Rocket Fizz Root Beer Float

Rocket Fizz Root Beer Float
In order to cut my chocolate intake a bit, I decided on a root beer float. I undoubtedly made the right decision. This pop was spectacular. I don't know where the "float" came from, but the root beer was pretty great. If I had to stretch it, I might saw that the root beer was smoother than normal. If they called it "root beer" I would have been satisfied. "Float" doesn't take away from the drink, it just builds up some expectations. The root beer was that good that I don't care if they called it "crap soup". Go ahead. I dare you. Put out a root beer called "crap soup" and dare me not to drink it.
Root Beer
Rocket FizzWebsite@RocketFizz
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/24/11, 9:44 PM
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