the street. The penmanship was interesting looking so they picked it up and it was a handful of recipes for flavored sparkling water. After a quick stop at the market, the ingredients were combined to form wonderfully refreshing sparkling beverages that were so good that a new company was launched.

If that happened to me and these beverages were the result, I certainly would have started the company just so that I could get people to try how great they are. I'm always forcing people to try my drinks, and with something like this I would like to do it on a larger scale. Lucky for me the company already exists, so I can make people buy it, or I could if they were available around Buffalo.

While they call this a sparkling water, I would say that it is a fairly dry soda. As soon as you add sugar to something it ceases to be called water to me. There isn't much sugar in here though, so it is a tad dry, but it's the kind of soda that works better dry. It really tastes like you muddled some cucumber and mint and shoved it into your bottle of sparkling water (with a tad bit of sugar). I fully stand behind any beverage that actually tastes like the things it is named after. There are far too many companies out there that take liberties with flavors. I want what it says on the bottle, and that is exactly what happened here. My mouth couldn't be happier. It's so light and refreshing. It's also a sipping beverage, and not something you find yourself chugging. That is for the best of everyone. Found, never get lost again.
Soda Pop and Sparkling
Jason Draper on 3/3/14, 6:44 PM
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