Liquid Ice Energy Drink Orange

Liquid Ice Energy Drink Orange
How is it that nearly every energy drink company that uses taurine in their recipes ends up tasting like a (sometimes delicious) chemical mess, yet Liquid Ice seems to do not much different and their products always just taste like liquid Wonka candy? With their new “orange can” flavor they have harnessed the flavor or orange Sweet Tarts. I'm not even sure if there actually are orange Sweet Tarts, but if they were to exist this is exactly how they would taste. What sorcery is involved in creating such a beverage? A friend of mine, who absolutely detests energy drinks, took a sip of this and thoroughly enjoyed it. Liquid Ice is making moves and breaking down barriers. I don't know how they do it, but I'm glad they do.
Energy Drink
Liquid IceWebsite@Liquidiceenergy
United States
Jason Draper on 8/30/15, 8:31 PM
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