Orgain Sweet Vanilla Bean

Orgain Sweet Vanilla Bean
French vanilla. Is it any different than real vanilla? I mean really. Did they just call it that because vanilla started get a bad connotation with boring, plain, ordinary, et cetera? It's really not a big deal. Vanilla is vanilla. If you eat vanilla or French vanilla ice cream alone, it's really sad. Go buy some jimmies or sprinkles.

This drink tastes like vanilla (of any denomination) ice cream but a little thinner. It's still a thick drink, as most dietary supplements are. It's not terribly sweet and has a very adult flavor. There is just the right amount of sugar that allows me to discern between this and, say, a cream soda. It's like a good glass of just right sweetened tea.

This, being a meal replacement, is best sipped. I haven't eaten all day and it's five o'clock and I've been milking this guy for about an hour. Had I chugged or slammed this drink (your pick) I probably would have been hungry right after. Then I would have made a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich and when both of them hit me, I would have felt like Violet in "Candy For Me, Candy For Me: The Willy Wonka" story.

Wait, that's not what it's called?
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 1/22/11, 2:08 PM
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