McDonalds McCafe Peppermint Mocha

McDonalds McCafe Peppermint Mocha
Hey dad. Thanks for making me this peppermint hot cocoa. I really needed it after shoveling the driveway this morning. It's good. Are you using that syrup that you put in your coffee? Oh, you use it for mom's coffee? Why is that? Really? She burns it? You know, I have noticed lately that she has gotten really lazy and leaves it on the warmer for too long. It smells like a roastery in here sometimes. I don't know why they smell so bad. The smell of coffee is pretty good but the smell of making coffee is terrible. It smells like somewhere a coffee shop is on fire. Oh, shh. Dad. She's coming. Hey mom. Yeah, I did shovel the driveway. I got up about six this morning. I knew you guys had to go to work and I was already up for some reason. I am tired. No...Mom...I am not drinking coffee...this Oh, man. You got coffee in my hot cocoa and, yep, it's burnt. Ugh. No, mom. I'm not insulting you. I'm just saying that this coffee is burnt and now this drink tastes like mint hot cocoa with burnt coffee in it. No mom. I'm not saying that I can make a better cup myself. I'm just saying. Mom, don't get upset. I just said that this pot of coffee was burnt. I'm not disrespecting you. Oh, come on...jeez. Dad. She just stormed out. I think she just did a burnout in the driveway. Well, hopefully she won't burn the coffee any more, right dad? Grounded? What a jip.
United States
Mike Literman on 12/3/13, 3:30 PM
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