New Leaf Black Tea

New Leaf Black Tea
I like iced tea. A lot. I don't really buy it without being green tea or oolong or jasmine or at least something with additional flavor. When I got to a restaurant I usually like to take a load off by getting an unsweetened tea because the alternative is horrid, super sweet, super syrupy tea.

I've been a fan of New Leaf since my first bottle a year or two ago. It was just clearly a good quality tea. It's actually nice to unwind with a nice unsweetened tea every once in a while. This tea is nice. Since it's unsweetened, you could drink it at any temperature. I drank it cold and it was very refreshing. It only tasted like black tea and that's all one could ask for.
Iced Tea
New LeafWebsite@DrinkNewLeaf
United States
Mike Literman on 10/9/10, 9:19 PM
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