Honest Tea Organic Pomegranate with Acai White Tea

Honest Tea Organic Pomegranate with Acai White Tea
Oh white tea you are so...what's the right word...dry(?) tasting. Whenever I have white tea it always feels like the moisture is getting sucked out of my tongue. I mean I don't feel like Ned Nederlander, but neither am I feeling like Dusty Bottoms in the desert canteen scene from Three Amigos. Seriously how great is that scene? Okay, entire movie? I would really like to shake John Landis' hand for casting those three fellas together. It's comedic gold!

Okay, so here I am slightly drying out my tongue as I drink this tea, trying not to get carried away on a childhood favorite of mine. Like the label says this is "Just a tad sweet." It's also just a tad flavored. You can taste the pomegranate, but it's the white tea that is the prominent flavor. I'm okay with that. I enjoy a tea that is more tea than fruit juice.

The trifecta combination of the white tea, pomegranate, and acai gives this beverage a crazy antioxidant property. Drink it for health, drink it for refreshment, drink it for taste, or drink it because you're in the desert and your canteen turns out to be full of sand. Just make sure you give it a try.

"Lip balm?"
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/11/11, 7:48 PM
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