High Brew Cold Brew Coffee Black & Bold

High Brew Cold Brew Coffee Black & Bold
Coffee is certainly easy to make at home. Iced coffee isn't even that much of a pain it just requires some anticipation as to when you will want to drink it. All of that is out the window though when you wake up and it's suddenly 90+ degrees when you were wearing a hoodie the night before. At times like these you want nothing running in your home that is giving off any sort of heat. All you want is the refrigerator, air conditioning and fans. When it's this hot you also can't count on your brain functioning properly for preparation. These are the moments when the world should count their lucky stars that cans of iced coffee exist and can be purchased on the cheap. When this is the case it's High Brew to the rescue.

I personally think that this is the best product in their line. It is just cold brewed coffee with the tiniest amount of cane sugar (1g). The sugar is barely there in the flavor it just takes away a slight amount of the bitter edge of the coffee. I appreciate the lack of “creamer” in here, dairy or no. It's no secret that I am not coffee's biggest supporter, but the times when I do drink it I prefer it black (& bold). I don't have a refined enough palate to distinguish between blends of coffee, but they use Arabica beans to create this and I find it pleasant enough. It's true that there is nothing really special about this beverage, but there's not supposed to be. It's the base version that all that fancy garbage is built from and a lot of people like to keep it simple and I'm there with them a lot of the time.
High BrewWebsite@HighBrewCoffee
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/8/15, 1:20 PM
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