Honest Tea Classic Green Tea

Honest Tea Classic Green Tea
Look, even though I live in Buffalo and Niagara Falls is twenty minutes, that doesn't mean that I don't go. Today, I went in Maid of the Mist which takes you inside the center of the horseshoe falls and gets mist all up ons. I also went to the Niagara Falls aquarium, which I can also accurately dub "the worst aquarium I've ever been to" unfortunately. Niagara Falls smells like Indian food because on almost any given street in the touristy part is five Indian restaurants per block. It's a bit excessive, but if you go up a couple blocks you'll find yourself in "Little Italy" and there are twice as many Italian restaurants. I don't know how it's possible to have some many Italian restaurants selling the same thing all in the same mile strip and not go out of business. I mean, how many people can you honestly spread to twenty-seven different of the same restaurant? Seems dumb.

So it was a nice day, real nice. Eighty with no clouds. All sun, not too muggy. Nice, you know? After I got out of my tourist day, I came home and worked in my yard like a good neighbor should. I worked up quite a thirst and now I'm sitting here listening to The Urge's 1995 "Receiving the Gift of Flavor" and drinking this well deserved tea and I've got to say two things:

1. I like it. It's a great, bitter tea with a little sure. So little sugar that if you ordered a non-sweetened tea in a restaurant and they brought you this, you wouldn't care. Responsibly sweet.

2. I could make this. It's green tea, which you can get anywhere and yeah, I bet there is a patented process that they do to make it they way that they do but I've made tea like this before using hot water and probably pretty low quality tea bags and one pack of "Sugar in the Raw".

This is not meant to diss Honest because they make some gems and if you like or love or have any sort of good relationship with green tea, you will love this because it's like your Asian mom or best friend's Asian mom made you. White moms don't make their kids green tea. I had one. I know.

Steve Ewing, this drink is for you. I wish you had released another record after "Too Much Stereo."
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/1/11, 8:34 PM
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