Maine Root Lemonade Ginger-Lemongrass

Maine Root Lemonade Ginger-Lemongrass
I remembered something very important yesterday: I am not a beach person. My somewhat recent vacation to Hawaii had me confused. There I enjoyed the beach, but that was because there were cliffs to jump off of, ropes to swing from, and clear water full of weird sea creatures to see when snorkeling. The beach in Buffalo has none of these things. It has a terrain that is more rocks than sand, and what little sand there is is blowing around in the wind. I went with some friends, and then tried to suck it up as to not bum anyone out. I don't know how good of a job I did, but I can say I tried. To overcome my boredom/trying to escape the suns ever burning rays I hid under an umbrella and drank some lemonade.

Lemonade is the official drink of the summer for me. I can't remember a past summer when I didn't drink obscene amounts of the stuff. When I saw this at Wegmans I was pretty pumped. Maine Root has treated me well in the past with their sodas and now they are throwing ginger lemonade my way. I help off a bit before drinking it because I was expecting the ginger to be super harsh. When I finally drank it I discovered I was mistaken and it's actually pretty tame. This tastes like pretty straightforward lemonade with a bit of ginger mixed in. There's really not burn at all, but there is a ginger flavor hidden under the lemon. It's not crazy impressive, but it's perfect for people who like the taste of ginger, but don't have the tolerance for the burn.

I may not be a beach person, but this drink did help to improve my time spent there.
Ginger and Lemonade
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Organic Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 8/8/11, 10:08 PM
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